Henry Clifford Kinley

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Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley
Born September 30, 1896
Greenville, KY
Died February 9, 1976
Los Angeles, CA
Burial place Springfield, OH
Known for Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research
Elohim the Archetype (Original) Pattern of the Universe
Official IDMR Website
Pasadena IDMR

Henry Clifford Kinley (born September 30, 1896 — died February 9, 1976) was Founder and Dean Emeritus of the Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research for 45 years. There are currently several branch schools established world-wide. Kinley is the author of illustrative charts and the book Elohim the Archetype (Original) Pattern of the Universe. The illustrations and book document how Yahweh-Elohim is the archetype pattern by which every aspect of life, law and matter can be explained and verified. This information has been presented around the world to many of the top scientific, religious and political leaders of the 20th century, as well as to thousands of laymen around the world.

Students of the Institute study this key of knowledge in an effort to gain an understanding of the purpose, pattern and plan of Yahweh-Elohim for themselves and to present the teaching in the simplest manner to others. The principal laws are applied to the various natural sciences, physics, cosmology, ontology, current human events, as well as by what is written within the Bible. These fields of study and their co-relationship are made apparent by this archetype providing proof of the existence of Yahweh, our inseparable relationship with this source, and the operation of a purpose and plan.


[edit] Quotation

Introduction to Divine Metaphysical Philosophy and the Divine Pattern of the Universe by Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley (c.1950s)

Where other philosophies and doctrines tell you to accept their word, believe with unquestioning faith—here you will find the reverse—we say, 'Let us demand proof. Let us question every concept. For how else can we know when we find the true answers to the mystery of mysteries than by receiving concrete verification, irrefutable proof, unerring answers that once and forever dispel all doubt and disbelief?'

The function and motivating purpose of the INSTITUTE OF DIVINE METAPHYSICAL RESEARCH—through our written and spoken word—is to provide every thinking individual everywhere with the ability, the techniques, the methods by which to investigate all evidence, to learn to correctly interpret the intents and meanings, to cut through the chaos, conflict and disorder (be it physical, mental or spiritual); to examine, weigh and evaluate every philosophical and theological precept and concept rampant in the Universe—from whichever pulpit it arises—and measure them against the one, the only Divine Pattern—revealed and manifested and repeated without variation throughout the Dispensations and Ages of Time.

[edit] Early Life & Ministry

Henry Clifford Kinley was born in Muhlenberg County, Greenville, Kentucky to Ada Luvenia Higgins and George Edward Kinley. After moving to Springfield, Ohio, his father worked as a drayman at Wickham & Chapman Piano Plate Company on Sheridan Avenue. Clifford left school during the 6th grade to work at Wickham & Chapman and later became a master molder. During his spare time Clifford became proficient in boxing, training horses with his father and an accomplished inventor—selling a few of his inventions to his employer.

Henry Clifford entered the Ohio National Guard during World War I. He also joined the Holiness Church, the Church of God on Innisfallen Ave in Springfield, Ohio. Clifford quickly advanced in the ministry becoming an Assistant Pastor (under Elder Williams) and a member of the General Council. He was appointed over the Healing Services, the Youth Ministry, and was well-known as a healer, preacher and a "walking bible" or bibliomaniac; being able to quote any chapter and verse within the Holy Bible. Over the years he became a member of the Masonic Order (3rd Degree) and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (I.O.O.F). On March 27, 1916 Henry Clifford Kinley married Katie Mae Glenn. From 1917 to 1928 Clifford and Katie bore eight children: Clifford, Jr., Richard, Katie, R.P., Arlena, Rachel, Glenn and Jack.

[edit] Springfield Interdenominational Bible Ecclesia

After 14 years of service, Kinley was forced into leaving the church because of a false accusation. His reputation was restored 7 years after the allegation. Subsequently, Henry C. Kinley received a Divine Vision and Revelation from Yahweh-Elohim on the morning of June 6, 1931 (See References from Kinley Audio and Manuscript Archives). Attempts were made to present the revelation to the congregation of his former ministry, but he received further ridicule and was not accepted.

Jude: Earth Going Back to Chaos by Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley (1970)

I told you this before when I saw the vision I didn't understand it. It makes me think, and I'll say to you that John on the Isle of Patmos saw the vision, and there were some things about it that he didn't understand...And he went on to tell you, or to listing this, that, and the other of what it is he saw. Now I'm saying this: See I saw the vision! And after I saw the vision I didn't understand it, so then the meaning of it was revealed me. And after it was revealed to me I knew right then there wasn't any need for me to go out and try to preach nothing to nobody; it shut my mouth as tight as a clam. I took my little dog and went by the river, and now I wondered how I'm going to get it over to the world. And right in that I was told to make these charts, just couldn't start without them.

A year and a half later (nearly two years) after the revelation of the Divine Pattern of the Universe, a gentleman by the name of Carl Franklin Gross became Kinley's first student. Shortly thereafter the first chart was completed and the Springfield Interdenominational Bible Ecclesia was formed in 1932 in Springfield, Ohio. The organization dedicated itself to people of all colors, nationalities and creeds, from any caste, and regardless of gender and status in an effort to form a “Universal Brotherhood of Humanity in Yahshua the Messiah”. Small gatherings were held by cottage meetings in the homes of interested family and friends in the community. In the process of time, the teaching spread and several schools were established in the United States.

