User:hopiakuta / the "least wanted" deck userfy
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This is an horrific copy; yet, it is the best that I can accomplish:
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In response to the US Military releasing their Most-wanted Iraqi playing cards, journalist Alex Jones released a similar deck featuring prominent members of the New World Order. The deck was distributed through his website, but are now no longer available.
1 About the cards
2 Featured Figures and Quotes
2.1 Spades
2.2 Clubs
2.3 Hearts
2.4 Diamonds
2.5 Other
3 Sources
[edit] About the cards
The deck is divided into four groups, each corresponding to a different suit. The deck features neo-cons (hearts), media & business (diamonds), organisations (clubs) and placemen (spades), although there is some overlap in these groups.
Each card featured a picture of the person in question, along with their name, position (this was usually their job title, but some are replaced with an alleged crime or accusation) and description.
[edit] Featured Figures and Quotes
[edit] Spades
Ace ?: Henry Kissinger, War Criminal.
"Member of all the shady shadow Government bodies and Washington insider. There is so much dirt on this man, it cannot be summed up in just a few words. One of the strongest calls for an investigation into his status as a war criminal stems from his support for the Indonesian military's bloody 1975 invasion and subsequent occupation of East Timor[1], which by the early 1980s killed 200,000."
King ?: Tony Blair, Professional LIAR.
"Prime Minister Blair was hand picked by the Bilderberg Group to advance their agenda in the UK. Came to power at a time when the British public were desperate for a change in Government, after 18 years of Conservative power, yet has simply advanced the same agenda. LIED about WMD and the death of weapons inspector David Kelly and then ordered a whitewash to vindicate his name, whilst attacking the independent reporting of the BBC."
Queen ?: David Blunket, UK Home Fuhrer.
"He is itching to introduce National ID cards to the UK to deal with the Asylum problem, whilst flooding the country with illegals. He is obsessed with tightening anti-terrorism laws and even wants to enact a pre-crime terror law to bring in "pre-emptive" charges - before a crime is actually committed. We are now living in 1984. He says such laws are needed to combat al-Qaeda and the threat of suicide bombings."
Jack ?: Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation.
"Bush calls him "Pootie Poot". The two are said to be firm friends indicating that our commie friends are in the loop where the NWO agenda is concerned. Putin took 30,000 North Korean slaves to work in Siberian gulags in 2000. Their labour represented $50 million in debt-service payments to Moscow. Was also behind the 1999 blowing up of apartment buildings, blaming it on Chechens to legitimize war."
Ten ?: Paul Bremer, New Dictator of Iraq.
"Bremer was a Managing Director of Kissinger Associates, Inc. ('89-'01). He is a "terror expert" and another Yale insider. When it was said that the Iraq Survey Group (ISG) had unearthed "massive evidence" of clandestine labs, Bremer dismissed the comments. Yet when he found out it was Blair who had said it he commented "There is actually a lot of evidence that has been made public"."
Nine ?: Kofi Annan, World Government Puppet.
"CFR controlled figurehead of the "Liberal" world Government. The UN claims to be a peacekeeping organization, yet in reality is just another NWO front group. Currently being played off as "the good cop" with the US as "the bad cop". Many are calling for world government via the UN to keep the US in check. The reality is that BOTH the US and the UN are controlled by the same evil globalist mob."
Eight ?: HRH Prince Philip, Racist husband of Queen Elizabeth II.
"Co-founder of the World Wildlife Fund, which grabs land using the excuse that delicate eco-systems must be preserved. Was trained in the Hitler Youth curriculum and his German brothers-in-law all became high-ranking figures in the Nazi Party. His biography states that "we need to cull the Surplus Population" and he would like to be reincarnated as a deadly virus in order to solve overpopulation. He also likes to hunt tigers."
Seven ?: The Pope.
"Since having attended Bilderberg meetings, The Pope has called for a "New World Order" several times in order to solve the ills of the world. He also regularly endorses EU expansion, and has led "global prayer" days when over 200 religious leaders come together to pray. Some speculate that the head of the Catholic Church has been chosed to ultimately head up a one world religion."
Six ?: Pervez Musharraf, Dictator, Pakistan.
