
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My name is Hrwiki, which is based on a similar wiki. My real name is Matthew Crossby. I hope to help out in any way I can.

Welcome. Who are you on the HRWiki? I'm Thunderbird L17 from the HRWiki. The wiki just exceeded it's bandwidth for the month today, so now I'm bored. 02:50, 26 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Hi. I welcome you, too. I'm The Paper from the HRWiki. As Thunderbird L17 pointed out above, our favorite knowledge base will likely be unavailable until July and I'm also starting to get bored already. At least we know how popular the site is, considering it uses all the bandwidth allocations early just about every month. Long live the Brothers Chaps! -- 05:59, 26 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Hi! i welcome you as well....I am EveryoneLovesStevenRight?... yes that is my name... i just wanted to say hi and wanted to tell you that if you ever join to look us up! The site is back up and there is also a chat room... your welcome to join either one... :D!