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Hydrology Discussion Groups
Here are details of few e-mail discussion groups related to Hydrology:
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1. Hydrology Forum
This group aims to provide a forum for discussion of scientific research in all aspects of Hydrology including hydrologic design, surface water analysis and modelling, flood studies, drought studies, watershed development, groundwater assessment and modelling, conjunctive use, drainage, mountain hydrology, environmental hydrology, lake hydrology, nuclear hydrology, urban hydrology, forest hydrology, hydrological investigations, remote sensing and GIS applications etc. Exchange of ideas and experiences regarding use and application of hydrological softwares are also welcome.
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2. Hydrological Modelling
This group aims to provide a forum for discussion of scientific research in modelling of hydrologic systems including
- Rainfall-Runoff Modelling
- Overland Flow Modelling
- Unsaturated Flow Modelling
- Groundwater Flow Modelling
- Solute Transport Modelling
- Sea Water Intrusion Modelling
- Water Quality Modelling
- Other relevant aspects of Hydrology and Water Resources Development and Management.
It intends to provide a forum for technical discussions; announcement of new public domain and commercial softwares; calls for abstracts and papers; conference and workshop announcements; and summaries of research results, recent publications, and case studies. Exchange of ideas and experiences regarding use and application of hydrological softwares are also welcome.
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3. Ground Water Modelling
An email discussion group related to ground water modelling and analysis. This group is a forum for the communication of all aspects of ground water modelling including technical discussions; announcement of new public domain and commercial softwares; calls for abstracts and papers; conference and workshop announcements; and summaries of research results, recent publications, and case studies.
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4. Roorkee Hydrology Group
This group aims at interaction amongst professionals, academicians, research scholars and students working in the field of Hydrology and Water Resources. The Roorkee city has got unique distinction of having a number of leading organisations in the water resources sector:
1. Water Resources Development Training Centre 2. Department of Hydrology (IIT, Roorkee) 3. Department of Earth Sciences (IIT, Roorkee) 4. National Institute of Hydrology 5. Irrigation Research Institute 6. Alternate Hydro Energy Centre (IIT, Roorkee)
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5. Interlinking of Indian Rivers
The Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India had formulated a National Perspective Plan in the year 1980 for water resources development by transferring water from water surplus basins to water deficit basins/regions by inter-linking of rivers. The National Perspective Plan has two main components i.e. the Himalayan Rivers Development and Peninsular Rivers Development. The National Water Development Agency (NWDA) was set up in the year 1982 to carry out detailed studies, surveys and investigations to prepare feasibility reports of the links under the National Perspective Plan. NWDA, after carrying out detailed studies, identified 30 links for preparation of feasibility reports.
The various basin states have expressed divergent views about the studies and feasibility reports prepared by NWDA. With a view to bring out a consensus among the states and provide guidance on the norms of appraisal of individual projects and modalities for project funding etc., Government of India has constituted a Task Force (vide its resolution dated 13th December, 2002) on Interlinking of Rivers in India (TF-ILR) with members drawn from various specialties including representatives from water surplus and water deficit states. The Task Force is to evolve a road map and suggest the modalities for implementing the programme.
This forum aims to provide a discussion on all relevant aspects of inter-linking of rivers including scientific, economic and environmental dimensions.
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