House of Saraca

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Coat-of-arms of the House of Saracca
Coat-of-arms of the House of Saracca

Saracca or Saraka was an old noble family from the Republic of Ragusa. The family came in the year 1172 from Cattaro (Kotor). The aristocracy was known as “Nobili” and was given to the following members of the family in 10 October 1817, after the fall of the Republic of Ragusa by the Austrian Empire:


[edit] Genealogy

Natale Natalis de SARACCA and Anna de GHETALDI have four sons:

Natale de Saracca
Natale de Saracca

1)Nicola Domenico *29 September 1727(son of Natalis) de Saracca, married with Ursula de Ghetaldi *7 January 1748 (daughter of Matteo de Ghetaldi and Catterina de Gondola), they have 3 children:

Anna de Ghetaldi
Anna de Ghetaldi
  • a)Natalis Josef Benedict Dominik, born 19 December 1776.
  • b)Mathäus Josef Benedict Dominik, born 19 December 1780, (in 1811, he was a charge of personal tax collecting in Ragusa and Gruz (Gravosa) by the french rule.
  • c)Maria Catharina, date of born unknown, died in Ragusa 11 May 1864, married with Biagio Philiphs de Caboga. (see House of Caboga)

2)Natalis (without descendant) D. D. Semiln 1817-10-18;

3)Simeon Maria Blasius Vincenz Anton Angelus Coelestin Tobias Alois, born 18 February 1788,

4)Stefan Maria, born 31 July 1797.

[edit] Confirmation of their old nobility by the Austrian Empire

To the Saracca brothers Natale, Nicolaus, Stefano the date 10 October 1817. The ultime Saraca, who received the confirmation of his nobility was Natale Francesco de Saraca in 27 March 1835.

[edit] Notes

According by the book of baron v. Procházka; the family Saraca “is one of the four still (1928)oldest existing from the Middle Ages, from Epidaurus, in the Republic of Ragusa, the family dinasty were immigrated to Italy, from the family were many consuls and Rettores (Knez) of the Republic of Ragusa”. The aristocracy of the family was recognized in 24 August 1927 (Per decreto ministeriale italiano) in the Kingdom of Italy to the son of Conte Orsato de Saraca and Rosa Cecotti and your decents;Natale Maria de Saraca (*Spalato (Split) 30 July 1866 + Padova 23 January 1945, married with Giuseppina Bucchich (+ Padova 2-7-1952), and they had 6 children: Orsato, Lucia (1901, nubile), Enrico (1904, 2 male sons), Pietro (1905, con 3 daughter e 2 sons), Silvio (1907, 2 sons) e Gioacchino (1910, 3 daughther). They lived in Padova. Orsato (* Ragusa 25-1-1895), married with Piove di Sacco Maria Stievano, they had a daughter Giuseppina and a son Pier Natale.

  • Stanislaus Nobile de Saraca, k u k Maj d 98. InfRgt, married Bertha Geb. Freiin Dacziczky von Hessiowa = Josefstadt, Königreich Böhmen, High-Life-Almanach : Adressbuch der Gesellschaft Wiens und der österreichischen Kronländer.1913, p. 239
Orsato de Saraca
Orsato de Saraca

[edit] References

  • Siebmacher “Dalmatien”, page 20.
  • Roman Freiherr v. Procházka: Meine zweiunddreißig Ahnen und ihre Sippenkreise, Leipzig 1928, 309
  • Conte Vittorio Spreti: Enciclopedia storico-nobiliare italiana, Band 6, Milano 1932, 129
  • Libro d’oro della nobiltà italiana 2005-2009(Band 28), 525