Higher education in Quebec

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Higher education in Quebec is an education system that is unique from other provinces in Canada. Instead of entering university or college directly from high school, Quebec students enter post-secondary studies at the collegiate level into institutions called Collège d’enseignement générale et professionel (CEGEP). This level of post-secondary education allows students to choose either a vocational path or a more academic path. Many factors have lead to the province’s current state of higher education including language and culture as well as provincial distribution of natural resources and population. The Quiet Revolution in the 1960s also brought about many changes that are still reflected in the province's higher education today. The provincial government is responsible for education in Quebec through the Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sport. Higher education in Quebec is available in both English and French, at the CEGEP and the university level. Unlike the primary and secondary levels of education, students have the choice of pursuing post-secondary studies in either language.

[edit] Quick facts

Province of Quebec
Province of Quebec
  • Governing body for education in Quebec: Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sport
  • Minister of Education, Recreation and Sport: Michelle Courchesne
  • Total number of universities: 19
  • Number of English universities: 3
  • Total number of CEGEPs: 48
  • Number of English CEGEPs: 6
  • Average undergraduate tuition fees for Quebec residents: Cdn $2025 [1]
  • Average graduate tuition fees for Quebec residents: Cdn $2137[2]
  • 40% of students who reach university (baccalaureat) level studies are women.[3]
  • Prior to the Quiet Revolution, a Bachelor's of Science Degree took an English student four years of University. His French counterpart was required to complete an undergraduate degree in general arts before entrance into three additional years of Science Studies. [4]


[edit] History

In 1789, the Commission on Education, chaired by Judge William Smith proposed the establisment of a school system from elementary school through to university. They recommended that this system be capped by a non-denominational university , governed by lay and religious representatives - both Catholic and Protestant - attracting members of both faiths..[5]; unfortunately, the report was frowned upon by the clergy and Smith's recommendation were rejected. This report was a catalyst for debate revolving around the divided nature of the early Quebec education system. The Quebec Education system would remain secular until the Quiet Revolution of the 1960s.

By the 1960s there were three French universities: Laval, Montreal and Sherbrooke and four English universities, there were 2 teacher colleges (St. Joseph, Teacher College), 2 liberal arts (Loyola and Mariaopolis) and 3 Universities (McGill, Bishop's and George Williams University).[6]

According to Henchey and Burgess[7], there were 5 major changes to the Quebec Higher Education system since the 1960s:

1. The demand on the post secondary system saw increases of 60% per decade until the 1980s[8]

  • ...between 1967 – 1983 enrolment increased 150%[9]
    • Increasing levels of student participation saw the need to develop a joint committee composed of secondary school personal and University Admissions Officers. This committee was responsible for the consolidation and expansion of regular programs. This helped to smooth articulation between colleges and the various levels.[10]

2. The establishment of CEGEPS and the Univeristy of Quebec System changed the institutional patterns

  • The CEGEPs assumed the role of instructing advanced general courses; essentially removing the freshman year from university. Because the CEGEP graduate was given 30 credits toward a Bachelor's Degree leaving only 90 credits, the university courses became more specialized and of course shorter. [11]
  • University of Quebec was a network of universities administered via a centralized administration office located in Quebec City. This allowed access for social and economic groups that may have otherwise restricted from pursuing further education due to there geography location. Specialized courses are offering at the various regional campus are designed with local representatives and ecological orientation. The initial philosophies were meant to be more democratic, less elite and more flexible.

3. Attempts to coordinate and rationalize the traditionally independent universities into a network that reflects the growing financial dependence of universities on government grants.

4. Curriculum changes involving new programs, more specialized B.A.’s and short certificates and diplomas, and the integration of teacher education into the universities

  • The Quiet Revolution in the 1960s was instrumental in the development of the current higher education system. The Parent Report released in 1964 reported that Quebec primary and secondary school teachers ranked signidicantly lower than those in other jurisdictions.[12] 1961-62 figures indicate that 90% of Catholic (French) teachers and 65% of Protestant (English) teachers had less than or equal to 13 years of schooling. The Quebec Government believed that success in school reform hinged on having well qualified teachers, and teacher education underwent major changes in the preparation and qualification for those entering the profession. The Quebec universities assumed the duties of administering teacher education. By the end of the 1960s, undergraduate degrees became the minimum requirement for new teachers in the K-V system. [13]

