Hubert Gautier

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Hubert Gautier
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Hubert Gautier
Personal information
Name Hubert Gautier
Nationality French
Birth date August 21, 1660
Birth place Nîmes
Date of death September 27, 1737
Place of death Paris
Significant projects bridges.

Hubert Gautier (August 21, 1660 - September 27, 1737) was a French Engineer. He was born in Nîmes, France.

In 1716, he wrote the first book on building bridges. Gautier initially trained as a doctor, turning to mathematics and finally engineering. He served as an engineer for 28 years province of Languedoc.

The contractors do not hesitate to enrich themselves at the expense of the King or of those who work for them; & the engineers or inspectors of the works, on the contrary, have only in mind the honesty with which they act and to be highly esteemed; & they do not hesitate to regard the former as their enemies, when they are unfaithful.

Hubert Gautier, Traite des Ponts (1716)

Gautier died in Paris, France.