Honey massage

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Honey massage is considered a type of soft tissue massage. The effects of honey massage are based on the interaction between the human skin and the biologically active and nourishing components of pure honey, as well as the powerful stress-relieving effects of reflex therapy. The skin zone reactions provide for the patient’s health diagnosis.

Depending on the technique, this type of massage can be very relaxing or slightly painful. It should not be performed more than once a month, and prior to honey massage, a massage therapist must make sure that the patient is not allergic to honey.


[edit] Honey massage effects

The effect of the honey massage can be felt almost immediately after a single procedure. Honey improves blood circulation in the tissues under the skin and in muscles, improves the thermal regulation of the skin and thus its overall state, and has a positive influence on the entire nervous system.

[edit] Honey massage technique

The essence of this honey massage is the use of honey as a substance that has gluing qualities. Honey is poured over the area that is being massaged, and then the massage therapist puts hands onto this area and unglues the palms. Easy at first, "ungluing" the hands becomes more difficult with every move because the tension force increases. Massage lasts until the palms no longer stick to the massaged area, and the honey disappears from it. The actual duration depends on the type and quality of honey. Generally, honey massage lasts from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Honey massage indications:

  • stressful environment, overwork, emotional stresses and all kinds of pressure and negative emotions;
  • excessive fatigue, overstrain;
  • insomnia,
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia,
  • osteochondrosis,
  • arthrosis.

[edit] See also

[edit] References