User:Hunt 4 Orange November/userbosxes

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{{User:Hunt 4 Orange November/userbosxes/ps3want}}

This user wants a PlayStation 3 but is too poor to get one.

{{User:Hunt 4 Orange November/userbosxes/noblood}}

This user is Hemophobic and can't stand the sight of blood.

{{User:Hunt 4 Orange November/userbosxes/waterisevilXD}}

This user is aquaphobic and thinks that water is evil.

{{User:Hunt 4 Orange November/userbosxes/thinkermale}}

This user spends most of his free time thinking.

{{User:Hunt 4 Orange November/userbosxes/thinkerfemale}}

' This user spends most of her free time thinking about random things...

{{User:Hunt 4 Orange November/userbosxes/ooooooklahoma}}

This user is from O-O-OK-LAHOMA! Where the wind comes sweeping down the plain.