"Dictators will be tolerated when they serve the agenda. The Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI) trained fighters in Afghanistan and then funnelled them into Kashmir. Also, on direct orders from the White house, Pakistani Army officers (fighting alongside Taliban), Taliban and al-Qaeda leaders were given total amnesty and airlifted out of Kunduz on Pakistani air force cargo jets during the Afghan conflict."
Five ?: John Howard, Prime Minister, Australia.
"Howard has followed Bush almost word for word as regards the "war on terror" and Australia was the only other country besides Britain to send forces to Iraq. He has also unvelled plans to spend up to $1 billion ($760 million) on US-made Northrop Grumman Global Hawk drone aircraft under the new Defense Capability Plan (DCP) 2004-2014. Such a craft would "assist with civil tasks" (spying on citizens)."
Four ?: George Robertson, Secretary-General, NATO.
"Another low-ranking politician who attended a Bilderberg meeting and suddenly became a highly important world figure. NATO provides the brute force for the NWO, it is where the globalist "world army" will come from. People like Robertson are hand picked by the elite who recognise them as essentially weak-minded and easily controllable nobodies they can elevate to positions of power and use as place men."
Three ?: Javier Solana, Foreign Affairs Chief, EU.
"A Spanish socialist, previously Secretary-General of NATO he is evidence of the NWO rotating their placemen. He has said that EU member states must realise the importance of their role in the world by coming together as a superpower. An enlarged EU with 25 member states would have double as many citizens as the US and four times as many as Japan. "We have no choice, we must play a role", Solana has said."
Two ?: Louise Frechette, Deputy Secretary-General, UN.
"In Frechette, another Bilderberg member, the elite have chosen a Feminist to do their bidding. It is well documented that Feminism is an elite controlled movement, it still promotes the idea that women are inferior to men. The placing of a feminist and a black man at the head of the UN is extremely shrewd as it is now very easy for anyone who attacks their motives to be labelled as a "sexist" and "racist"."
[edit] Clubs
Ace ?: General Ralph E. Eberhart, Commander, Northcom.
"Northcom is an illegal program of the Department of Homeland Security that constitutes spying on US citizens by the Military. It began in 2002 and is in direct violation of Posse Comitatus. Eberhart has said that he is eager to use new technology, including unmanned surveillance blimps cruising at 70,000 ft and Predator drones scanning US coastlines."
King ?: George Tenet, Former Director, CIA.
"Another NWO mouthpiece that played his role in 9/11. Tenet admitted the CIA had prior knowledge on the very day! He later LIED, stating that it was not know that planes would be used. Yet in Oct 2000, the Pentagon conducted simulations designed to test the response to an airliner crashing into the building. The CIA, on 9/11, was also conducting an "exercise" of a plane crashing into its HQ."
Queen ?: James Wolfensohn, President, World Bank.
"A high ranking Bilderberg member and Freemason, he also likes to attend meetings at the ancestral home of the Rothschild Dynasty, Waddesdon Manor, with Jorma Ollila, the cheif executive of Nokia and De Beers chairman Nicky Oppenheimer (head of the world diamond monopoly). This is the man who has the power over the world economy! Once again, can you spot the conflict of interest?"
Jack ?: Bill Kristol, Chairman and Founder, PNAC.
"The Project For A New American Century document in 2000, before Bush stole the election, was prepared by many who are now high-ranking members of the US Government. It is the NWO Bible that outlines the agenda publicly (hiding it in plan view). PNAC called for the invasion of Iraq as a stable base to take over the middle east and China. It also calls for the domination and total militarization of space."
Ten ?: Dr W. Gene Corley, Principal Investigator, ASCE/FEMA.
"FEMA has detention camps set up all over the US, just waiting for the right disaster in order to herd the people into them - ADMITTED FACT. Corley headed the FEMA sponsored engineering assessment of the WTC collapse, which performed no tests on the steel for traces of explosives. When asked about this process he responded, "I am not a metallurgist." He also 'investigated' the debris at Waco and Oklahoma City."
Nine ?: HRH Prince El Hassan Bin Talal, President, Club of Rome.
"This group was organized in 1968 by Morgenthau Group for the purpose of accelerating the plans to have the New World Order in place by 2000. The Club of Rome developed a plan to divide the world into 10 regions or kingdoms. The horrific regime of Pol Pot in Cambodia was also the brainchild of this group."
Eight ?: James Woolsey, Ex Director, CIA.
