Hunter County, New South Wales

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New South Wales

Location in New South Wales
Cadastral units around Hunter
Phillip Brisbane Durham
Phillip Hunter Northumberland
Roxburgh Cook Cumberland

Hunter County, New South Wales was one of the original Nineteen Counties in New South Wales and is now one of the 141 Cadastral divisions of New South Wales. It lies between the Hunter River in the north, and the Colo River in the south, including much of Wollemi National Park. Macdonald River lies to the east.

Hunter County was named in honour of Governor John Hunter (1737-1821).[1]

[edit] Parishes within this county

A full list of parishes found within this county; their current LGA and mapping coordinates to the approximate centre of each location is as follows:

Parish LGA Coordinates
Angorawa City of Hawkesbury 33°18′54″S, 150°44′04″E
Arndell Muswellbrook Shire Council 32°21′54″S, 150°34′04″E
Baerami Muswellbrook Shire Council 32°24′54″S, 150°27′04″E
Blackwater Muswellbrook Shire Council 32°40′54″S, 150°24′04″E
Bulga Singleton Shire Council 32°49′54″S, 150°49′04″E
Bureen Muswellbrook Shire Council 32°28′54″S, 150°39′04″E
Capertee City of Lithgow 33°05′54″S, 150°23′04″E
Caroora Muswellbrook Shire Council 32°33′54″S, 150°25′04″E
Colo City of Hawkesbury 33°23′24″S, 150°47′04″E
Cook City of Hawkesbury 33°15′54″S, 150°35′04″E
Coonbaralba Singleton Shire Council 32°36′54″S, 150°53′04″E
Coorongooba City of Lithgow 32°57′54″S, 150°18′04″E
Coricudgy Muswellbrook Shire Council 32°52′54″S, 150°25′04″E
Doyle Singleton Shire Council 32°35′54″S, 150°48′04″E
Glen Alice City of Lithgow 33°03′54″S, 150°15′04″E
Grono City of Hawkesbury 33°18′54″S, 150°49′04″E
Gullongulong Singleton Shire Council 32°53′54″S, 150°41′04″E
Gungalwa Muswellbrook Shire Council 32°32′54″S, 150°39′04″E
Hawkesbury City of Hawkesbury 33°24′24″S, 150°52′04″E
Hungerford Muswellbrook Shire Council 32°36′54″S, 150°32′04″E
Hunter Muswellbrook Shire Council 32°28′54″S, 150°45′04″E
Innes City of Lithgow 33°04′54″S, 150°29′04″E
Ivory City of Hawkesbury 33°09′54″S, 150°45′04″E
Jamison City of Lithgow 32°59′54″S, 150°22′04″E
Kekeelbon Singleton Shire Council 32°48′54″S, 150°32′04″E
Kindarun Singleton Shire Council 32°49′54″S, 150°42′04″E
Lemington Singleton Shire Council 32°32′54″S, 151°00′04″E
Macdonald City of Hawkesbury 33°17′54″S, 150°56′04″E
Martindale Muswellbrook Shire Council 32°34′54″S, 150°44′04″E
Mclean Singleton Shire Council 32°58′54″S, 150°24′04″E
Medhurst Singleton Shire Council 32°45′54″S, 150°37′04″E
Mediwah Muswellbrook Shire Council 32°27′54″S, 150°32′04″E
Mellong City of Hawkesbury 33°15′54″S, 150°44′04″E
Mirrie Muswellbrook Shire Council 32°36′54″S, 150°24′04″E
Monundilla Muswellbrook Shire Council 32°42′54″S, 150°31′04″E
Myrtle Singleton Shire Council 32°50′54″S, 150°36′04″E
Nullo Muswellbrook Shire Council 32°45′54″S, 150°24′04″E
Palomorang Singleton Shire Council 32°45′54″S, 150°43′04″E
Parnell Singleton Shire Council 32°41′54″S, 150°54′04″E
Parr City of Hawkesbury 33°20′24″S, 150°38′04″E
Parry Singleton Shire Council 32°59′54″S, 150°30′04″E
Phillip Singleton Shire Council 32°45′54″S, 150°29′04″E
Piribil Singleton Shire Council 32°31′54″S, 150°50′04″E
Poppong Singleton Shire Council 32°44′54″S, 150°51′04″E
Putty Singleton Shire Council 32°58′54″S, 150°45′04″E
Six Brothers City of Hawkesbury 33°11′54″S, 150°37′04″E
Sturt Singleton Shire Council 32°52′54″S, 150°30′04″E
Tollagong Singleton Shire Council 32°55′54″S, 150°37′04″E
Tomalpin Muswellbrook Shire Council 32°32′54″S, 150°33′04″E
Tonga Singleton Shire Council 32°40′54″S, 150°45′04″E
Tupa Singleton Shire Council 33°00′54″S, 150°37′04″E
Wambo Singleton Shire Council 32°31′54″S, 150°55′04″E
Wareng Singleton Shire Council 32°50′54″S, 150°47′04″E
Weeney City of Hawkesbury 33°03′54″S, 150°46′04″E
White Muswellbrook Shire Council 32°39′54″S, 150°38′04″E
Whybrow Singleton Shire Council 32°37′54″S, 151°00′04″E
Wilpen Muswellbrook Shire Council 32°28′54″S, 150°26′04″E
Windsor City of Hawkesbury 33°10′54″S, 150°49′04″E
Wirraba City of Hawkesbury 33°06′54″S, 150°33′04″E
Wolgan City of Lithgow 33°09′54″S, 150°30′04″E
Wollemi City of Hawkesbury 33°06′54″S, 150°39′04″E
Womerah City of Hawkesbury 33°14′54″S, 150°53′04″E
Wonga City of Hawkesbury 33°22′24″S, 150°54′04″E
Yengo City of Hawkesbury 33°02′54″S, 150°49′04″E

[edit] References

  1. ^ Geographical Names Board of NSW