Human flea

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Pulex irritans
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Siphonaptera
Family: Pulicidae
Subfamily: Pulicinae
Genus: Pulex
Linnaeus, 1758
Type species
Pulex irritans
Linnaeus, 1758

Pulex irritans L., 1758

The so-called Human flea (Pulex irritans L., 1758) is a cosmopolitan flea species that has, in spite of the common name, a wide host spectrum.

This species bites many species of mammals and birds, including domesticated ones. It has been found on dogs and wild canids, monkeys in captivity, opossums, domestic cats, wild felids in captivity, chickens, black and Norwegian rats, wild rodents, pigs, free-tail bats, and other species.

WHO reported that this species has developed resistence to DDT, dieldrin, and lindane.