Higher Technological Institute

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The Higher Technological Institute (HTI) is an Egyptian Private school for higher engineering education , it has three branches the first and the largest is located in Tenth of Ramadan city, 60 km northeast of Cairo.

The institute was established in 1988 by the Foundation For New Urban Communities as the first private school of higher engineering education in Egypt and soon became the model for the private university level education, which is growing fast in the country. In addition to the main campus at the Tenth of Ramadan city, the HTI presently has branches at the [Sixth of October city] and Marsa Matruh city. Plans are also underway for additional branches, particularly in upper Egypt. The basic tenet of the Institute from its inception has been to provide its graduates with a rich and balanced mix of theoretical Knowledge and intensive practical training in their chosen field of specialization.


[edit] Academic System

The Institute adopts the credit hour system, which gives the student the opportunity to study according to his own pace and his own abilities. Unlike the usual fixed format teaching which is followed by Egyptian universities, the credit hour system enables the student to select a number of courses from a well planned academic program.

The program provides a variety of courses some of which are geared to a specific major, some are general and cultural in nature, the rest are electives to enhance one’s major. The system ensures that the slow learner does not hold back the advanced student. The advanced student is permitted to choose more courses, and when the requirements of the degree are completed, the student may graduate earlier than the rest of his class. Each student is assigned an academic advisor who guides him in planning his study program, monitors his progress, and helps solve any problems that may be encountered. The system encourages the students to develop independent thinking, gives them enough time to widen their scope of interest, and trains them to search for information through the use of the library and other learning facilities. Assessment of a student’s work is done regularly on a daily or weekly basis and throughout the semester. Thorough homework, tests, one or more mid term examinations, term papers, and final examinations are the tools used for that assessment. This will enable the student to learn faster and the teacher to judge his work properly and objectively. According to the credit hour system, a student is permitted to repeat any course in which a low grade were obtained in order to improve the overall average.

At HTI a student may study for a diploma or a bachelor’s degree depending on the selected program. To earn an engineering diploma 120-credit units should be completed, which require about three years of study. To satisfy the requirements of a B.Sc. degree in engineering and technology in one of the majors offered, an additional 80 credit units should be completed , which require about two more years of academic study. The academic study year is equally divided into three semesters ,14 weeks each. Two semesters are devoted to academic, and the third is devoted to practical training at one of the factories or project sites at Tenth of Ramadan City, the Sixth of October City, or, upon approval, other Locations throughout Egypt. Practical training is done under the supervision of academic staff. Such a program combines academic class work with technology, a combination that is badly needed in Egypt and the Arab World. The student may also select a Technology Management and Information program. To get a diploma, 80 credit units must be completed. For a Bachelor’s degree an additional 80 credit units are required. Like engineering students, a technology management student must do two academic semesters per year and a third one will be devoted to field training.

[edit] Academic Regulations

[edit] Academic Load

The minimum number of credits to be registered in any given semester is 12. This is the limit for students with a grade point average of 1.0. Higher credits are permitted for students with higher GPA.

[edit] Change of courses

No change in registration is complete until a “Change of Registration” form has been endorsed by the student’s academic advisor and properly submitted and filed in the Registration Office. A student may add courses during the first two weeks of a semester (Drop - Add period). Students are permitted to withdraw from a course at any time during the first four weeks of the semester without its notation on the transcript.

Under special circumstances, considered plausible by HTI. Council, a student is permitted to withdraw from all the courses at any time in the semester and before taking the final examination without their notation on the transcript and without having any effect on their cumulative point average.

[edit] Class Attendance

Attendance of classes is mandatory for all students. The number of absences in the theoretical or practical classes of a course during a semester should not exceed 25% of the total number of hours assigned to the course. If the number of absences exceeds the 25% limit, the student is failed in the course. Excuses for absences exceeding the limit will be granted in cases of emergency or for reasons acceptable to the academic advisor and the Vice-dean for students’ affairs. In such cases the student will be allowed to withdraw from the course and will be required to register it again in a following semester.

[edit] Suspension of study

1. A student is allowed to interrupt his study at HTI with prior approval for a period of time to seek work or for any other reason. The following rules apply to such cases:

  • A student who withdraws from study for a period not exceeding three semesters is allowed to resume his full time studies at HTI with his previous credits intact.
  • A student who withdraws from study for four to six semesters is allowed to resume his studies at HTI; however only courses previously completed with grade ”c” or better will be retained on his record.

A student who withdraws for more than six semesters may return to full time study at HTI; however no credit will be given for courses completed prior to his withdrawal and he will be treated as a fresh student.

A student who interrupts his study after earning a Diploma from HTI can return to the Institute to complete his studies towards the Bachelor degree provided that no more than five years have passed after earning his Diploma. In such case any new requirements for the Bachelor degree will be imposed and the student may be asked to repeat some of the courses in which he had earned only a “satisfactory” grade (GPA of 1.to 1.99) had been earned. It is also possible upon approval of the council of HTI, to consider the period of work following the Diploma and preceding his return to HTI as one practical training semester towards the Bachelor degree; however a maximum grade of “good” (GPA = 2.00 to 2.99) may be granted for it.

2.A student who interrupts his study without prior approval by the council of HTI for more than one semester will be expelled from the Institute.

[edit] Examinations

At the end of each semester two weeks are allotted for final examinations. The examination schedules are prepared by the departments, and students are required to take examinations at the indicated time. Mid-term examinations are usually administered during the eighth week and scheduled by the instructors during regular class periods.

