High Mass

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High Mass may mean:

  • Solemn Mass, a Tridentine Mass celebrated with deacon and subdeacon (international and general United States[1] usage)
  • Missa Cantata, a sung Tridentine Mass without deacon and subdeacon (usage among some United States Catholics)

The renowned liturgist Adrian Fortescue declared that the Missa Cantata "is really a low Mass, since the essence of high Mass is not the music but the deacon and subdeacon".[2]

[edit] Reference

  1. ^ The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, 2000 defines "Missa Cantata" as Mass "in which the liturgical parts are sung as in the High Mass, but which is ceremonially less elaborate"; Random House Unabridged Dictionary, 1997 defines it as "a Mass whose music is equivalent to that of the High Mass but that is less elaborate in its celebration. Also called sung Mass"; even the New Catholic Dictionary defines it as "Usually a Low Mass with the choir singing the Proper".
  2. ^ Fortescue, Adrian (1910), “Liturgy of the Mass”, The Catholic Encyclopedia, vol. IX, New York: Robert Appleton Company, <http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09790b.htm>. Retrieved on 30 December 2007 