User:Huysman/Iraq and Al Qaeda

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In e.g. the case "The Estate of John Patrick O'Neill vs. The Republic of Iraq, et al" the collaborative relationship between terrorist organization Al Qaeda and the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein (wrongly denied by the 9/11 Commission) is extensively documented.[1] There is also evidence implicating Iraq in various deadly anti-American terrorist attacks in recent history, since the end of the first Gulf War, including the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon via hijacked Boeing airliners on September 11, 2001. Unfortunately, many people believe the myths that Al Qaeda and Iraq did not have a collaborative relationship and that Iraq was not involved with 9/11 and other anti-American terror attacks. These dangerous falsehoods prevail, just like the lie that no WMDs were found in Iraq.[2]


[edit] Is Collaboration Plausible?

Following the Gulf War, the angered Iraqi regime needed committed suicide terrorists. As a secular nation, Iraq had to recruit jihadis and so Iraqi intelligence established ties to Al Qaeda in the early 1990s. While Al Qaeda received the necessary funding, support, facilities, and training, Iraq had plausible deniability and so it thought it could escape retaliation from Western powers. Both Al Qaeda and Iraq viciously hated U.S. presence in the Gulf and had other motives to strike American interests (see below). Saddam Hussein's official Iraqi media praised bin Laden an "Arab and Islamic hero" after the 1998 embassy bombings; clearly, the evidence below shows, Iraq and Al Qaeda were able to overcome their ideological differences to unite against a common enemy.

[edit] WTC Bombing, 2/26/1993

On February 26, 1993 at 12:17 P.M. a 1,310 lb. bomb exploded in the World Trade Center basement, killing seven and injuring over 1,040 while failing to topple the Trade Towers in a cloud of cyanide gas as the conspirators intended.

  1. Al Qaeda terrorist Ramzi Ahmed Yousef (who is indeed Abdul Basit Karim[3], contra Dr. Laurie Mylroie; stolen identity is not needed to prove that Yousef was an agent of the Iraqi Intelligence Service/Mukhabarat/Fedayeen/Al Qare/Unit 999/M-8 Operations) struck the WTC on the 2nd anniversary of the liberation of Kuwait.[4]
  2. Qadri Abu Bakr, who was based in Baghdad and received funding from the Saddam regime, was called by his nephew Mohamed Salameh up to 46 times, after which Ramzi Yousef flew to the U.S.A. to form a terror cell in New Jersey.
  3. Abdul Rahman Yasin was given sanctuary and a salary by the Saddam regime after he fled to Baghdad, where he has lived openly and worked for the Saddam regime for over a decade. Yasin designed the deadly bomb.
  4. In 1992, while training in Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda camps, Ramzi Yousef was requested by a senior Sunni representative of the MKO on behalf of Baghdad to carry out a spectacular terrorist attack inside the U.S.A. He entered the U.S.A. on a legitimate Iraqi passport. The JFK INS inspector said it "appeared to be valid and unaltered," and the 9/11 Commission Report said that "An examination of Yousef's passport by the Forensic Document Lab at INS later reveals that the date of birth has been overwritten and the passport binding has been cut and un-stitched, but no other alterations were detected." The legitimacy of his passport is also corroborated by the testimony of David Kelly. Kuwaiti intelligence has identified Yousef as collaborating with occupying Iraqi forces during the invasion. The purpose of this passport provided by Iraq was to confuse border control so that he could easily escape the U.S.A. when he used his real name, Abdul Basit Karim.
  5. Iraqi intelligence officer Ahmed Hikmat Shakir, who worked with the plotters and executors of both WTC attacks, OKC bombing, embassy bombings, and USS Cole attacks as documented by his list of contacts and communication records, was called by someone in the New Jersey safehouse where the 1993 WTC bombing was plotted.

[edit] Oklahoma City Bombing

A 5,000 lb. ammonium nitrate and nitromethane bomb exploded outside of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995 at 9:02 A.M. at Central Daylight time, killing 168 and injuring over 800.