5. Periodic analysis of the role of Universities in society and the kind of policies that would be appropriate for future university development.[14]

Essentially, "the reforms fundamentally altered the character and pattern of education, changing it from a decentralized, church dominated system serving an elite to a centralized, state controlled one catering to a mass population."[15]

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[edit] Chronology

Year Event Significance
17th Century Jesuit College and Québec Seminary.
1789 The Commission on Education Suggested merging the Catholic and Protestant schools into a uniform system. It was rejected.
1821 McGill University is established in Montréal It is modeled for English middle class students, and has a small medical school. It is one of the first modern universities in the Province of Quebec.
1851/1852 Université Laval formed in Québec City It is the first major French language higher educational institutions. It grew out of the Québec Seminary.
1853 Bishops University (Lennoxville) It was developed representing both British and rural Québec traditions.
1873 École Polytechnique (Montreal)
1915 École des Hautes Études Commerciales (Montreal)
1920 L’Université de Montréal This university was created by the merger of École Polytechnique, École des Hautes Études Commerciales and a branch of Laval University. All three schools maintained their own unique identities.
1954 L’Université de Sherbrooke It was created to meet the needs of rural francophones in Québec similar in nature to Bishop's University.[16]
1964 Parent Commission Essentially the blueprint for university development in Quebec. [17]
1967 Bill 21 Created the CÉGEPs. In September of 1967 there were 12 colleges by September 1968 that number almost doubled to 23 colleges, by 1971 there were 40 CÉGEPs and currently there are 48.
1968 Bill 88 Creates l’Université du Québec system. Modeled after State university systems in New York and California. Central administration in Québec, then 4 initial campuses: Montréal, Trois Rivières, Rimouski, Chicoutimi. (Desprès-Poirier, 1991, p. 59)
1968 Bill 57 Established le Conseil des universités (Council of Universities) to help strengthen the network of universities in Québec. The Council’s responsibilities included implementing a plan of development and financing education. (Desprès-Poirier, 1991, p. 59).
1969 Institut Nationale de Recherches Scientifiques (INRS)

École Nationale d’Administration Publiques (ÉNAP)

1969 Dawson College Dawson College is the first English CÉGEP
1972 Université Québec à Hull (UQAH)
1972 Télé-université Opens its doors as a multi-mode francophone university
1974 École de Technologique Supérieur (ÉTS)
1975 NADEAU Report
1975 Institut Armand Frappier
1974 Concordia opens in Montréal Amalgamation of Loyola and Sir George William. Both institutions had religious roots (Jesuit and Christian).
1978 A cultural development policy for Quebec[18]
1978 Les Collèges de Québec Nouvelles Étapes Report
1979 Conseil de Collèges established. This council made revisions to the act governing colleges. It developed two commissions: one for general and one for vocational.
1979 4 volumes published by Commission d'etude sur les Universities (CEU)
1984 Revisions of the laws governing colleges New set of regulations for programs
1984 Cahiers de l’enseignement collègial An annual publibication of regulation respecting the basis of college education.
1985 Collège Militaire Royal de Saint-Jean. Instructed primarily sciences
1985 Policy statement of the Council of Collèges (Les CÉGEPs de demain)
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[edit] Equity and Access

[edit] CEGEP (Collège d'enseignement général et professionel)

  • The new CEGEP institutions were polyvalent offering both pre-university and technical programs. The association with the various religious interests was replaced with a secular and public approach with the intention of increasing access for all social groups. By developing a single structure, it allowed for equality of educational opportunity. [19]
  • Admissions into CEGEP
    • Students apply to regional admission services, not to individual cegeps. The exceptions to this are Dawson College and Champlain Regional College. There are three regions: Québec (Service régional d'admission au collégial de Québec - SRACQ), Metropolitan Montréal (Service régional d'admission du Montréal métropolitain - SRAM), and Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean (Service régional d'admission des cégeps du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean - SRASL). Metropolitan Montréal (SRAM) is the only region that offers English-language cegeps. [20]

[edit] Universities

  • Since the 1960s, expanded education systems and open access to all who can benifit from it. Reducing or eliminating desparities between men and women, metropolitan and rural and French and English.[21]
  • "Quebec is clearly moving in the direction of equality access, especially for French women; however, gaps still remain for other language groups, poor and the isolated."[22]
  • There are transfer programs available for secondary school grads from outside the province.[23]
  • The Faculty of Medicine has increased residency capacity by 60% since 2003 largely due to International Medical Graduates (IMG's).[24]

[edit] The Université du Québec (UQ)

Unique to Québec when it was first created in 1968 by the University of Québec Act. The UQ system was a product of the Quiet Revolution. It was modeled after the state run universities of California and New York State. "The Université du Québec was intended to extend higher education to thoughout Quebec in response to expanding enrolments allowing accessable to students in rural communities."[25] The main language of instrution at all nine of the University of Quebec campuses is French.

