Hochkirchlicher Apostolat St. Ansgar

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Hochkirchlicher Apostolat St. Ansgar (HAStA) (High Church Apostolate St. Ansgar) is one of the smaller German Lutheran High Church societies.

HAStA was founded by pastor Karl August Hahne from Gelsenkirchen in order to form a religious brotherhood. He was re-ordained in August 1971 by Bishop Helmut Echternach from St. Athanasius-Bruderschaft and consecrated as auxiliary bishop for HAStA in apostolic succession in 11. December 1971 by Hans Heuer, bishop of Ordo Militiae Crucis Templi Jerusalem, with recommendation of Bishop Echternach.

HAStA has remained a small fellowship and loosely organised as a society. Theologically it is Lutheran and faithful to Bible. It has published several books by Karsten Bürgener. In celebration of Mass, Hasta uses its own missal, "Die St.Ansgar-Messe".

From the activity of HAStA has even born “Kommunität St. Michael”, a small High Church community in Cottbus.

[edit] Apostolic Succession of Hochkirchlicher Apostolat St. Ansgar:[1]

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