History of African Americans in Chicago

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Chicago's Black Belt, April 1941.
Chicago's Black Belt, April 1941.

The history of African Americans in Chicago dates back to Jean Baptiste Pointe du Sable’s trading activities in the 1780s.[1] Fugitive slaves and freedmen established the city’s first black community in the 1840s. Passing through the late 1800s and on to the 1900s, there were many African American elites who contributed to establishing a home for the blacks in Chicago. Their goal was to build a black community with the same advantages as the white community of Chicago.


[edit] Segregation

Especially after the Civil War, Illinois had some of the most progressive anti-discrimination legislation in the nation.[2] School segregation was first outlawed in 1874, and segregation in public accommodations was first outlawed in 1885.[2]

In the 1920s, however, the state, was a pioneer in using racially restrictive housing covenants, a type of private restriction on housing integration.[2] The large black population in Chicago (40,000 in 1910, and 278,000 in 1940[1]) faced some of the same discrimination in Chicago as they had in the South. It was hard for many blacks to find jobs and find decent places to live because of the competition for housing among different groups of people at a time when the city was expanding in population so dramatically. At the same time that blacks moved from the South in the Great Migration, Chicago was still receiving numerous immigrants from southern and eastern Europe.

Though other techniques to maintain housing segregation had been used, by 1927 the political leaders of Chicago began to adopt racially restrictive covenants.[2] The Chicago Real Estate Board promoted a racially restrictive covenant to YMCAs, churches, women's clubs, PTAs, Kiwanis clubs, chambers of commerce and property owners' associations.[2] At one point, as much as 80% of the city was included in restrictive covenants.[2]

While the Supreme Court of the United States in Shelley v. Kraemer ruled in 1948 that racially restrictive covenants were unconstitutional, this did not solve blacks' problems with finding adequate housing.[2] Homeowners' associations discouraged members from selling to black families, maintaining residential segregation.[2] There was also the pressure of thousands of new immigrants from Europe arriving in the city.

As black families and new immigrants started to move in, more established white residents moved out of certain neighborhoods to seek better housing and to stay with "their own kind". The white residents who had been in the city longer were the ones most likely to move to newer, most expensive housing, as they could afford it. The early white residents (many Irish immigrants and their descendants) began to move away from the South Side under pressure of new migrants. African Americans continued to move into the area, the black capital of the country, and the South Side shifted to predominantly black. The black belt was formed.

[edit] The Migration

The black population in Chicago significantly increased in the early to mid-1900s, due to the Great Migration out of the South. While African Americans made up less than two percent of the city's population in 1910, by 1960 the city was nearly 25 percent black.
The black population in Chicago significantly increased in the early to mid-1900s, due to the Great Migration out of the South. While African Americans made up less than two percent of the city's population in 1910, by 1960 the city was nearly 25 percent black.

One of the major turning points for African Americans in the North was World War I. Between 1915 and 1960, tens of thousands of black southerners fled into Chicago trying to potentially get away from violence and segregation in the South and seek economic freedom in the North. The African-American "problem" no longer belonged to the South. “The migration of African Americans from the rural south to the urban north became a mass movement.”[3]. The Great Migration radically transformed Chicago, both politically and culturally. [4]. Also, most of the African Americans who migrated north from 1910-1940 were from rural areas. They had been chiefly sharecroppers and laborers, although some were landowners pushed out by the boll weevil disaster. After years of underfunding of public education for blacks in the South, they tended to be poorly educated, with relatively low skills to apply to urban jobs.

The masses of new migrants arriving in the cities captured public attention. At one point, 3,000 African Americans were arriving every week in Chicago - stepping off the trains from the South and making their ways to neighborhoods they had been told about. The Great Migration was charted and evaluated. The north was starting to change, and urban white northerners started to get worried, as their neighborhoods rapidly changed. At the same time, recent and older immigrants were thrust into competition with the new arrivals from the South.

Ethnic Irish were heavily implicated in gang violence and the rioting that erupted in 1919. “Chicago was a focal point of the great migration and the racial violence that came in its wake.”[3] With Chicago's industries steadily expanding, opportunities opened up for new migrants, including Southerners, to find work. Chicago’s African-American newspaper, the Chicago Defender, made the city well known to the southerners. It sent bundles of papers south on the Illinois Central trains, and African-American Pullman Porters would drop them off in Black towns. “Chicago was the most accessible northern city for African Americans in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas.”[3] “Then between 1916 and 1919, 50,000 blacks came to crowd into the burgeoning black belt, to make new demands upon the institutional structure of the South Side.”[3]

[edit] Housing

Between 1900 and 1910, the African American population rose rapidly in Chicago. White hostility and population growth combined to create the ghetto on the South Side.[1] Most of this large population was composed of migrants.[1] In 1910 more than 75 percent of blacks lived in predominantly black sections of the city.[1]The eight or nine neighborhoods that had been set as areas of black settlement in 1900 remained the core of the Chicago African American community. The Black Belt slowly expanded to accommodate the growing population. As the population grew, African Americans became more confined to a delineated area, instead of spreading throughout the city. When blacks moved into mixed neighborhoods, white hostility grew. After fighting over the area, often whites left the area to be dominated by blacks. This is one of the reasons the black belt region started.

