Ignace Nau

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Ignace Nau (1808 - 1845) was a Haitian poet and storyteller. Born in Port-au-Prince, Nau studied in a renowned military school in Haiti before attending the Catholic University of New York. After returning to Haiti, Nau founded a literary society named "The School of 1836" with his brother, Emile Nau, and the Ardouin brothers, Beaubrun, Céligny, and Coriolan. Ignace Nau published the literary magazine Le Républicain, which was censored by the Haitian government and was later renamed L'Union.

[edit] Selected works

  • Le Livre de Marie (poem)
  • Pensées du Soir (poem)
  • Le Lambi (story)
  • Episode de la Révolution (story)
  • Isalina (story)

[edit] References

  • Schutt-Ainé, Patricia; Staff of Librairie Au Service de la Culture (1994). Haiti: A Basic Reference Book. Miami, Florida: Librairie Au Service de la Culture, p. 93. ISBN 0-9638599-0-0. 

Fritz-Gerald Delice is an award-winning Haitian poet author of the well acclaimed Inspirational poetry book "Just Let It Flow" and also the author of "It's My Turn Now". Fritz-Gerald was born and raised in Port-au-Prince, Haiti on March 28, 1967. He's earned an Associate degree in Accounting, a Baccalaureate and Magna Cum Laude Master's in Business Administration. He's written a host of articles for various magazines, including the Gwinnett Life; featured #1 in at least three different anthologies. He's earned The Editors' Choice awards three years in a row and he's recognized by the International Library of Poets as a Poet Scholar. Fgdelice1 (talk) 16:38, 24 May 2008 (UTC)Fritz-Gerald Delice