Talk:Hiberno-Scottish mission/Comments
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I see it has been suggested that the Iro--Scottish mission entry be " merged " with the one on the Anglo-Saxon " mission " ....This is a quite outrageous piece of cultural imperialism, as this would involve a grossly misleading confusion of the two cultures - ESPECIALLY as the culture performing the " mission " ( the Celts ) would be in danger of being conflated with the culture in receipt of the mission ( the Anglo-Saxons ) - and would be an example of the historical distortion and conceptual violence that was to attend the imperialist project of the British State( of cultural assimilation of the Celts ) that of course was to take place forcibly over succeeding centuries ( I cannot think it a coincidence, therefore, that this piece of neo-imperialist historical revisionism is suggested in the context of something called the " Northern Ireland " project, itself the latest example of this imperialism, the name of which is a poltical fiction based upon a geographic/cultural myth, and a denial of the self-determination of the Irish people as a nation, and also a failed unit of sovereignty as is now increasingly obvious to everyone except the Unionists...culturally rejected now even by those " Anglo-Saxons " upon whom they have absurdly modelled themselves ( i.e. the ACTUAL British...)