Ignacio Garcia

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Ignacio M. Garcia is the Lemuel H. Redd Jr. professor of Western American History at Brigham Young University (BYU). He has written four books related to Mexican-American politics and history.

Garcia is a native of Texas. He received his bachelors degree from Texas A&I University in 1976. He received masters and Ph.D.s from the University of Arizona. While he was a student at the University of Arizona Garcia was serving as bishop of the Spanish-speaking LDS ward in Tucson.

While working on his masters and Ph.D. Garcia taught classes at both the University of Arizona and Pima County Community College. From 1993-1995 Garcia was a professor at Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi. Since 1995 he has been a professor at BYU. While at BYU Garcia has served on the executive board of the Rey L. Pratt Center for Latin American Studies and the Admissions Committee.

Prior to entering academia Garcia worked as a news correspondent and editor. He was the regional editor for Nuwestro magazine from 1979-1983. Prior to this he had been a correspondent for several newspapers.

Garcia has written several books including Viva Kennedy: Mexican Americans in Search of Camelot[1] and Chicanismo. His United We Win: The Rise and Fall of La Raza Unida Party has been widely reviewed.[2] This was the first comprehensive history of the party written.[3]

Garcia is also willing to make strong statements on immigration, favoring reform that allows for people to freely flow from Mexico to the USA while wanting to end brain-drain from Mexico.[4]

[edit] Sources

  • Garcia's curricula vite
  • Embry, Jessie L. In His Own Language (Provo: The Charles Redd Center for Western Studies, 1997)
  1. ^ see review here [1]
  2. ^ http://www.jstor.org.proxy.lib.wayne.edu/stable/view/2633846?seq=2&Search=yes&term=%22ignacio+garcia%22&list=hide&searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuery%3D%2522Ignacio%2BGarcia%2522%26gw%3Djtx%26prq%3DIgnacio%2BGarcia%26Search%3DSearch%26hp%3D25&item=3&ttl=64&returnArticleService=showArticle
  3. ^ Maciel, David R., in The American Historical Review, Vol. 97, No. 4 (Oct., 1992), pp. 1308
  4. ^ http://www.hispaniconline.com/magazine/2005/november/Letters/index.html