Hezbollah Al-Hejaz

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Hezbollah Al-Hejaz (English: Party of God in the Hijaz) is or was a militant organization operating in Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Kuwait, and Bahrain. It is outlawed in Saudi Arabia. Several of its members are wanted in the United States for their part in the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing.[1] Charged[2] with participating were Ahmed Al-Mughassil, Ali Al-Houri, Hani Al-Sayegh, Ibrahim Al-Yacoub, Abdelkarim Al-Nasser, Mustafa Al-Qassab, Abdallah Al-Jarash, Hussein Al-Mughis, and a Lebanese "John Doe." Five more are wanted on conspiracy indictments: Sa'ed Al-Bahar, Saleh Ramadan, Ali Al-Marhoun, Mustafa Al-Mu'alem, and Fadel Al-Alawe.

The Saudi Hezbollah is considered as terrorist group in Saudi Arabia and in America.

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