"Its mission is to facilitate the access to university education, contribute to the scientific development of Quebec and regional development." University of Quebec Information pamphlet

[edit] Télé-université

The Télé-université, or TÉLUQ, is the first university-level establishment specializing in distance education in Quebec. As part of the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), the TÉLUQ's mandate is university education and research. It is characterized by its flexible teaching model, which makes it possible for students to pursue studies on one's own schedule. It accommodates annually more than 17.000 students. Its programs are sanctioned by a diploma of the UQAM. The amalgamation of TÉLUQ and UQAM form the largest bimodal francophone university, combining an on campus and a distance education model. [26]

A short history of TELUQ:

Date Event Significance
1972 Creation of Téluq In October 1972, the Parliament of the governors creates the Commission of the Télé-université, on an experimental basis, for a five year period.
1974 First course – COO 1001 Initiation with co-operation Created in partnership with Desjardins.
1976 First program-Certificate in knowledge of the man and medium (CHEM) First graduate, Mr. Pierre Vincent of Holy-Foy, Quebec.
1990 First baccalaureat in communication
1992 Granting of the letters patent
1997 25th birthday of Téluq
1997 Subsidy of 9 million dollars for technological modernization
1999 The head office of Téluq in Quebec, just as its office of Montreal, take hold of their own buildings.
2005 The government of Quebec authorizes the joining of the TÉLUQ and the UQAM. Jean-Marc Fournier. This amalgamation, which makes of Téluq a component of the UQAM within the University of Quebec, was carried out by the delivery |of additional letters patent to the UQAM.
2007 35th birthday of Téluq
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[edit] Structure

[edit] CEGEP (Collège d'ensiegnement général et professionel)

In 1967, the CEGEP system was created during the Quiet Revolution to allow French and English students the ability to follow the same educational route. It was initially formed as an amalogmation of the classical colleges, normal schools and technical schools.[27] The CEGEP system quickly replaced the provinces classical colleges,which numbered 98 in 1966-67, to less than 20 in five years time.[28]; however, the English schools were created from scratch because at the time their were only two English colleges - Loyola and Marianopolis. These colleges were not to become CEGEPs because Loyola merged with Sir George University and became Concordia University, and Marianopolis became a private college.[29]

Two types of programs are offered:

1) 2 year general education (pre- university) leading to university.[30][31]

General Arts include: Science, social sciences, creative arts, music, fine arts, language & literature and oral communications. [32]

2) various 3 year vocational programs leading to the wokforce.[33][34]

Vocational Programs: Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, administrative sciences and fine arts.[35]

48 CEGEPs 25 private colleges 10 institutes operated by government departments what are these? 1 college under university[36]

Upon completion of the CEGEP program, a student is awarded a DEC - Diploma of college studies. This certification is awarded to student who have o either the vocational stream or the academic stream. [37]

[edit] Universities

  • The CEGEP system streamlined access to Universities, as English students were eligable for post secondary studies after eleven years of schooling and previously was fifteen years of schooling for French students..[38] Smith et al, suggest that the years of schooling are ast 16 years , with the English still being increased by one and the Francophone students reduced by 2 years.[39]
  • (1970’s through early 1980’s) “The Colleges became heavily involved in programs of continuing education, community development and recently programs of international cooperation with developing nations.” [40]
  • 1999 - According to Michaud [41] rates of completion in Quebec were:
    • >40% for high school
    • >25% for University

[edit] General overview of university education

One of the objectives of the Québec education system is to provide access to university services to the whole province of Quebec. Physical accessibility with these services results either in a physical university campus or a center of teaching establishment in the area, or through distance education.

University services are offered in all regions of Quebec. Thus, the majority of universities have several centres of teaching and research, which make up the university campus. In general, the head office of the university is found at this centre. However, in order to meet the needs of populations further removed from the campuses, universities often offer classes at satellite centres distant from their principal campus. These are generally offered on a part-time.