[edit] Archetype Pattern of the Universe

After receiving the understanding that Yahweh-Elohim is the Pattern of the Universe, H.C. Kinley knew that to convey this message he would have to provide verifiable and consistent proof and illustration to whomever he presented this new philosophy. A series of charts were created describing a simple, scientific method in which to understand this new and revolutionary concept of God.

The first chart was successfully created on a bed sheet in 1932. The chart was named by Kinley as the Chart on the Pattern or Plan of Salvation, otherwise known to the school’s students as the Elementary Chart, and was illustrated according to a threefold pattern containing 10 principle laws and several concurrent cycles. The second chart that was made was entitled the same as the book Kinley authored Elohim the Archetype (Original) Pattern of the Universe, otherwise known as the Moses Chart. This illustration documents the pattern's operation in the universe or the “greater and more perfect tabernacle” as expressed by the Apostle Saul. (See King James Version of Hebrews 8th and 9th Chapters.) Additional charts on chronology, religious and political history, and how man is made in the image and likeness of Elohim were created. All of these charts (and others) are similar to the ones copied and used in all of the schools today.

[edit] Kinley Divinity School

On October 11, 1935 the Kinley Divinity School was legally incorporated as a non-profit corporation in the State of Ohio, County of Clark, City of Springfield for a $25 filing fee. The Articles of Incorporation listed several trustees and a purpose:

...is not for profit but to promote the cause of the Christian religion; to operate a school to prepare students for the ministry and laymen for scientific study to better understand and serve both God and their fellowmen...

[edit] Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research

Another name change for the school came in the 1940s while the founder was living in Cincinnati, Ohio. The school was renamed the Kinley Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research, Incorporated and the duties of headquarters was held between those in Springfield and Cincinnati. Several years later, in 1958, after the migration to Los Angeles, California, headquarters was moved once again. The school was legally established as a separate organization and renamed the Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research. The Kinley Institute was then dissolved in Ohio and all schools became branches of the Institute in California.

[edit] Letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt

419 W. 7th St.
Cincinnati, Ohio
July 10, 1939

Mr. Franklin D. Roosevelt,
President of the United States of America,
Capitol Building,
Washington, D.C.

Dear Sir:

Fully realizing that this important matter in which I am about to approach you with, is altogether out of harmony with your daily occupation and present course of public political duties, I humbly request that you kindly accept my apology in advance for this brief interruption. Briefly stated, about seven years ago, I discovered the actual presence of the "Pattern of the Universe". There is a "Divine Law" embracing ten fundamental principles embodied in this Pattern. A polytechnic cosmographical investigation of this Pattern and the functions of this Universal Divine Law was conducted, which extended over a period of five years. The final results disclosed the birth of a New Divine, Scientific System of proving with unerring accuracy the origin and timely methodical development and perpetual operations of the finished Universal Creation.

I have in my possession an illustrative Chart, displaying the "Pattern" and the operations of the "Divine Law" which necessitated the use of over one hundred and twenty hand painted pictures, symmetrically arranged in perfect harmonious relationship and fully explaining the feasibility of the same in utter simplicity. Free lectures given from this Chart in both public and private places have actually convinced many people that none of the above mentioned is a mere hallucination or some kind of a high class modern philosophical, psychological myth, but truly is endorsed by supreme authentication.

Several eminent authorities who have been permitted to review this work have expressed the opinion that it is a sure cure for skeptics, atheists, agnostics and infidels and would lend a helping hand towards reconciling scientists and religionists, providing each figure on the Chart and the analogical and symbolical relationship of one plate (thing) to the other was thoroughly explained in both pictorial and printed book form. This would require the services of several persons who possessed sufficient academic training and far more capable and efficiently prepared than I to accomplish such a great task. A very prominent local businessman suggests that this work be put on the screen in moving pictures, while another I judge to possess equal intelligence thinks that it should be repainted so as to enlarge and beautify the pictures and placed in the art museum.

Since I am a poor man with a large family and a limited income, I am not in a financial position to further promote or advance this work in any direction. However, I believe that it is my duty to seek someone who is in a position to supply the help that I am so much in need of. If there is no Practical and Occult Scientific Research Department under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government that you can request, if you so desire, to give attention and determine the value of my work and give me some assistance, I am fully confident that upon your approval and intercession some philanthropic institution established for such purposes will accept a work of his nature and properly use it for the mutual benefit of all mankind. Due to the fact that this work, reaching through seven ages cannot be explained by correspondence and must be seen to be appreciated, I assure you that I would feel greatly honored and rejoice at the opportunity to meet and explain it to you at your convenience or to any person or persons whom you suggest or appoint for this occasion.

Thanking you in advance for your kind attention and any assistance you are in position to render, and earnestly awaiting your reply, I remain

Yours Truly,
H.C. Kinley

[edit] Historical References

Additional historical references related to the biography of Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley:

[edit] References

  1. Henry Clifford Kinley Elohim the Archetype (Original) Pattern of the Universe. Revised in 2006 by the Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research.
  2. A Living Testimony: The History and Biography of Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley: by Kinley-Davis, ISBN 1-4116-5462-5 (ltd).
  3. ThePatternOfEverything.Org containing Kinley manuscripts from 1940s to 1975.
  4. IDMR.Net the Official Website of the Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research.
  5. Pasadena IDMR