Herbert Hoover Middle School

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Herbert Hoover Middle School is the name of one of several middle schools in the United States.


[edit] San Francisco, California

[edit] Potomac, Maryland

Herbert Hoover Middle School is located in Potomac, Maryland. Its mascot is the Chargers and its colors are gray and maroon. It serves students in grades 6–8.

The majority of students who attend this school previously attended one of three feeder schools: Wayside Elementary School, Beverly Farms Elementary School or Potomac Elementary School. Most students from this school continue their education at Winston Churchill High School.

The current principal Ms. Billie-Jean Bensen. The assistant principals are Mr. Walker, Mrs. Tam and Mr. Graham.

The school offers a variety of courses, including band, computers, technology, marine biology, drama and chorus. Unlike most middle schools, Hoover does not offer Home Economics or shop class, although these courses were offered in the past. Hoover is the top rated middle school in the Washington DC metro region with 71% of students scoring in the "advanced" range on state assessments, as reported by the "Washington Post" on May 7th, 2008. (www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/05/07/AR2008050701285.html)

Herbert Hoover Middle School has five popular travel programs. The Tangier Island/Smith Island program is a 6th grade trip sponsored by Mr. Calvert and Mrs. Blair. The three day fall trip is part of the 6th grade Chesapeake Bay unit. The trip is limited to 25 students for each island chosen by lottery. The conditions are rough on these trips, for example, no hot water or showers. Mr. Calvert and Mr. Graham take boys to Tangier Island while Mrs. Blair and Mrs. Yesnick take girls to Smith Island. Ms. Remic runs the ski trips, usually two per year to resorts in Pennsylvania, like Seven Springs, in February. Mr. Marra-Lopez and Mrs. Marsteller run the Springbreak trips to central America. Last year they went to Costa Rica. In 2008, they will travel with students to Guatemala. (see school website for details) The French class travels in the winter to Quebec by bus. Additionally, Mr. Calvert's marine biology students attend Sea Camp at Wallops Island, Virginia each semester.

The school has about 1,040 students. Hoover students are known for working very hard in class and on the sports field. Teachers and students alike value toughness and excellence is expected in all tasks.

[edit] Edison, New Jersey

Another Herbert Hoover Middle School is located in Edison, New Jersey. Its mascot is a hornet and colors are blue and yellow. Graduates move to Edison High School or J. P. Stevens High School.

[edit] Albuquerque, New Mexico

Another Herbert Hoover Middle School is in Albuquerque, this largest city in New Mexico. This is one of the feeder schools to Eldorado high School. The school's mascot is the red hawk. The principal of many years is H. Wayne Knight; not very many people know what the H stands for. Sources cited from http://www.hooverhawks.com

[edit] Tonawanda, New York

Another Herbert Hoover Middle School is located in Tonawanda, New York, a suburb of Buffalo. This school is a member of the Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda School District (Ken-Ton).

It serves grades 6–8. Students that graduate from this school will go either to Kenmore East High School or Kenmore West High School (the majority of students go to Kenmore West). This school's mascot is a dragon. The Current Principal is Mr.Corwell and the assistant princiapal is Mr.Murphy.