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yi-1 דער באַניצער האָט תּוך־ידיעה פֿון ייִדיש.
es-3 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel avanzado de español.
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<html> This user can write HTML.
This user is interested in the Modernist period.
This user is interested in Impressionism.
This user is interested in World War II
This user is a drummer.
This user plays the trumpet.
Image:saxophone-icon.svg This user enjoys jazz music.
This user enjoys psychedelic rock.
rent This user is a Renthead.
Mis This user can hear the people sing.
* This user needs more cowbell.
This user has an iPod.
Steak This user is a carnivore.
Image:Selection_hotdogs_151px.png This user loves Hot Dogs in all their varieties.
This user would have liked Green Eggs and Ham, but will not eat them due to religious dietary laws.
This user eats chili.
This user loves to eat pizza.
This user eats quesadillas.
This user loves spaghetti.
This user loves sausages.
This user eats strawberries.
align=center This user loves hamburgers.
This user eats sushi.
This user drinks Mountain Dew.
This user is addicted to White Castle cheeseburgers.