Another way of making university education more accessible is through the integrated use of media, such as in printed paper form, television and telematics. The Télé-université, establishment of the network of the University of Quebec, specializes in this mode of distance education. More than 5,100 students are registered there, including more than 3,200 women and nearly 1,900 men. Most of these students enter in the first cycle (September), although some are enrolled part time. As well, three out of four students are 30 years old or older.[42]

Québécois universities confer more than 35 000 university degrees annually. In the last decade, the annual number of decreed university degrees grew considerably. The rate of obtaining a baccalaureat in Quebec is among the highest in the world.[43]

[edit] Federal Organizations impacting on Quebec Higher Education

[edit] CAUT

  • Greg Allain, a francophone is the current president of the CAUT.

[edit] Provincial bodies that influence the Higher Education System in Quebec

[edit] Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport

  • To direct, promote and develop postsecondary, college and university education, including scientific research and development.

[edit] CREPUQ

  • Conférence des recteurs et des principaux des universités du Québec (Conference of Rectors and Principles of Quebec). This group is an association of university institutions.[44] The CREPUQ currently have a campaign promoting the importance of higher education titled KNOWLEGDGEMATTERS to promote the benefit of having a well educated, highly skilled society.
  • Services provided by CREPUQ include the following:[45]
    • Evaluation of program projects by the Commission of Evaluation of Program Projects (CEP)
    • Verification of program evaluation processes of university programs in Québec through its Commission of verification of program evaluation (CVEP)
    • Follow-up committee on programs through the work of the Commission of universities on programs.
    • Integration centre of information technologies and communication to university teaching and its site PROFeTIC
    • Coordination of student exchange programs through formal agreements reached with numerous higher education institutions in the United States, Mexico and Latin America, Europe, Iceland, Japan, China and Australia.
    • Control mechanism of multiple acceptances for first cycle students
    • Electronic transmission of college academic files to universities for admissions processes
    • Management of agreements relative to study associations with outside institutions which allow students to take courses at another university when the same course is not offered at their own.
    • Interuniversity exchange on teaching vacancy notices
    • Centre for special documents in higher education instruction offering professionals in CREPUQ and university personnel a library of over 100000 documents
  • Information system where the CREPUQ assumes current management within the framework of a protocol with the ministry for Education
    • on admissions into universities
    • on university personnel
  • Exchange programs are negotiated with other organizations similar to CREPUQ, not with individual schools[46]
    • Official program of cotutorship with French universities, created post-signing of Québec-France general agreement signed by Québec premier and French prime minister.
      • Allows PhD students to register simultaneously in two universities (one in Québec, one in France), with two supervisors (one per university), meeting requirements at both universities and spending half the time in each institution.
      • Thesis defense occurs in front of a mixed jury of experts from each school.
      • Earn a double diploma: one from Québec university and one from French university, both mentioning the other institution involved
      • Cotutorship model duplicated with other countries (ie. Sherbrooke has one with a Belgian university), but funding is not equivalent if schools are not in France, due to close ties of French language support

[edit] FAPUQ

  • Federation des association des professeurs des universities du Quebec, which was created in 1970. This organization grew out to the new Quebecios identity triggered by the societal changes in higher education follwoing the Quiet Revolution, and according to Greg Allain[47] was the central body in the formation of the FQPPU [48]

[edit] FQPPU

  • Fédération québécoise des professeures et professeurs d’université - founded on May 16, 1991, the federation is made up of 15 unions whose is primarily concerned is the maintaining, defending, promoting and developing the university as a pulblic service and to defend a University access and quality.

[edit] The Office of Professions (Office des Professions)

  • controls the admission totals for certain professions and through which certain professional programs are accredited. [49]

[edit] Council of Education (Conseil supérieure de l’Éducation)

  • Advises the Minister on the status of education and university research and needs in this area.

[edit] Commission of College Teaching Evaluation (Commission d'évaluation de l'enseignement collégial)

  • Acts as an independent government organization whose evaluation mandate covers most aspects of college education, with special emphasis on student achievement and programmes of studies. Legislation attributes to the Commission the power to evaluate and make recommendations, as well as to exercise a declaratory power.

[edit] Minister of Economic Development, Innovation and Export (Ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation)

  • Promote and develop the overall scientific and technological development required in the country, including university research.

