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This is my first post ever to WikiPedia, so I'm sure I'll do something wrong... My only comment here is that the constant for a successful HRESULT has been omitted. That's the only thing I'm after. MSDN forgot to make that easy to find, as did Wikipedia. And uh, yeah, I know it equals zero. Gee whiz. (Yuban 17:40, 12 April 2007 (UTC))

The provided documentation on how the HRESULT values are constructed is extremely helpful! I don't want to ding anyone for providing this very, very important information. That said...

Another point I'd like to bring up... The HRESULT data type ( if we can call it that ) actually predates the existence of COM objects. Almost every Win32 routine I've ever used is documented as having a return value of type HRESULT. The current introduction implies that HRESULT is particular to COM objects, which in my experience is not the case.

However, there is life outside of COM objects. Someone might read this page, and if they are anything like me will get an intense urge to vomit as soon as they see the term COM object.

(Yuban 22:18, 12 April 2007 (UTC))

You are wrong. Most Win32 functions return either a value depending on the function (for example a window handle) or a BOOL. Importantly, most Win32 functions indicate failure by returning 0, which is success in COM. While it is true that HRESULT predates COM, it only does so by three years, and then only in COM's predecessor. Shinobu 14:29, 17 June 2007 (UTC)