"This NWO lapdog was bouncing around before the Iraq war happily calling for World War IV. He was also the Fire Department's Anti-terrorism Consultant, and after 9/11 sent a gag order down the ranks as many good firefighters were ready to testify to there being bombs in the towers. He was also directly involved in "DARK WINTER 2002", a dry run test of US reaction to a deliberate small pox release."
Seven ?: Robert Mueller, Director, CIA.
"Federal authorities have been aware for years that suspected terrorists with ties to Osama bin Laden were receiving flight training at schools in the US and abroad, according to interviews and court testimony. Just three days after 9/11, FBI director Robert S. Mueller stated, "perhaps one could have averted this". Perhaps one could, had one not blindly followed one's orders from one's masters."
Six ?: Mike Moore, Director General, World Trade Organization.
"Yet another Bilderberg place man. The WTO workd closely with the World Bank and the IMF in an attempt to "liberalize" the world's economies. What it actually does is destroy sovereignty on behalf of the NWO. Often this is recognised so the WTO is played off against the UN in a theatre "good cop-bad cop" scenario."
Five ?: Gary Hart, Council on Foreign Relations.
"The day after 9/11 this sick CFR loon went before a press conference and said that "there is a chance that the President could use this disaster to carry out a phrase his father used that is a new world order." (This proves the context of the Cold War was not important to the phrase). Hart went on to say that "Americans will likely die on American soil, possibly in large numbers"."
Four ?: Porter J. Goss, co-chairman of the joint panel investigation into 9/11.
"On the morning of 9/11 Goss was having breakfast with Pakistan's cheif spy General Mahmous Ahmed, the chief financer of the 9/11 lead hijacker, Mohamed Atta. He was just coincidently picked as chairman of one of the intelligence committees set up to "investigate" (whitewash) 9/11. No conflict of interest there!"
Three ?: A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard, Executive Director, CIA.
"A record number of 'put' options, speculation that the stock of a company will fail, were placed on American and United Airlines in the days preceding Sept 11th. This despite the Sept 10th Reuters report stating 'airline stocks set to fly.' The investigation as to which criminals benefited from advance knowledge of the terrorist attack led straight to Alex Brown/Deutsche Bank - chaired up until 1997 by busy "Buzzy"."
Two ?: Jessica T. Matthews, President, Carnegie Endowment.
"One of the many front groups for the NWO. The wealthiest people in the world are in control of the education system. Schools teach curriculums created by these international bankers along with Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Guggenheim Foundation. "Immense power is acquired by assuring yourself in your secret reveries that you were born to control affairs." -- Andrew Carnegie."
[edit] Hearts
Ace ?: George W. Bush, Chief NWO Figurehead.
"Where do we start? Stole the election. W199I ordered FBI to back off the Bin Laden family, his business partners, before 9/11. Member of the satanic Skull & Bones society while purporting to be a good Christian. Went AWOL from the National Guard for 21 months during military service and LIED, saying he was there. A former alchoholic and drug user. We could go on..."
King ?: Dick Cheney, Ex-CEO, Halliburton (Currently Vice President).
"Secretary of Defense during Desert Storm. He stepped down to become CEO of Halliburton Oil. Cashed in 34 million dollars in Halliburton stock options before taking office as vice president. But not before making a huge profit from sales of military hardward and equipiment via Brown & Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton."
Queen ?: Colin Powell, Secretary of State.
"He defended massacres in Vietnam, oversaw Iran-Contra and led assaults on Panama, Afghanistan and Iraq (twice). He is often referred to as a "dove" yet his heartfelt concern did not seem to trouble Powell when the US began pounding peasants and children of these countries with inner-organ crushing 'daisy-cutter' fuel-air bombs and depleted uranium."
Jack ?: Donald Rumsfeld, Unofficial WMD supplier.
"In 1983, as Ronald Reagan's special envoy, he went to Iraq and sold chemical and biological weapons to Saddam Hussein. He has conveniently forgotten this along with the fact that he was on the board of technology giant ABB when it won a deal to supply North Korea with two nuclear power plants in 1994. He has also admitted that it was a missle that hit the Pentagon on 9/11."
Ten ?: John Ashcroft, Ministry of Love.
"Architect of Patriot Acts I and II, which define anyone who commits and misdemeanor as a terrorist. He told the world "you will lose your liberty" after September 11th. Has ripped the Bill of Rights to tatters, announcing a desire for detention camps for US citizens he deems to be 'enemy combatants'. Feel the love of the Police State."
