Icelandic tail-cap

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19th century Icelandic woman wearing a deep tail cap
19th century Icelandic woman wearing a deep tail cap

The Icelandic tail-cap or skotthúfa is a typical part of the Icelandic national costume. It is worn with a bodice-dress (upphlutsbúningur ) and peysuföt.

It is a black tailed cap, originally knitted from a small string with a tassel made of fine wool and later sewed with velvet with a silk tassel (35 – 38 cm.).

In the beginning of the 19th century, the tail-cap was rather deep, but from 1860 it was replaced by the modern, shorter version. The tassel and cap are connected with a tassel-cylinder (skúfhólkur) made of silver or gold. The cap is pinned in the hair by means of a black knitting-pin but if the woman wears plaits, the end of them are fastened under the cap in the neck with a typical cap-pin.
