Historical Christianity

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Historical Christianity, sometimes called First-Century Christianity, is the form of Christianity that was believed by the Apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ. At some point during or immediately after the First-Century some groups argue false teachings infiltrated the Church and ruined the pure doctrine of Jesus and the Bible writers, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Peter, Jude, and James. This came in the form of teachings and writings.

The most widely known writings that the majority of Christians today hold to be false are the Gnostic Gospels. While some may believe at least some of them to be accurate, that is not enough for their inclusion into the Biblical canon.

Many new “sects” of Christianity have been started in the modern-day (most being in the eighteen hundreds and nineteen hundreds) that make the claim that they are the restoration of First-Century Christianity. Some notable ones are the Jehovah’s Witnesses and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and other Mormon groups.

[edit] The Start of Christianity

Although belief's differ as to which religion is the oldest, the majority Jews or Christians will claim that Judaism is the oldest religion starting with the worship of YHWH by Abel, the first one mentioned in the Bible Book of Hebrews.

Down through the ages prophecies about a coming Messiah were written down, the first one in the Book of Genesis at Genesis 3:15. The prophecies were then added to, showing that the Messiah would come through the line of the Abraham and then through the line of King David. Characteristics of the Messiah and events that would chronicle his life were talked about in different books of the Bible like the Book of Psalms, the Book of Isaiah, the Book of Jeremiah, and throughout the minor prophets.

In fact, in the Old Testament there are hundreds of prophecies that foretell events in the Messiah's life and other things. Every single prophecy was fulfilled through the man Jesus Christ.

[edit] Jesus Christ

Jesus was born in Bethlehem, just as prophesied through the prophet Micah in the Book of Micah. That was fulfilled, for Jesus was born in Bethlehem, formly called Ephrathah. It was said that he would be born through the Tribe of Judah at Genesis 49:10. His parents were Joseph and Mary, both descendants of King David. The prophecies go on and on.

Jesus Christ was killed at the age of 33, after being baptized at the age of 29 by John the Baptist. He was killed and resurrected three days later. After being on Earth for forty days he ascended to Heaven.

The life and teachings of Jesus Christ helped to start the religion, Christianity.

[edit] Apostasy

Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons claim that an apostasy overtook the true Church started by Jesus Christ. Although timelines on the matter differ, critics argue that the apostasy was starting within years of the death of Christ.

The Apostle Paul mentioned Philetus and Hymenaeus at Second Timothy 2:17-18 as two men teaching things contrary to what was taught by Jesus and the other Apostles. Another man who was mentioned in First Timothy along with Hymenaeus was Alexander.

Philetus, Hymenaeus, and Alexander are typically viewed as starting off the apostasy by many. Many believe that the apostasy was given a giant push forward at the Council of Nicaea.