Hussein Rushdi Pasha

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Hussein Rushdi Pasha
Hussein Rushdi Pasha

Husayn, Pasha Rushdi (1863 - 1928) (Arabic: حسين رشدي باشا) was an Egyptian political figure. He served as Prime Minister of Egypt between 1914 and 1919.

The Illustrated War News, Number 21, of Dec. 30, 1914, said of him: "The new Sultan of Egypt, Prince Hussein Kamel, is sixty years of age and the eldest living Prince of the family of Mehemet Ali, the historic liberator of Egypt from Turkish domination. For years past, as head of various administrative departments in Egypt, he devoted his energies to improving the lot of the natives, by whom he is called 'the Father of the Fellaheen'."

Preceded by
Muhammad Said Pasha
Prime Minister of Egypt
Succeeded by
Muhammad Said Pasha