[edit] Federation of CEGEPs (Fédération des cégeps)

  • Promotes education at the college level, and more specifically in the general and vocational colleges known as CEGEPs; the Fédération is the voice of 48 public CEGEPS in Québec.

[edit] Association of Private Colleges of Québec (Association des collèges privés du Québec)

  • Acts as the voice of 22 private subsidized colleges in order to promote education at college level.

[edit] Unions

[edit] CSN

  • Confederation des Syndicaux Nationales, most CEPEG instructors are associated with this union. [50]

[edit] CEQ

  • the chief teachers union

[edit] FEESP-CSN

  • Federation of Employees of public services
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[edit] Governance

[edit] CEGEP (Collège d'enseignement général et professionel)

  • CEGEP Education is governed by the provisionsof the General and Vocational Colleges Education Regulations.[51]
  • Private CEGEPs are governed by the Act Respecting Private Education, and regulations adopted under this act known as the Regulation Respecting the Application of the Act Respecting Private Education, but they are still subject to the same College Education Regulations, which apply to public CEGEP’s.[52]
  • The public colleges are legal institutions each with a Board of Goverors (BOG) composed of 20 members appointed by the Ministry of Higher Education. It includes senior adminstrators, personal and students of the college, parents and representatives of regional groups. Each College also has an Academic Council with 20 members of which the majority are instrutors. The administrative head of the institution is the director general. The colleges level below the director general is the academic dean and the director of student services. Other adminstrators, directors, deans and coordinators make up the next teir of the institution. [53]

[edit] Universities

"Since the 1960’s the Quebec government has assumed a more commanding presence in university policy than was previously the case, allocating resources, standardizing procedures, setting broad policies objectives and attempting to rationalize the university system in the interest of the common good”[54]

In December of 2006, the Institute for Governance of Private and Public Organizations, announced the creation of a study group on the governance of Quebec universities.[55]

The mandate of the group was three-fold:

1. Assess current practices and challenges for the proper governance of universities in Quebec and elsewhere.
2. Assess various principles and practices put in place to improve the quality of university governance in Quebec and around the world.
3. Make specific recommendations that are likely to enhance the quality of university governance in Quebec.

The 11 member group consisted of university rectors/chancellors/principals as well as board members of various universities across the province. Their report was released in September of 2007. It was rejected by the Fédération québecoise des professeures et professeurs d’université (FQPPU) as well as the McGill Association of University Teachers (MAUT) and the Concordia University Faculty Association (CUFA).

In February 2008, representatives of CUFA and MAUT denounced the report’s recommendations in a written response to the study group’s report. The report recommended a 15-member board of governors, where 10 members are external. The board would also be responsible for hiring and compensation of senior administration as well as strategic planning and establishment of performance measures for teaching and research. The report did not take into account the current bicameral system of a board of governors as well as a senate, a system in place across North American universities. CUFA and MAUT were concerned about the lack of academic presence, both in teachers and in students, as well as the overwhelming presence of corporate and business interests on the proposed structure of the board. [56]

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[edit] Funding

[edit] CEGEP (Collège d'enseignement général et professionel)

[edit] Universities

Late 1970/early 1980’s serious under funding lead to difficulties in basic financial planning due to the uncertainty in funding policies...priorities for programs leading to careers and professions and for research and development in the priority areas of information technologies were not always easily engaged at a time of little growth and financial constraint. [57]

In 1979, 9% of the total cost of post secondary education was collected as student fees. This compares to 3% from foundation gifts and 88% from the provincial government. This compares to Ontario's total funding sources, where 13% is from user fees, 9% from foundation gifts and 78% from the provincial government. [58]

Currently, McGill University has the third largest endowment of all Canadian educational institutions, approaching $1 billion.[96]

Funding of TELUQ The budget of Téluq, which is a public agency, is mainly made up of subsidies from the Minister of Education, Recreation and Sport. These subsidies are calculated from the number of students who are registered annually. Other sources of revenue are added to the government subsidies. The budget of the year 2006-2007 presents incomes of 32 912 000 $ coming from three sources: Subsidies: 73% Incomes of education rights: 13% Other incomes: 14% [59]

Tuition fees vary significantly between in-province, out-of-province and international students, with full-time Quebec students paying around $3,500 per year, other Canadian students paying around $7,500 per year, and international students paying over $15,000 per year. McGill University

