Hittite Middle Kingdom

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The Middle Kingdom of the Hittites is a period of the 15th century BCE with very sparse surviving records. It is not so much an independent phase of Hittite history as a period of transition between the Old and New Kingdoms. Almost nothing is known about the History of the Hittites in this period. The last monarch of the Old kingdom, Telepinu, reigned until about 1500 BCE. The "Middle Kingdom" is the following period of obscurity, lasting for about 70 years, until the emergence of the New Kingdom, the Hittite Empire proper, with Tudhaliya I from ca. 1430 BCE.

Kings of the Middle Kingdom:

  • Alluwamna
  • Tahurwaili
  • Hantili II
  • Zidanta II
  • Huzziya II
  • Muwatalli I

[edit] See also

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