Humanitarian Accountability Partnership International

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Humanitarian Accountability Partnership International

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Motto “making humanitarian action accountable to beneficiaries”
Formation 2003
Legal status Non-profit organization
Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland

Humanitarian Accountability Partnership International (HAP-International) is the humanitarian sector's first international self-regulatory body, working towards the promotion of humanitarian accountability. Its work is based on the findings of the Humanitarian Accountability Project, the 2001 inter-agency action research initiative, as well as the Joint Evaluation of the International Response to the Genocide in Rwanda. [1] [2] HAP-International is involved in identifying, testing and recommending alternative accountability approaches and mechanisms, and “is dedicated to making humanitarian action accountable to its intended beneficiaries: those people whose lives are at risk due to armed conflict or other calamitous events.” [3]


[edit] Mandate

The vision of HAP-International is of a humanitarian system championing the rights and the dignity of disaster survivors. The mission of HAP-International is to make humanitarian action accountable to its intended beneficiaries through self-regulation, compliance verification and quality assurance certification. [4]

[edit] HAP Standard 2007

Working with its partners, disaster survivors and others, HAP-International produced the HAP 2007 Standard in Humanitarian Accountability and Quality Management. This certification scheme aims to provide assurance that certified agencies are managing the quality of their humanitarian actions in accordance with the HAP standard. [5] In practical terms, a HAP certification (which is valid for three years) means providing external auditors with access to the organization’s mission statement, accounts and control systems, providing for greater transparency in operations and overall accountability. [6]

As described by HAP-International, the HAP 2007 Standard in Humanitarian Accountability and Quality Management is a quality assurance tool for humanitarian organizations. By comparing an organization's processes, policies and products to the Standard's six benchmarks, it is possible to measure how well the organization assures quality and accountability in its humanitarian work. Agencies that comply with the Standard:

  • declare their commitment to HAP’s Principles of Humanitarian Action and to their own Humanitarian Accountability Framework
  • develop and implement a Humanitarian Quality Management System
  • provide key information about quality management to key stakeholders
  • enable beneficiaries and their representatives to participate in program decisions and give their informed consent
  • determine the competencies and development needs of staff
  • establish and implement complaints-handling procedure
  • establish a process of continual improvement [7]

[edit] Humanitarian Accountability

The work of HAP-International has been key in defining the concept of humanitarian accountability, which has been much debated by the international humanitarian community. HAP-International focuses on two principles and mechanisms: those by which individuals, organizations and States account for their actions and are held responsible for them, and those by which they may safely and legitimately report concerns, complaints and get redress where appropriate. [8] [9] HAP-International defines accountability in a general sense as the responsible use of power, while “accountability in humanitarian situations means that the power to help in situations of conflict and disaster is exercised responsibly. When implemented, it means that survivors of war or disaster are able to influence decisions about the help they receive and can complain if they feel the “helping power” was not exercised well.” [10]

[edit] Awareness Raising

HAP-International takes a number of measures to raise public awareness of the importance of humanitarian accountability. In addition to HAP-International's website, a discussion forum is maintained on Facebook, addressing topical issues in relation to humanitarian accountability.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Igloo Partner Profile
  2. ^ Aid Workers Network
  3. ^ HAP-International Website
  4. ^ HAP-International Website - Vision and Mission
  5. ^ - A Gateway for Capacity Development
  6. ^ The Economist - Certifying Aid Agencies, 24 May 2007
  7. ^ HAP-International Website - The HAP 2007 Standard
  8. ^ Humanitarian Practice Network - Accountability and Humanitarian Actors: Speculations and Questions
  9. ^ Humanitarian Practice Network - Putting the H into Humanitarian Accountability
  10. ^ HAP-International Website - Humanitarian Accountability

[edit] External links

Humanitarian Accountability Partnership International Official Website
HAP 2007 Standard - 2007 Standard in Humanitarian Accountability and Quality Management
HAP Discussion Forum on Myanmar