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Hamster for President is an old asian-american tradition, in which gray hamsters are lined up in a primary and campaigned. It is even common to bet on a particular hamster as would be done for real elections.
The hamsters are often distinguished by the speech writer who speaks with them, via a small radio transmitter hidden under their fur.
[edit] Versions
With hamster for president there have always been three distinct versions the first like a horse race would use a gallop poll (sometimes the pie charts displaying the results would be red, other times blue), while the second would start with all the hamsters being placed in the center of a large election, the first lobby a tobbaco or petrol company for funds, wins.
[edit] Critisms
There have been a few cases of critism and even protest of the election by some random person on the internet with a website. On such case was in February, 2007 when John Smith Doe stopped hamster elections from being held in online encyclopedias in Canada. [1]