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HMS E31 was a British E class submarine built by Scotts, Greenock. She was laid down in December 1914 and was commissioned on 8 January 1916.

HMS E31 was involved in a curious incident when she was operating with the sea plane carrier Engadine in the North Sea in an air raid on the Zeppelin sheds at Tondern on 4 May 1916. HMS E31 surfaced and spotted Zeppelin L7. She dived to avoid attack. While at periscope depth, it was observed that the Zeppelin was losing altitude as it had been hit by shells from the light cruisers HMS Galatea and HMS Phaeton. HMS E37 surfaced to shoot the Zeppelin down and rescued seven survivors.

HMS E31 was sold on 6 September 1922.

[edit] References

  • Submarines, War Beneath the Waves, from 1776 to the Present Day, by Robert Hutchinson ISBN 978-0-06-081900-2