High-gain antenna

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The high-gain antenna (HGA) is an antenna with a focused, narrow radiowave beam width. This narrow beam width allows more precise targeting of the radio signal - also known as a directional antenna. Most commonly referred to during space missions, these antennas are also in use all over Earth, most successfully in flat, open areas where no mountains lie to disrupt radiowaves.

Parabolic antenna - the 70m antenna at Goldstone
Parabolic antenna - the 70m antenna at Goldstone
A Yagi-Uda antenna.  From left to right, the elements mounted on the boom are called the reflector, driven element, and director. The reflector is easily identified as being a bit (5%) longer than the driven element, and the director a bit (5%) shorter.
A Yagi-Uda antenna. From left to right, the elements mounted on the boom are called the reflector, driven element, and director. The reflector is easily identified as being a bit (5%) longer than the driven element, and the director a bit (5%) shorter.
A giant phased-array radar in Alaska
A giant phased-array radar in Alaska
Large Horn Antennain Holmdel, New Jersey.  Built to support the Echo satellite communication program, it was later used in experiments that revealed the cosmic background radiation permeating the universe.
Large Horn Antennain Holmdel, New Jersey. Built to support the Echo satellite communication program[1], it was later used in experiments that revealed the cosmic background radiation permeating the universe.[2]
Voyager 2 spacecraft.  The HGA (a parabolic antenna) is the large bowl-shaped object.
Voyager 2 spacecraft. The HGA (a parabolic antenna) is the large bowl-shaped object.


[edit] Principle of operation

When transmitting, a high gain antenna allows more of the transmitted power to be sent in the direction of the receiver, increasing the received signal strength. When receiving, a high gain antenna captures more of the signal, again increasing signal strength. Due to reciprocity, these two effects are equal - an antenna that makes a transmitted signal 100 times stronger (compared to an isotropic radiator), will also capture 100 times as much energy as the isotropic antenna when used a receiving antenna. As a consequence of their directivity, directional antennas also send less (and receive less) signal from directions other than the main beam. This property may be used to reduce interference.

There are several ways to make a high-gain antenna - the most common are parabolic antennas, helical antennas, yagi antennas, and phased arrays of smaller antennas of any kind. Horn antennas can also be constructed with high gain, but are less commonly seen. Enhancements include a combination of a line feed with a spherical reflector to achieve extremely high gains at specific frequencies.

[edit] Antenna gain

Antenna gain is normally measured with respect to a hypothetical antenna that radiates equally in all directions, an isotropic radiator. Conservation of energy dictates that high gain antennas must have narrow beams. For example, if a high gain antenna makes a 1 watt transmitter look like a 100 watt transmitter, then the beam can cover at most 1/100 of the sky (otherwise the total amount of energy radiated in all directions would sum to more than the transmitter power, which is not possible). In turn this implies that high-gain antennas must be physically large, since according to the diffraction limit, the narrower the beam desired, the larger the antenna must be (measured in wavelengths).

[edit] Applications

High gain antennas are typically the largest component of deep space probes, and the highest gain radio antennas are physically enormous structures, such as the Arecibo Observatory. The Deep Space Network uses 35 meter dishes at about 1 cm wavelengths. This combination gives the antenna gain of about 100,000,000 (or 80 db, as normally measured), making the transmitter appear about 100 million times stronger, and a receiver about 100 million times more sensitive, provided the target is within the beam. This beam can cover at most 1/100 millionth of the sky, so very accurate pointing is required.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Crawford, A.B. , D.C. Hogg and L.E. Hunt (July 1961). "Project Echo: A Horn-Reflector Antenna for Space Communication". The Bell System Technical Journal: 1095-1099. 
  2. ^ National Park Service: Astronomy and Astrophysics (Horn Antenna) (2001-11-05). Retrieved on 2008-05-23.