[edit] Tuition fees

[edit] CEGEP

  • For the year 2007-2008, tuition fees for Québec students are as follows:
  • public college: free
CEGEP courses are free for Quebec residences unless a student fails a set number of courses: 5 failures for general and 7 failures for vocational; however, the Private colleges are fee based.[60]
  • subsidized private college: the amount varies from one institution to another but is generally between C$800 and C$3700 per semester, depending on the program of studies
  • For the year 2007-2008, the additional financial contributions required of foreign (non-Canadian) students are as follows:
    • public college: between C$4010 and C$6215 per semester, depending on the program of studies
    • subsidized private college: between C$2404 and C$3732 per semester, depending on the program of studies

[edit] University

Québec has the lowest tuition fees in Canada, but only for in-province students. In 2006-07, Québec residents paid $1916 in tuition for undergraduate programs due to a tuition-freeze that has kept fees at less than half the national average since the 1990’s. [61]. The tuition freeze was lifted in 2007, bringing fees to $2025, still less than half the national average. Graduate fees also remained low at $2137, on average. In comparison, Canadian graduate students paid $5387, on average. [62]

[edit] Differential tuition

Residents of Québec pay less tuition than non-residents of the province. For the 2008-09 academic year at Bishop’s University in Lennoxville, a Québec resident will pay $1668 in tuition while a Canadian, non-resident of Québec will pay $4790.[63] At Concordia University, Québec residents paid $58.94 per credit and Canadian non-Québec residents paid $171.36 per credit in 2007-08.[64]

For the year 2007-2008, the additional financial contributions required of non-Canadian students enrolled in a university are as follows:[65]

  • undergraduate level: C$306.60 per credit for activities in the human and social sciences, geography, education, physical education, administration, humanities and law; C$348.60 for other activities
  • master's level: C$306.60 per credit
  • doctoral level: C$269.85 per credit

[edit] Student financial aid

Student financial aid is administered provincially through the Minister of Education, Leisure and Sport.

Conditions of admissibility For a student to be accepted for loans and bursaries, the student must:[66]

  • have Canadian citizenship or the statute of permanent resident, refugee or anybody protected under the terms of the Law on immigration and protection from the refugees;
  • reside in Quebec at the time of presenting the request for financial aid;
  • be allowed or will be allowed in an educational establishment recognized by the Minister for Education, Leisure and Sport.
  • be enrolled in full-time recognized studies, or considered to be enrolled in full-time studies;
  • not exceed the maximum number of months of studies for which financial aid can be allotted;
  • not reach the limit of debt fixed for your order of teaching, your academic cycle or your program of studies;
  • not have sufficient financial resources to continue studies.

Students are not eligible for loans and burasaries if imprisoned.

If an individual and spouse are both students, only one qualifies for full-time studies during the same year of attribution.

Provisions for pregnant students and students with families are given when applying for financial aid.

Students who are pregnant during the time of their studies can apply for financial aid with the following provisions::[67]

  • Students are recognized as independent and contributions made by parents are not taken into account as income when calculating eligible amounts
  • recognition, in the allowed expenditure, of living expenses for a child;
  • recognition, in the allowed expenditure, of expenses for non-residence in the parents, whom you reside or not in your parents;
  • if you do not have a spouse, recognition, in the allowed expenditure, of expenses as household head single-parent.

Other provisions for students with families include:

