I Am Furious Yellow

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The Simpsons episode
"I Am Furious Yellow"
Promotional artwork featuring Homer as The Incredible Hulk.
Episode no. 287
Prod. code DABF13
Orig. airdate April 28, 2002
Show runner(s) Al Jean
Written by John Swartzwelder
Directed by Chuck Sheetz
Couch gag The Simpsons sit on the couch as normal. A crane game clamp comes down and picks up Homer. Homer screams, “Ow! My brain!” as he's being lifted.
Guest star(s) Stan Lee as himself
Season 13
November 6, 2001May 22, 2002
  1. "Treehouse of Horror XII"
  2. "The Parent Rap"
  3. "Homer the Moe"
  4. "A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love"
  5. "The Blunder Years"
  6. "She of Little Faith"
  7. "Brawl in the Family"
  8. "Sweets and Sour Marge"
  9. "Jaws Wired Shut"
  10. "Half-Decent Proposal"
  11. "The Bart Wants What It Wants"
  12. "The Lastest Gun in the West"
  13. "The Old Man and the Key"
  14. "Tales from the Public Domain"
  15. "Blame It on Lisa"
  16. "Weekend at Burnsie's"
  17. "Gump Roast"
  18. "I Am Furious Yellow"
  19. "The Sweetest Apu"
  20. "Little Girl in the Big Ten"
  21. "The Frying Game"
  22. "Papa's Got a Brand New Badge"
List of all The Simpsons episodes

I Am Furious Yellow” is the eighteenth episode of The Simpsonsthirteenth season. The episode was first broadcast on April 28, 2002.


[edit] Plot

Milhouse’s dad, Kirk, gives a speech to the kids at school. Due to how boring the speech was, Principal Skinner and Mrs. Krabappel take Lisa’s advice and visit the Springfield Writer’s Forum to find a better speaker. They find the creator of a popular TV cartoon, Danger Dog. He comes to the school to give a presentation and fascinates the kids by telling them about the cartoon industry.

Soon all the kids start drawing their own cartoon characters. Bart's comic is deemed lame by both Comic Book Guy and Stan Lee but Stan encourages Bart to still try. Bart comes up with a hero called Angry Dad, based on the angry outbursts of his father, Homer. He starts drawing comics based on this character.

Bart rolls out the first issue of Angry Dad, which becomes a hit with the kids in school. Comic Book Guy also likes it, and displays the comic in his store. During an autograph signing session in the schoolyard, Bart is approached by a spokesman for an Internet company. He wants to make Angry Dad into an online animated cartoon series. Bart agrees.

The cartoon becomes an Internet hit. The only one still unaware of Angry Dad is the inspiration himself, Homer. When Homer does find out, he of course becomes very angry, but his family calms him down and suggests that he address his anger issues. Homer decides to become calm and suppress his rage from that point on. No matter what rage-provoking incidents occur, he maintains his cool, but with great difficulty. Every time he does so, though, he develops a lump or two on his neck, which he pushes down. Homer's new calm demeanor has also taken away Bart's inspiration for his cartoon.

Bart, not wanting to do a clip show, sets up a trap for Homer, meant to trigger another outburst. Later, they go to the internet company office, where they find the company has gone bankrupt. Bart races home to save his father from the trap, which is no longer needed.

Homer reaches home and sees a sign for free donuts in the treehouse, stuck to the door. When he climbs up to get them, he falls through a carpet-covered hole and gets hung upside-down on the laundry line, which starts moving. He passes through a bunch of strategically-placed cacti and then through some dirty diapers. Many lumps on his neck later, he gets to the end of the line, where he finds a pair of scissors to cut himself down. Relieved, he does so, and falls into a tub full of green paint. Homer, now covered in green, closely resembles The Incredible Hulk as he storms through town, raging and punching things, screaming “Homer mad! Homer smash! Get revenge on world!” The cops arrive and restrain him.

Homer is admitted to the hospital, where Marge berates Bart for aggravating Homer’s rage, saying that his "prank cost $10 million and damages". However, Dr. Hibbert arrives and tells her that Bart actually saved Homer’s life by enraging him. The lumps on his neck, Hibbert explains, were actually suppressed rage and could have overwhelmed Homer’s nervous system.

[edit] Cultural references

  • The episode title is a play on the Swedish movie title I Am Curious (Yellow).
  • Homer sings Donovan’s “Mellow Yellow” when he tries to control his anger.
  • The show Homer is watching, When Dinosaurs Get Drunk, is replaced with another called The Boring World of Niels Bohr. The opening image is of the scientist and an expanded version of the Bohr model of the atom.
  • The anthropomorphic animals in Danger Dog are reminiscent of those created by Scott Shaw!, whose work has also appeared in the official Simpsons Comics from Bongo Comics.
  • When Martin asks what state Danger Dog lives in (to which the artist bluntly answers: "Michigan! Next question."), it is a reference to how most viewers wonder what state Springfield is in.
  • Marge suggests that Bart's comic could be a rip-off of Little Dot
  • When Homer “changes” into the Hulk, Bart says “Thank God his pants stayed on.” This is possibly a reference to how the Hulk’s pants always stay on despite the increase in muscle mass.
  • Stan Lee hums Spider-Man's theme song right after crushing the Thing into Database's toy Batmobile.
  • When Bart was turning Angry Dad into a movie there is a statue of Danger Dog next to the Apple computer.
  • When Better than TV goes into bankruptcy, Milhouse says, " I guess the bubble burst". A reference to how the 90's Internet bubble had burst
  • "Danger Dog" lives in large red fire hydrant, a parody of DangerMouse living in a pillar box.
  • One of BetterThanTV.com's cartoons is the series "Lou Rawls, Secret Agent," which features an animated Rawls in a trenchcoat trying to escape from a trap, singing "you'll never find... that microfilm of mine..."
  • There are many references to both DC comics and Marvel comics

[edit] Censorship

  • On Channel 4 in Britain, the part where Groundskeeper Willie beats up his rival Seamus was edited to remove the part where he delivers the final punch.

[edit] External links

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