Idol's Fountain

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The Fonte do Ídolo, in Braga.
The Fonte do Ídolo, in Braga.

The Idol's Fountain (Portuguese: Fonte do Ídolo) is a Roman fountain located in Braga, Portugal, in the territory of the Callaici Bracari with several inscriptions in a Celtic language (in the cultural area of Gallaecia and northern Lusitania).

The fountain is dedicated to the Gallaecian and Lusitanian gods Tongoenabiagus and Nabia, and was built in the time of the Roman Emperor Augustus.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • Coutinhas, José Manuel - Aproximação à identidade etno-cultural dos Callaici Bracari.Porto. 2006.
  • García Fernández-Albalat, Blanca - Guerra y Religión en la Gallaecia y la Lusitania Antiguas. A Coruña. 1990.
  • Olivares Pedreño, Juan Carlos - Los Dioses de la Hispania Céltica. Madrid. 2002.

[edit] External links