The Black Belt of Chicago was the chain of neighborhoods on the South Side of Chicago where three-quarters of the city's African American population lived in the mid-20th century.[1] The Black Belt was an area of aging, dilapidated housing that stretched 30 blocks along State Street on the South Side. It was rarely more than seven blocks wide.[1]The South Side black belt expanded in only two directions in the twentieth century - south and east. The South Side's "black belt" also contained zones related to economic status. The poorest blacks lived in the northernmost, oldest section of the black belt, while the elite resided in the southernmost section.[5] In the mid-1900s, blacks began slowly moving up to better positions in the work force.[1] Many blacks lived in apartments that lacked plumbing, with only one bathroom for each floor.[6] With the buildings so overcrowded, building inspections and garbage collection were below the minimum mandatory requirements for healthy sanitation. This unhealthiness increased the threat of disease. From 1940-1960, the infant death rate in the Black Belt was 16% higher than the rest of the city.[7]

Because crime in African-American neighborhoods was a low priority to the police, rates of violence and prostitution were also high. There were also problems associated with poverty.[1]

In 1946, the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) tried to ease the pressure in the overcrowded ghettos and proposed to put public housing sites in less congested areas in the city. The white residents did not take to this very well, so city politicians forced the CHA to keep the status quo and develop high rise projects in the Black Belt and on the West Side. Some of these became notorious failures as working class residents changed to poor families on welfare.[8]

[edit] Culture

Between 1916 and 1920, almost 50,000 Black Southerners moved to Chicago,[3] which profoundly shaped the city's development. In particular, the new citizens caused the growth of local churches. The population continued to increase with new migrants, with the most arriving after 1940.

The black arts community in Chicago was especially vibrant. The 1920s were the height of the Jazz Age. Along the Stroll, a bright-light district on State Street, jazz greats like Louis Armstrong headlined at nightspots including the Delux Café.

Black Chicagoans' literary output between 1925 and 1950 was also prolific, and rivaled that of the Harlem Renaissance. Prominent writers included Richard Wright, Willard Motley, William Attaway, Frank Marshall Davis, St. Clair Drake, Horace R. Clayton, and Margaret Walker. In Chicago, black writers turned away from the folk traditions embraced by Harlem Renaissance writers, instead adopting a grittier style of "literary naturalism" to better depict life in the urban ghetto. The classic Black Metropolis, written by St. Clair Drake and Horace R. Clayton, exemplified the style of the Chicago writers. Today it remains the most detailed portrayal of Black Chicago in the 1930s and 1940s.

[edit] Business

Chicago’s black population developed a class structure composed of a large number of domestic workers and other manual laborers, along with a small, but growing, contingent of middle-and-upper-class business and professional elites. In 1929, black Chicagoans gained access to city jobs, and expanded their professional class. Fighting job discrimination was a constant battle for African Americans in Chicago, as foremen in various companies restricted the advancement of black workers, which often kept them from earning higher wages.[5] Then in the mid-20th century, blacks began slowly moving up to better positions in the work force.[1]

The migration expanded the market for African American business. "The most notable breakthrough in black business came in the insurance field."[3] There were four insurance companies founded in Chicago. Then, in the early twentieth century, service establishments took over. The African American market on State Street during this time consisted of barber shops, restaurants, pool rooms, saloons, and beauty salons. These were trades that African Americans had experience in, and made them a little money because white northerners were not giving service to the blacks in this neighborhood. These shops gave the blacks a chance to establish their families, earn money, and become an active part of the community.

[edit] Achievements

In the early 20th century many prominent African Americans were Chicago residents, including Republican and later Democratic congressman William L. Dawson (America’s most powerful black politician[1]) and boxing champion Joe Louis. America's most widely read black newspaper,[1]the Chicago Defender, was published there. After long efforts, in the late 1930s the Congress of Industrial Organizations succeeded in overcoming racial discord in two of Chicago’s major industries, steel and meatpacking. Some blacks were then able to move up the ranks to management positions and receive a stable income.

Blacks were even starting to win elective office in local and state government.[1]

[edit] See also

[edit] Footnotes

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Christopher Manning, "African Americans", Encyclodpedia of Chicago, http://www.encyclopedia.chicagohistory.org/pages/27.html.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h "Jim Crow History", State of Illinois, http://www.jimcrowhistory.org/scripts/jimcrow/lawsoutside.cgi?state=Illinois
  3. ^ a b c d e f Allen H. Spear, black Chicago: the making of a negro ghetto (1890-1920)
  4. ^ Chicago : History
  5. ^ a b "Chicago: Destination for the Great Migration", The African-American Mosaic, Library of Congress, http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/african/afam011.html.
  6. ^ Arnold Richard Hirsch, Making the Second Ghetto: Race and Housing in Chicago 1940-1960, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998
  7. ^ Arnold Richard Hirsch, Making the Second Ghetto: Race and Housing in Chicago 1940-1960, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998
  8. ^ Manning.

[edit] References

[edit] External Links