Ilana Raviv

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Ilana Raviv
Ilana Raviv


[edit] Overview

Ilana Raviv was born in 1945 in Tel Aviv, Israel and studied art at the Art Students League in New York. Her work encompasses different media, including paintings, drawings , etchings , tapestries , and ceramics , and can be found in museums, as well as in private and corporate collections around the world. Raviv’s work has been described as “synthetic realism”, (a term initially coined by the American Master Painter Knox Martin), which makes use of extreme metaphors, and has earned enthusiastically favorable reviews worldwide. Much of Raviv's work focuses on femininity and relations between the sexes. In her own words, the artist describes her work as “a different version of reality, a metaphor which creates and shapes an artificial life on canvas, a variety of flat designs and contrasts of shapes which create different levels of reality". Raviv’s work can be found in various museums and galleries worldwide, in permanent collections including The State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg Russia, the permanent collection of the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC, as well as at the International Convention Center in Jerusalem , where her painting “The Sukkah of Peace – A Tribute to Zachariah” (Acrylic on canvas 8 X 2.12 m) is on permanent display at the main entrance lobby. Raviv divides her time between Israel and the United States.

[edit] Art critics on Raviv’s work

Knox Martin, American Painter and Art Students League Professor of Art, formerly at Yale University Art Department: “The art of Ilana Raviv has the kind of perceptive rightness as its base as do a certain period of Jackson Pollock , Hals and Miro. When one says a certain period, one indicates a non-analytical flow that congeals the right moment out of fragile flight, which peaks…art which is revelation, not the illustration of a revelation.” Lubov Shakirova, curator of Modern Art at the State Russian Museum: “We are presenting an artist… whose works are comparable to the expressive and dramatic works of the ‘Avant-Garde Amazons' – the apocalyptic figures of Natalia Goncharova, and the cards cycle of Olga Rosnova.” Dr. Miriam Or, historian and art researcher: “… the construction of her art is such that the composition begets a new invention, a new pathway on the road to endless creative achievements of humankind.” Dr. Alec Mishory, historian and art critic: “… Europa, Leda, Flora, Helen, Pandora, Scheherazade, Alice, and Godiva have never been depicted in this manner, in such a storm of colors and expressionist shapes… They proudly display their attitudes towards their spouses or show us how they conduct their personal introspection. ” Branka Berberijan, Spanish art critic: “… exciting and poetic, more of a revelation than a cold intellectual analysis. Ilana Raviv's lively artistic temperament demands large surfaces which are a real song of praise of an intuitive art that can forestall any criticism that is ‘enthusiastically and politically biased’ (Charles Baudelaire), preparing it and justifying its existence.” Dr. Yevgenia Petrova, Deputy Director of Science, The State Russian Museum: "…Ilana Raviv is the first Israeli-born artist to exhibit a modern one-person show at the State Russian Museum." Dr. Yevgenia Petrova, Deputy Director of Science, The State Russian Museum : "The St. Petersburg public admired the exhibition".

[edit] Exhibition 2007

From October 31st, 2007 until January 20th, 2008, the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg will host a solo exhibition of Ilana's work. Slated to include forty seven paintings in eight galleries, the exhibition will display works from different periods of Raviv’s oeuvre. A first of its kind for any native-born Israeli artist at such a prestigious Russian institution, the exhibition is poised to further strengthen cultural ties between Israel and Russia, and represents an important milestone for international recognition of Israeli artists in general, and Israeli femaleartists in particular. The museum’s invitation follows many years of work and exhibitions by the artist in museums and galleries in the United States, Europe, and Israel. The exhibition is sponsored by the Israeli Embassy in Russia. Opening ceremony will be hosted by the Israeli Ambassador to Russia, the Honorable Ms. Anna Azari.

[edit] External links