  1. Hussain Hashem Al Hussaini, who served in the Iraqi Republican Guard, was the "John Doe #2" who was witnessed in the company of Timothy McVeigh.[5]
  2. Iraqi agent Ramzi Yousef (who worked with the late Iraqi agent Dr. Ihsan Barbouti at the London office of the Iraqi National Oil Company, whose mission was to acquire chemical weapons for Iraq and Libya) met with Terry Nichols in the Philippines to provide him with bomb-making expertise.[6] Yousef, together with his father and younger brother Abdul Muneem had worked with Iraqi intelligence to carry out the June 20, 1994 bombing of a Mashad, Iran Shiite Muslim shrine.
  3. McVeigh[7] collected several Iraqi telephone numbers before being arrested. He wrote an essay attempting to justify Iraq's stockpiling of chemical and biological weapons in March 1998 while in federal prison, before he was executed.
  4. Vincent Cannistraro (CIA) called Kevin Foust (FBI) shortly after the bombing of the Murrah building to give information about a royal Saudi official who told him about a list of targets he had seen which were to be hit by Iraqis, with the Murrah building on the top of the list.[8]

[edit] TWA Flight 800

TWA Flight 800 N93119, a Boeing 747-131 exploded midflight at 8:45 P.M. on July 17, 1996, killing all 230 aboard.

  1. TWA Flight 800 was downed by plastic explosives (contra NTSB, which illegitimately dismissed the plastic explosives residue as coming from a bomb detection exercise) on the 27th anniversary of the coup d'etat that brought Baathist Saddam Hussein into power, and was a fulfillment of Iraqi agent Yousef's Operation Bojinka plot, as well as an attempt to make Yousef get a mistrial and acquittal so he could carry out more terror attacks for Iraq and Al Qaeda.[9] The Islamic Change Movement, a front for Iraqi intelligence, took credit for the bombing.

[edit] 1998 Embassy Bombings

On August 7, 1998 at 10:45 A.M. local time, the American embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania were bombed simultaneously, killing over 235 and injuring over 4,585.

  1. Iraqi intelligence officer Ahmed Shakir worked with the plotters and executors of both WTC attacks, OKC bombing, embassy bombings, and USS Cole attacks as documented by his list of contacts and communication records.
  2. Starting in 1994 Farouq Hijazi, Iraq's ambassador to Turkey, was the bridge of communication between Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein.[10]
  3. The Iraqi state press warned of "dire consequences" on May 1, 1998, and 8 days later Osama bin Laden issued an anti-American fatwa complaining about U.S. "aggression" in Iraq. On August 5, after Saddam Hussein kicked out UN weapons inspectors, the press again warned of "consequences." The threats of bin Laden and Hussein were synchronized that year. On August 7 the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed.

[edit] USS Cole Attack

A small boat packed with explosives struck the side of the USS Cole at 11:18 A.M. local time on October 12, 2000. Ibrahim al-Thawr and Abdullah al-Misawa killed themselves as well as 17 U.S.A. Navy sailors, and injured 39 others.

  1. Iraqi intelligence officer Ahmed Shakir worked with the plotters and executors of both WTC attacks, OKC bombing, embassy bombings, and USS Cole attacks as documented by his list of contacts and communication records.

[edit] September 11, 2001 a.k.a. 9/11

On the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001 19 Al Qaeda terrorists hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners, two striking the World Trade Center Towers in New York, one striking the Pentagon on Washington, D.C., and the other crashing in an empty field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania due to the heroic efforts of the passengers. The 9/11 attackers murdered 2,976 innocent American civilians that morning in the worst terrorist attack on American soil.

  1. Mohamed Atta met with Iraqi spy Ahmed Al-Ani in Prague more than once and photographic proof exists.[11] Declassified intelligence reveals that Al-Ani ordered the allocation of funds to Atta.
  2. Mohamed Atta may have been trained by Abu Nidal in Baghdad some time in 2000 or 2001; the handwritten memo addressed to Saddam Hussein has not yet been discredited, contra Newsweek/MSNBC.[12]
  3. Iraqi intelligence officer Ahmed Shakir facilitated the travel of Al Qaeda veterans Khalid Almidhar and Nawaf Alhazmi to, and attended, the January 2000 Al Qaeda summit in Malaysia where 9/11 was plotted.[13]
  4. Iraqi intelligence agents met with and assisted Marwan Alshehhi (Flight 175 pilot), Ziad Samir Jarrah (Flight 93 pilot), and Yusuf Galan. Alshehhi and Jarrah met Mukhabarat officers in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates in spring 2000.[14]
  5. Iraqi state foreknowledge of 9/11 was demonstrated by an Al Nasiriyah newspaper article describing bin Laden's plans to attack the Pentagon, WTC, and White House. The article, written by Naeem Abd Mulhalhal (who has ties to Iraqi intelligence) at a time when Saddam and his son Uday strictly controlled and censored all media, referred to the use of commercial airliners as weapons. He was personally praised by Saddam Hussein on 9/1/01, who honored him for his "documentation of important events and heroic deeds that proud Iraqis have accomplished." This fits with Al Qaeda number one Osama bin Laden's practice of publicly threatening the United States of America before carrying out terrorist attacks against it.[15]
  6. OKC terrorist Hussain Hashem Al Hussaini worked at Boston Logan Airport prior to 9/11 and expressed to his psychiatrist concerns that he would be implicated if something were to happen at the airport. American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 took off from Boston Logan Airport on 9/11 and hit the North and South Tower of the World Trade Center, respectively.
  7. Iraqi agent KSM masterminded the 9/11 attacks. (Though Rohan Gunaratna denies a connection between KSM and Iraq, KSM's familial connection to Iraqi agent Ramzi Yousef and Gunaratna's detailed description of KSM's behavior are good indications that KSM was an agent of Saddam's Iraq.)[16]
  8. Iraqi defector and former Mukhabarat officer Abu Zeinab Al Quarairy said that when he learned of the 9/11 attacks he turned to a friend and said "That's ours."
  9. In the week before September 11, Israeli officials claim Israeli intelligence gave the CIA a general warning about an imminent, large-scale attack on U.S.A. soil by Osama bin Laden in conjunction with Iraq.[17]

