Talk:Hindu creationism/rewrite

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[edit] Hindus Opposed to the Theory of Evolution

Although many Hindus do not concern themselves with creation myths, or even do not know their faith's creation myths, there are still some Hindus who are opposed to the theory of evolution on religious grounds.

This article examines the concept of creationism as found in Hinduism and movements associated with the concept. In general, Hindus do not place large amounts of importance on creationism. One particular organization, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) have opposed Darwinism.

[edit] Hindu creation accounts and evolution

Hinduism is a Dharmic religion and thus it bears few similarities to Abrahamanic schools of thought. The Hindu creation account is recorded in the sacred texts, the Vedas. The Universe, the Earth, along with with humans and other creatures undergo repeated cycles of destruction (pralaya) and recreation. A variety of myths exist regarding the specifics of the latter process. The Hindu view of the cosmos is as eternal and cyclic; in this sense Hindu creationism differs fundamentally from the Biblical account.

Some members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) have expressed the belief that Charles Darwin's theory of evolution is false. In 2003, Michael A Cremo published Human Devolution: A Vedic alternative to Darwin’s theory to describe the Hindu creationist view that man has existed on the earth for many millions of years. Cremo's claims are based on the spiritual evolution theories of Sri Aurobindo and Swami Vivekananda.[1]

Cremo also presents evidence against Darwin's theory of evolution, pursuing the same theme as his previous books. These books have been met with considerable skepticism by the scientific community which charges that Cremo's theories are closer to pseudoscience.[2][3]

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Intellectual Treason, Meera Nanda,New Humanist Magazine, Jan 07 2005
  2. ^ Forbidden Archaeology´s Impact by Michael A Cremo, Tom Morrow, Reports of the National Center for Science Education, 19 (3): 14-17.
  3. ^ Forbidden Archaeology : Antievolutionism Outside the Christian Arena, Creation/Evolution 34:13-25, 1994

[edit] References

  • The Hidden History of the Human Race (The Condensed Edition of Forbidden Archeology), Michael A. Cremo, Torchlight Publishing, May 15, 1999ISBN-10: 0892133252
  • Forbidden Archeology: The Full Unabridged Edition, Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson, Torchlight Publishing; 2Rev Ed edition, January 1998 ISBN-10: 0892132949
  • Prophets Facing Backward: Postmodern Critiques of Science and the Making of Hindu Nationalism in India, Meera Nanda, Rutgers University Press, 2003.
  • Postmodernism, Hindu nationalism and Vedic science, Meera Nanda, Frontline magazine (December 20,2003 – January 02, 2004)

[edit] External links

Category:Creationism Category:Theology Category:Hindu movements and organizations