IJIS Institute

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In the first half of 1999, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) through its Bureau of Justice Administration (BJA) engaged members of the vendor community that focused on justice information technology (IT) and invited their participation in national-level discussions around integrated justice and how it is designed, specified, and procured. The Justice Department also sought industry input on issues such as IT technical and functional standards employed by justice agencies. To answer this call, industry leaders formed an advisory group comprised of representatives from firm with strong criminal justice expertise, who could serve to make industry’s viewpoint known in a variety of areas. This group was known as the Industry Working Group (IWG).

In July of 1999, the first meeting of the IWG was held with approximately 20 participants representing companies that design and implement information systems within the Justice community in attendance. Since that time, the number of companies participating in the IWG grew to over 130.

Since its inception, the IWG engaged in a number of activities including: prepared a white paper on procurement practices; developed an outline and presentation for the design of an integrated justice information system; offered a series of courses on project management; and participated in standards development effort at the national level through its participation on subcommittees of the Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative.

[edit] IJIS Institute Birth

In April 2001, the IWG formed the IJIS Institute as a not-for-profit corporation. The reasoning for forming an independent organization was to undertake the many activities in the justice area that an ad-hoc group such as the IWG could not participate in because of its lack of a legal structure. It had become apparent that there was a number of activities that members would like to engage in that required a more formal organization. An eleven-member Board of Directors elected by the membership provides oversight for the IJIS Institute’s activities.

In January 2005, the IWG was abolished as a separate entity and organization, and its committees were fully transferred to the IJIS Institute with the intention of having a single voice of industry in the development of new standards and practices in the law enforcement and justice information technology world. There are two classes of membership in the IJIS Institute. Member companies pay dues, which are graduated and based on a firm’s annual revenue. Member company representatives are eligible to run for the Board of Directors and are given reasonable preference in assignments to national committees and in the delivery of technical assistance. Affiliate companies pay no dues, and are eligible to serve on project and advisory committees and to participate in technical assistance projects subject to the reasonable preference given to Member companies, but are not eligible to serve on the Board of Directors or on Board committees. Both member and affiliate companies receive the benefits of the dissemination of important information on national trends and standards through the IJIS Institute Knowledge Management System.

The IJIS Institute is an inclusive organization, welcoming to its membership all companies who provide information technology related services and products to law enforcement and justice agencies.

From the initial 14 charter members, the Institute have grown to include (as of October 2007) a total of 95 Member companies and 120 Affiliate companies. The IJIS Institute continues to provide jurisdictions with assistance on issues surrounding integrated justice and its implementation, leveraging the knowledge base of its member firms. See IJIS at http://www.ijis.org.

[edit] External links