User:İhsan Avcı

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This user lives in  Turkey - Manisa, where Ottoman  crown princes (Osmanlı Şehzadeleri) lives in for last 7 Centuries

This user lives in
Turkey - Manisa,
Ottoman crown princes (Osmanlı Şehzadeleri)
lives in for last 7 Centuries
tr Bu kullanıcının anadili Türkçedir.
ota-1 Bu zat-ı muhteremin Osmanlıca'ya vâkıf olma yolunda istidâdı vardır.
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Peace at home, peace in the world. - Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.
This user is a teacher.
e^{i \pi} \,\; This user is a mathematician.

Supports;Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus