Home Farm Twins

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Home Farm Twins is a children's book series written by Jenny Oldfield. It centers around two Twins, Helen and Hannah, and the adventures they encounter as animal loving daughters of a country vet.


[edit] The Books

  1. Speckle the Stray
  2. Sinbad the Runaway
  3. Solo the Homeless
  4. Susie the Orphan
  5. Spike the Tramp
  6. Snip and Snap the Truants
  7. Sunny the Hero
  8. Socks the Survivor
  9. Stevie the Rebel
  10. Samson the Giant
  11. Sultan the Patient
  12. Sorrel the Substitute
  13. Skye the Champion
  14. Sugar and Spice the Pickpockets
  15. Sophie the Show-Off
  16. Silky the Foundling
  17. Scott the Braveheart
  18. Spot the Prisoner
  19. Shelley the Shadow
  20. Star the Surprise

[edit] The TV Series

The successful series was adapted for a BBC Television Series, with Polly Duniam and Sophie Duniam cast as the twins. It proved popular, and the books were re-packaged as TV tie-ins.

[edit] External Links

[edit] References