[edit] Grades

The work of each student in a course is graded A, B+, B , C+ ,C, D+ ,D or F. The lowest satisfactory grade whereby the student receives credit for the course is D. In determining the grade point average for the student (GPA) the following grade points are used.

A = 4.0 B+ =3.5 B =3

C+ = 2.5 C = 2.0 D+ = 1.5

D = 1.0 F = 0.0

If a student is unable to complete the requirements for a specific course for a valid excuse acceptable to the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs, withdrawal from that course may be granted without any adverse effects on the students record, otherwise an “F” grade will be given .

The symbol “I” may be given for continuing courses such as the “Graduation project” which takes more than one semester to complete.

[edit] Repeating Courses

If a student got an “F” grade is received in any compulsory course, the student must repeat the course. Repetition may also be allowed in some course to improve the student’s GPA. This provision is limited to courses in which the student earned “D” or “D+” grade and can be allowed twice for any specific course A fee of 5% of the annual fees for the first time and 10% for the second time will be paid for these purposes .A student who failed in a course three or more times is allowed to register a maximum of twelve credit units which must include the failed courses, other courses in which the student earned an F grade and courses not previously taken, if needed, to complete the twelve credit units allowed.

[edit] Transcripts

The student is entitled to one free transcript of grades earned at HTI. at the end of every semester. Additional transcripts may be obtained for a normal fee.

[edit] Academic Requirements

Students who have earned any of the following diplomas and certificates will be considered for admission to the Engineering departments at HTI.

  • The Egyptian Thanawiya Amma, Scientific section.
  • National secondary school certificates from other countries acceptable as equivalent to the Egyptian Thanawiya Amma.
  • Industrial technicians ‘ Diploma with a general grade of at least “ good “.
  • A Five - year system Industrial School Diploma with at least 65% of the total marks.
  • A Three-year system Industrial School Diploma with at least 70% of the total marks in theoretical subjects. Students who have earned any of the following diplomas or certificates are eligible to join the Technology Management and Information departments at HTI:
  • The Egyptian Thanawiya Amma, scientific or literary section (or equivalent certificates).
  • A Five year system Commercial school certificate with at least 60% of the total marks.
  • Secondary Trade School diploma with at least 65% of the total marks in theoretical subjects.
  • An Accredited first university degree from an Egyptian or a non-Egyptian institution.

A Candidate may be required to do a remedial or supplementary course if his score in any of the qualifying subjects (mathematics, physics, chemistry and English) is less than 60% of the total marks.

[edit] Nationality of students

The Institute accepts Egyptian and non-Egyptian students. Eligible candidates do not apply directly to the Institute; they are nominated by the University Admissions Coordination Bureau- a body in charge of classifying and distributing students among Universities and Higher Institutes according to their grades in the diplomas and certificates mentioned earlier.

The number of students admitted to HTI. every year is determined by the Ministry of Higher Education on the basis of the capacity of the Institute as determined by its Administrative council.

[edit] Transfer Students

College and University students may transfer to H.T.I.in accordance with the regulations set by the Administrative Council. As a rule, the number of students transferred in a given year should not exceed 20% of the total number of candidates admitted in that year.


The Higher Technological Institute administers the following programs:

A. An Engineering program leading to the Bachelor of science degree in one of seven engineering disciplines offered at HTI, namely

1. Architectural Engineering.

2. Biomedical Engineering.

3. Chemical Engineering.

4. Civil and Environmental Engineering.

5. Electrical and computer Engineering.

6. Mechanical Engineering.

7. Textile Engineering.

The Bachelor of science program requires a minimum of five years of study comprising a preparatory year followed by approximately four years of specialized study

B. An Engineering program leading to a “ Diploma in Engineering and Technology “ degree in one of the engineering fields listed above. This option is offered to students who do not desire , for financial or other reasons, to continue for the full duration required to complete the bachelor degree.

The Diploma requires a minimum of three years of study including the preparatory year. HTI regulations allow students who have earned a diploma to resume their studies towards the Bachelor degree at a later date subject to some rules and regulations mentioned elsewhere in this catalogue.

C. A Technology Management and information program leading to the Bachelor degree in business administration. This degree requires a minimum of four years of study in the technology management department at HTI.

D. A Technology Management and Information program leading to a Diploma in Management . This degree requires a minimum of two years of study and the student who earns it may be allowed to resume his studies at HTI at a later date to earn a Bachelor degree subject to applicable rules and regulations.

The individual departments set out detailed requirements covering limits on credit units, mandatory and elective courses and course prerequisites.

[edit] Recognition of the HTI degrees by the supreme Council of Universities

The Supreme Council of Universities recognizes the bachelor degrees awarded by the Higher Technological Institute in the fields of engineering and Technology management as being equivalent to the degrees awarded by Egyptian universities in the same disciplines. Consequently, HTI Engineering graduates are able to apply and obtain full membership in the Egyptian Engineering Syndicate and the Technology management graduates are able to obtain full membership in the Egyptian Commerce Syndicate.


A registration guide is distributed to every student before registration begins. In preparation for their registration, students are advised to familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations applicable to the registration process and consult their academic advisor regarding selection of courses and department requirements.

Upon completion of registration, students should pick up their Identification cards and registration certificates from the Student Affairs Office.

Students may introduce final adjustments to their schedule during the drop and add periods. The dates for the drop and add periods are identified in the calendar for the year at the beginning of this catalogue and are also included in the registration guide.