Hogfonna Mountain

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Hogfonna Mountain (72°45′S, 3°33′W) is a high, flat, snow-topped mountain with sheer rock sides, standing 3 miles (4.8 km) southeast of Hogskavlen Mountain in the Borg Massif, Queen Maud Land. Mapped by Norwegian cartographers from surveys and air photos by Norwegian-British-Swedish Antarctic Expedition (NBSAE) (1949-52) and named Hogfonna (the high snowfield).

Hogfonnaksla Ridge (72°44′S, 3°34′W), a high rock ridge, forms the north end of the mountain, while Hogfonnhornet Peak (72°46′S, 3°37′W) surmounts its southern extremity.

This article incorporates text from Hogfonna Mountain, in the Geographic Names Information System, operated by the United States Geological Survey, and therefore a public domain work of the United States Government.