Nine ?: Richard Perle, George Bush's handler.
"Former Asst. Defense Secretary under Ronald Reagan. Now manages Trireme Partners (along with Henry Kissenger and several Saudi industrialists) an investment firm that profits from homeland defense. Nicknamed 'the crazy' and 'dark prince'. Also said that France needs a regime change and should be considered an enemy."
Eight ?: Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense.
"Serves on the board of weapons giant Northrop Grumman and toy giant Hasbro, good commbination there then. Was directly involved in the authorship of the PNAC project in 2000, which lays out a plan for world and space domination over the course of the next 100 years and a massive increase in arms spending."
Seven ?: Tom Ridge, American Gestapo Chief.
"Ridge is calling for the abolistion of the "Posse Comitatus Act", putting the US under a military dictatorship. "Homeland" is a neuter word that is translated in German as "Varerland" (Fatherland) very reminiscent of Fascist and Communist secret police agencies. Every proper police state has a head supervisor and secret police to monitor and oppress ordinary people. Hitler had Himmler, Stalin had Beria, the NWO has Ridge."
Six ?: Karl Rove Chief Bush Handler.
"Wnats to merge all the security agencies into one big ministry of Love. Was also behind the Immigrant Benefit Protection scheme to allow Mexicans "to go and come each year as many times as they want, without problems, and so that they can work with documents in the United States." In other words - Legalize all the illegals and call it conservatism!"
Five ?: John Negroponte, US Ambassador to Iraq.
"Best known as US Viceroy in Honduras (1981-85) he sponsored Nicaraguan Contras and Honduran death squads whilct lying to congress. What better candidate for an Ambassador to Iraq? Negroponte specializes in the undermining of sovereignty and leaving a trail of death and destruction in his wake."
Four ?: John Poindexter, Director, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
"Cheif architect of Iran Contra scandal. He was convicted of conspiracy, lying to congress and destroying eidence. I tell you what, let's put him in charge of spying on the people! This man is behind the DARPA and Total Information Awareness schemes that are destroying the US constitution and turning the world into Communist Russia/Nazi Germany."
Three ?: Condoleezza Rice, National Security Advisor.
"Ex -State Dept, RAND corp, Hoover Institute, nuclear policy advisor to the JCS, Chavron and Transamerica Corp board member. Directly LIED after 9/11 by saying (with false emotion) that no-one had ever foreseen the use of airplanes as missiles. Also LIED in 2002 by saying Iraq had trained Al-Qaeda."
Two ?: Simon P. Worden, Ministry of Information.
"Director of the Office of Strategic Influence - doublespeak for Propaganda Psy Ops unit. The Pentagon is "developing plans to provide false news items to media organizations" in an effort "to influence public sentiment and policy makers in both friendly and unfriendly countries." the first story they inveted was that the office had stopped operating."
[edit] Diamonds
Ace ?: Daddy Bush, Carlyle Group.
"Famously announced the coming of a New World order in 1991. Ten years later on 11th September 2001 he was having breakfast with Osama bin Laden's brother, Shafig bin Laden, in the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Washington, on the morning of 9/11. They were on Carlyle Group business just a few miles from where the hijackers supposedly acting on behalf of Osama bin Laden would fly a plane into the Pentagon."
King ?: George Schultz, Senior Counselor, Bechtel Corporation.
"Was head of Bechtel when named secretary of state by President Ronald Reagan in 1981 and regularly attended Bilderberg/Trilateral meetings. Now back on the board he is cashing in as Bechtel coincidently won the contracts for re-construction in Iraq and at Ground Zero. Bechtel seem to be happy to clear up the mess that the New World Order leaves behind in its persuit of global domination."
Queen ?: James A. Baker III, Senior Counselor, Carlyle Group.
"Another former secretary of state under Bush Snr who is now cashing in via the monopolistic Carlyle Group. In the 90s, Baker visited the Bin Laden family when he was prospecting for business in Saudi Arabia. He was also George W Bush's Florida vote recount director. Also set up the Baker Institute for Public Policy, which "independently advises" the Government (tells it what to do)."
Jack ?: Rupert Murdoch, Chairman and CEO, News Corporation Ltd.
