Template:Historical Macedonia 2

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Historical Macedonia
The contemporary geographical region of Macedonia is not officially defined by any international organisation or state. In some contexts it appears to span five states: Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, the Republic of Macedonia, and Serbia.

    Present day: Country borders.
    Contemporary region: "Defies definition"[1]

"If it were not confusing, it would not have been Macedonia."[2]
Ancient Macedon: Approximate borders of the kingdom, according to archaeological findings and historic references.
Roman province: Macedonia occupied areas outside the contemporary geographical area.

    Ancient kingdom: Approximate borders of the kingdom before expansion to conquer the whole known world, according to archaeological findings and historic references.
    Roman rule: Approximate borders of maximum extent, occupied areas outside the contemporary geographical area to the West.

Byzantine province: Macedonia occupied only the Eastern part of the contemporary geographical area.
Ottoman period: Macedonia did not exist as an administrative division of the Ottoman Empire and was rarely used on maps for several centuries.

    Byzantine rule: Approximate borders of the administrative division excluded Thessaloniki and occupied only the Eastern part of the contemporary geographical area.
 -  Ottoman rule: Absent from administrative scheme and rarely used on maps for several centuries.