Himalaya Kingdom

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Himalaya kingdom was a mountainous country in Himalayas mentioned in the Puranas. Himavan was probably its ruler and Parvati the wife of lord Siva was probably a princess from this kingdom. The Indian epic Mahabharata doesn't mention about a kingdom named Himalaya, but mentions many kingdoms in the Himalaya mountains like the Kulinda Kingdom, Parvata Kingdom, Nepa Kingdom, Kirata Kingdom, Pulinda Kingdom, Kimpurusha Kingdom, Kinnara Kingdom, Yaksha Kingdom etc.

[edit] References in Mahabharata

Arjuna was mentioned to have made an expedition to the kingdoms in the mountainous Himalayan regions (2:27). Having conquered all the Himalayas and the Nishkuta mountains, that bull among men, arriving at the White mountains, encamped on its breast (2:26). Pandavas saw with delight the extensive domains of Suvahu, situated on the Himalayas abounding in horses and elephants, densely inhabited by the Kiratas and the Tanganas, crowded by hundreds of Pulindas (3:140). Pandavas were mentioned as mining gold from the gold mines of Himalayas at (14:63,64).

[edit] See also

[edit] References