"Owner of Fox News, otherwise known as "The War Channel", Murdoch is renowned for licking NWO boots. Free speech is an alien concept to the man, all his presenters are under the thumb. He has also asserted that the world should be prepared for more terrorist attacks. "It's very possible to see freelance suicide attempts both here and in London, and that would psychologically shake this country up"."
Ten ?: Alan Greenspan, Federal Reserve.
"Chairman of The Federal Reserve System Board of Governers, he was hand picked by the globalists to head up their economic criminal activities. Greenspan was just a little known economist when in 1984 he was invited into the NWO. Has been involved in gold price fixing scams among other things."
Nine ?: Ted Turner, CEO and Chairman, AOL Time Warner.
"New World Order owner of CNN, uncle Ted has publically stated that he sees fit to dispose of 80% of the human population. Also referred to those who carried out 9/11 as "Brave" and has compared George W Bush to Julius Caesar. After his 1982 meeting with Castro, Turner commented, "Fidel ain't a communist. He's a dictator just like me"."
Eight ?: Frank Carlucci, Chairman, Carlyle Group.
"Former Defense Secretary under Reagan and Deputy CIA director. Firm buddies with Rumsfeld and other members of the Bush clique. Has made massive profits recently from the fallout of 9/11 and the wars on Iraq and Afghanistan through defense contracts. Shady ties with the Bin Ladens have exposed Carlucci and Carlyle as globalist criminal outfits."
Seven ?: Lowry Mays, Chairman and CEO, Clear Channel.
"Basically owns a whole host of TV and radio networks, literally thousands. Also owns the rights to many musicians work, most noteably Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake. Has deep connections with the Bush Administration and was a direct sponsor of pro-war rallies across America in 2003."
Six ?: Evelyn de Rothschild, European banking elite.
"The Rothschild family has strong and long standing Illuminati bloodlines. They have helped initiate and have profited from wars for centuries, along with manipulation of the economy for their own ends. They are the European arm of the NWO monster. Evelyn de Rothschild is a high ranking Bilderberg member and has recently financed suspect British "think-tanks"."
Five ?: Conrad Black, Telegraph Group.
"The Canadian media mogul gave up his citizenship to become a British aristocrat. Black presided over the Hollinger combine, which is a particularly muscular tentacle of the neocon media octopus. Although he still remains the single biggest shareholder, Black was forced to step down as CEO after a company investigation found out that he took $7.2 million in unauthorized pay."
Four ?: Martin J. Taylor, Honorary Secretary-General, Bilderberg Group.
"Also Chairman, WH Smith Group plc, and International Advisor, Goldman Sachs International. Also ex-CEO of Barclays Bank. Currently heading up the control grid Grandaddy, Taylor is your classic New World Order recruit. He has had his fingers in many pies over the years. Bilderberg meets every year to direct world events."
Three ?: David Rockefeller, Chase Manhattan.
"The Rockerfeller history runs parallel with that of the NWO. As the visionary behind the World Trade Center he pushed the construction of the towers through major opposition with the aid of his brother, then governor, Nelson Rockefeller. Was quoted as saying, "We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order"."
Two ?: Larry Silverstein, WTC Leaseholder.
"He let slip in 2004 that WTC7 was brought down with explosives after the official story stated it fell due to fire. How did they get the explosives in there? In February of 2002 Silverstein Properties won $861 million from Industrial Risk Insurers to rebuild on the WTC7 site. The estimated investment in WTC7 was $386 million. This one collapse alone resulted in a profit of about $500 million!"
[edit] Other
Also included in the deck are two jokers.
Saddam Hussein, The Bad Santa.
"Armed by the US Government in the 1980s with chemical and biological weapons. Caught on cue and paraded before the world when things were not going well and it emerged there were no weapons of mass destruction at the end of 2003. A classic example of problem, reaction, solution. Expect many more of these jokers to be "brought to book" in years to come."
Osama Bin Laden, Goldstein.
"The ultimate patsy. Funded and armed by the CIA in the 1980s. Now a dangerous terrorist enemy. Whenever the NWO needs a distraction, or wants to stir up fear, this man's name or picture is used. Fake videos and tapes endlessly emerge. Sources suggest he died in 2002 of natural causes and is on ice, to be rolled out when needed."
[edit] Sources
1. ^ [1] The National Security Archive