[edit] Motives

Revenge against the United States of America, while attempting to avoid war by sponsoring Islamic terrorists such as Al Qaeda, for the:

  1. No-Fly zones over 2/3 of Iraq
  2. The liberation of Kuwait during the Gulf War
  3. Destruction during the Clinton Administration of the IIS headquarters in 1993
  4. UN sanctions against Iraq prompted by the USA
  5. Attempted coups against Saddam and other efforts to topple his dictatorial regime sponsored by the USA
  6. Destruction of chemical weapons plants
  7. Destruction of Al Qaeda training camps
  8. Continued USA presence in the Gulf region

[edit] Notes and References

  1. ^ The Estate of John Patrick O'Neill vs. The Republic of Iraq, et al (August 20, 2003). Retrieved on 2006-08-03.
  2. ^ Huysman, Will (August 3, 2006). WMDs have been found in Iraq. The Banana Republican. Retrieved on 2006-08-05.
  3. ^ On Ramzi Yousef. Revenge, Terror and Extortion: A Guide for the Perplexed (2006). Retrieved on 2006-07-27.
  4. ^ Kuwait Celebration of Festivals, Liberation Day February 26. Kuwait Information Office in India (2006). Retrieved on 2006-08-06.
  5. ^ Jasper, William F. (September 14, 1998). OKC's Mideast Connection. The New American. Retrieved on 2006-07-27.
  6. ^ Oklahoma Bombing - World Trade Center and Saddhams Terrorist Connections. Warriors for Truth (2006). Retrieved on 2006-07-27.
  7. ^ Davis, Jayna (2006). Highlights from The Third Terrorist. Retrieved on 2006-07-27.
  8. ^ Farah, Joseph (April 15, 2004). Iraq: Lynchpin of terror war. World Net Daily. Retrieved on 2006-07-27.
  9. ^ Huysman, Will (2006). TWA Flight 800 Crashed Due to Terrorism. Retrieved on 2006-07-27.
  10. ^ Hayes, Stephen F. (July 18, 2005). The Mother of All Connections. The Weekly Standard. Retrieved on 2006-07-27.
  11. ^ Huysman, Will (July 6, 2006). The Prague Connection. Nyctohylophobia. Retrieved on 2006-07-27.
  12. ^ Huysman, Will (July 6, 2006). Did Atta Visit Baghdad?. Nyctohylophobia. Retrieved on 2006-07-27.
  13. ^ Hayes, Stephen (June 23, 2004). Who Is Ahmed Hikmat Shakir?. The Weekly Standard. Retrieved on 2006-07-27.
  14. ^ Second 9/11 Hijacker Tied to Abu Nidal, Iraq. Newsmax (December 22, 2003). Retrieved on 2006-07-27.
  15. ^ Lawsuit: Iraq Involved In 9/11 Conspiracy. CBS News (September 5, 2002). Retrieved on 2006-07-27.
  16. ^ Gunaratna, Rohan (March 3, 2003). Womaniser, joker, scuba diver: the other face of al-Qaida's No 3. The Guardian. Retrieved on 2006-07-27.
  17. ^ Wastell, David (September 16, 2001). Israeli security issued urgent warning to CIA of large-scale terror attacks. The UK Telegraph. Retrieved on 2006-08-05.