House of Drăculeşti
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The Drăculeşti were one of two major rival lines of Wallachian voivodes of the House of Basarab, the other being the Dăneşti. These lines were in constant contest for the throne from the late fourteenth to the early sixteenth centuries. Descendents of this line would eventually come to dominate the rule of this principality until its unification with Transylvania and Moldavia by Mihai Viteazul in 1600.
The legacy of the Drăculeşti began in 1386 with the rule of Mircea cel Bătrân, one of the most important rulers in Wallachian history. The family is most remembered, however, for its association with Mircea's grandson, Vlad III Drăculea, who is today both a national hero in Romania and an inspiration for the fictional vampire character of Dracula.
[edit] Members of the Drăculeşti line
Members of the Drăculeşti line who held the throne of Wallachia include the following persons:
Ruler | Remark |
Vlad II Dracul | 1436-1442, 1443-1447; son of Mircea cel Bătrân |
Mircea II | 1442; son of Vlad II |
Vlad III Drăculea | 1448, 1456-1462, 1476; son of Vlad II |
Radu cel Frumos | 1462-1473, 1474; son of Vlad II |
Vlad Călugărul | 1481, 1482-1495; son of Vlad II |
Radu cel Mare | 1495-1508; son of Vlad Călugărul |
Mihnea cel Rău | 1508-1509; son of Vlad III |
Mircea III Dracul | 1510; son of Mihnea cel Rău |
Vlad cel Tânăr | 1510-1512; son of Vlad Călugărul |
Radu de la Afumaţi | 1522-1523, 1524, 1524-1525, 1525-1529; son of Radu cel Mare |
Radu Bădica | 1523-1524; son of Radu cel Mare |
Vlad Înecatul | 1530-1532; son of Vlad cel Tânăr |
Vlad Vintilă de la Slatina | 1532-1534, 1534-1535; son of Radu cel Mare |
Radu Paisie | 1534, 1535-1545; son of Radu cel Mare |
Mircea Ciobanul | 1545-1552, 1553–1554, 1558-1559; son of Radu cel Mare |
Pătraşcu cel Bun | 1554-1558; son of Radu Paisie |
Petru cel Tânăr | 1559-1568; son of Mircea Ciobanul |
Alexandru II Mircea | 1568-1574, 1574-1577; son of Mircea III Dracul |
Vintilă | 1574; son of Pătraşcu cel Bun |
Mihnea Turcitul | 1577-1583, 1585-1591; son of Alexandru II Mircea |
Petru Cercel | 1583-1585; son of Pătraşcu cel Bun |
Mihai Viteazul | 1593-1600; possibly a son of Pătraşcu cel Bun |