User:IDude 101

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just Chillin'
Just Chillin'

Hello My Name is Ian G. in live in Florida. I enjoy using wikipedia.I am originally from Saint Lucia .Big Star Wars fan. I just edit what i can from time to time .Remember people there is a world outside wikipedia . "I am not saying any thing bad about wikipedia" but you have to do stop the same thing all the time .Relax!. Anyway, wikipedia is great. Let's make it to one million articles wikipedians. Let's Get to work, but don't get too stress out as in the level below and goe all crazy as in the level showed in the level be low

Back Off MotherFuckers! I'm Going Postal On Your Asses Bitchs!!!!!
Back Off MotherFuckers! I'm Going Postal On Your Asses Bitchs!!!!!

[edit] Merry Christmas To Everyone!!

[edit] About My Works

User:Cool Cat/CVU1-1Some of works are work about St. Lucia . I used the User Name Dude_101 but lose the password. "Oops!" That why I change it to IDude_101. My work is on random articles no defined pattern on my work. Some of my works

[edit] Personal Links


3d games Lime Games MiniClip NoConsole 3onlinegames 2flashGames

Flash/Funny Videos: MadBlast Liquid Gen look@entertainment


HSW "Personal Favorite"



en This user is a native speaker of English.