  • Admissibility with the Program of loans and purses - normally intended for the full-time students, even for part-time students (one must be registered at least 20 hours of teaching per month); half of the number of months during which you are being studied part-time is then taken into account to determine your period of admissibility.
  • Recognition, in the allowed expenditure, of expenses if you are household head single-parent.
  • Recognition, in the allowed expenditure, of living expenses for a dependent children 18 years or more which is being studied full-time.
  • The cover of the expenses dependent on the purchase of drugs and care chiropratic (portion not - glaze by the Control of the health insurance of Quebec or by an insurance company) as well as expenses related to the visual purchase of ortheses for you or your child.
  • Exemption, in the evaluation of your contribution, of the first $1,200 of the entire amount of alimony received annually.
  • Admissibility with an financial aid during the period of summer, even if you are not being studied during this one.
  • Extensions, in certain cases, of your period of admissibility to a purse, to allow you to provide for the expenses related to one or more children on your load.
  • The temporary exemption of the refunding of the debt of studies when you stop your studies for a certain time because of a pregnancy or following the birth or of the adoption of a child.
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[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Statistics Canada. (2007). "University Tuition Fees." Retrieved May 26, 2008 from http://www.statcan.ca/Daily/English/071018/d071018b.htm.
  2. ^ Statistics Canada. (2007). "University Tuition Fees." Retrieved May 26, 2008 from http://www.statcan.ca/Daily/English/071018/d071018b.htm.
  3. ^ Ministère de l'Education Québec. (2007) "L'enseignement universitaire." Retrieved May 26, 2008 from http://www.meq.gouv.qc.ca/rens/brochu/ens-univ.htm
  4. ^ Henchey, N. and Burgess, D. (1987) Between Past and Future: Quebec Education in Transition (p. 9) Calgary: Detselig Enterprises Limited
  5. ^ Magnuson, R. (1980) "A Brief History of Quebec Education: from New France to Parti Quebecois" (p. 16) Montreal: Harvest House
  6. ^ Henchey, N. and Burgess, D. (1987) Between Past and Future: Quebec Education in Transition(p.99) Calgary: Detselig Enterprises Limited
  7. ^ Henchey, N. and Burgess, D. (1987) Between Past and Future: Quebec Education in Transition Calgary: Detselig Enterprises Limited
  8. ^ Henchey, N. and Burgess, D. (1987) Between Past and Future: Quebec Education in Transition (p.112) Calgary: Detselig Enterprises Limited
  9. ^ Henchey, N. and Burgess, D. (1987) Between Past and Future: Quebec Education in Transition (p.101) Calgary: Detselig Enterprises Limited
  10. ^ Henchey, N. and Burgess, D. (1987) Between Past and Future: Quebec Education in Transition (p. 101) Calgary: Detselig Enterprises Limited
  11. ^ Henchey, N. and Burgess, D.(1987) Between Past and Future: Quebec Education in Transition (p. 112) Calgary: Detselig Enterprises Limited
  12. ^ Magnuson, R. (1980) "A Brief History of Quebec Education: from New France to Parti Quebecois" (p. 113) Montreal: Harvest House
  13. ^ Magnuson, R. (1980) "A Brief History of Quebec Education: from New France to Parti Quebecois" (p. 113) Montreal: Harvest House
  14. ^ Henchey, N. and Burgess, D. (1987) Between Past and Future: Quebec Education in Transition(p.112) Calgary: Detselig Enterprises Limited
  15. ^ Magnuson, R. (1980) "A Brief History of Quebec Education: from New France to Parti Quebecois" (p. 114) Montreal: Harvest House
  16. ^ Henchey, N. and Burgess, D. (1987) Between Past and Future: Quebec Education in Transition (p. 108) Calgary: Detselig Enterprises Limited
  17. ^ Henchey, N. and Burgess, D. (1987) Between Past and Future: Quebec Education in Transition (p. 115 & 156) Calgary: Detselig Enterprises Limited
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  33. ^ Smith, W. Foster, W. and Donahue, H. (1999) The Contemporary Education Scene in Quebec: A Handbook for Policy Makers, Administrators and Educators (p.6) Montreal: Office of Research on Educational Policy (OREP)
  34. ^ Henchey, N. and Burgess, D. (1987) Between Past and Future: Quebec Education in Transition (p.99) Calgary: Detselig Enterprises Limited
  35. ^ Smith, W.; Foster, W. and Donahue, H. (1999) The Contemporary Education Scene in Quebec: A Handbook for Policy Makers, Administrators and Educators (p.7) Montreal: Office of Research on Educational Policy (OREP)
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  37. ^ Henchey, N. and Burgess, D. (1987) Between Past and Future: Quebec Education in Transition (p.7) Calgary: Detselig Enterprises Limited
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  48. ^ Henchey, N. and Burgess, D. (1987) Between Past and Future: Quebec Education in Transition (p. 113) Calgary: Detselig Enterprises Limited
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  52. ^ Smith, W. Foster, W. and Donahue, H. (1999) The Contemporary Education Scene in Quebec: A Handbook for Policy Makers, Administrators and Educators (p.7) Montreal: Office of Research on Educational Policy (OREP)
  53. ^ Henchey, N. and Burgess, D. (1987) Between Past and Future: Quebec Education in Transition(p. 105)Calgary: Detselig Enterprises Limited
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