Hermann Otto I of Limburg

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Hermann Otto I of Limburg, count of Limburg and Bronckhorst, Sovereign Lord zu Gemen (from 1640 till 1644) was born in 1592, and killed on 17 Oct 1644. He was the eldest son of Jobst of Limburg.

He married in 1618 baroness Anna Magdalena von Spiess (born 1599, died 1659) and had four children:

  • Otto, count of Limburg and Bronckhorst (died 1679);
  • Moritz, count of Limburg and Bronkhorst, Lord zu Styrum, Wisch, Borculo and Gemen, Erb-Banner Herr of the Principality of Geldre and of the County of Zütphen; and
  • Sophie Elisabeth (died 1686), who married count Ferdinand Gottfried von Vehlen und Meggen.