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HR-XML is a library of XML schemas developed by the HR-XML Consortium, Inc. to support a variety of business processes related to human resource management. It includes schemas to represent résumés, payroll information, benefits enrollment, and so on.

The HR-XML Consortium is an independent, non-profit consortium that develops freely available interoperability specifications for human resources management. The focus of its work is the development of specifications for electronic exchange between arms-length HR service providers.

The HR-XML Consortium was incorporated in California in 1999. It is classified under the U.S. tax code as a non-profit, 501(c)(6) business league.


[edit] Members

The HR-XML Consortium is a membership organization. Memberships are available for individuals and organizations. Most organizational members are HR services providers that have the need to interact with arms-length trading partners in conducting their business. HR-XML's current members include the world's largest software companies and leading companies in the HR services industry.

[edit] Scope of Work

Human resources spans a diverse number of business processes. The HR-XML Consortium has developed a broad range of specifications designed to enable e-business between arms-length HR service providers. Among the types of interactions supported by HR-XML Consortium specifications are:

A full set of documentation and standalone and modular schemas can be downloaded at no cost by registering at the HR-XML website.

[edit] Use Examples

Below are a few examples of uses HR-XML specifications are designed to fill:

  • Assessments: An Internet-based recruiting solution may want to provide its clients a way to order testing or assessments from a third-party test publisher or assessment firm. HR-XML provides a set of XML schemas defining messages such companies might use for order creation and fulfillment.
  • Staffing: An employer may use a staffing management or vendor management system (VMS) to place requisitions for temporary help with staffing suppliers. HR-XML's "Staffing Industry Data Exchange Standards" (SIDES) define a set of messages to manage the interactions between the VMS and the staffing supplier system throughout the requisition process.
  • Employee benefits: An employer may use a benefits services outsourcing company as its record keeper for employee benefit programs. That outsourcing company may use HR-XML's enrollment and indicative data specifications to keep related benefit plan partners (for example, insurance companies) up-to-date with current employee benefit elections and status changes (for example, name changes, termination of employment, adoption of a dependent, designation of beneficiaries, etc.).

[edit] Adoption of HR-XML Specifications

There is documented adoption of HR-XML by companies in many regions of the World. Localized content or adaptations have been provided within the HR-XML library for market requirements within France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, and the United States.

[edit] Certification

One measure of adoption has been the growing number of service providers who have been awarded HR-XML certification.

HR-XML capabilities or conformance also are claimed in the communications of many companies who have not been awarded certification.

[edit] Case Studies

Adoption also is evidenced by case studies published by the HR-XML Consortium.

[edit] See also

  • OpenSkills a global non-profit association of individuals that provides a freely searchable database of resumes based on the HR-XML schema.

[edit] External links
