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In mathematics, the concept of continuity as it is defined for single-valued functions is not immediately extendible to multi-valued mappings or correspondences. In order to derive a more generalized definition, the dual concepts of upper hemicontinuity and lower hemicontinuity are introduced.


[edit] Upper hemicontinuity

A correspondence Γ : AB is said to be upper hemicontinuous if the images of all compact sets are bounded, and:

 \forall a \in A, a^m \rarr a, b^m \in \Gamma(a^m), and b^m \rarr b \, \implies b \, \in \Gamma(a)

In words, this definition simply says that a correspondence is upper hemicontinuous if and only if it has a closed graph and the image of compact sets is bounded.

[edit] Lower hemicontinuity

A correspondence Γ : AB is said to be lower hemicontinuous at the point a if the images of all compact sets are bounded, and:

for each convergent sequence in the domain a^m \rarr a, and each value in the range ( b \in \Gamma(a)), there exists a sequence such that ( b^m \rarr b ). The sequence is such that the mth point of the sequence in the range (bm) is in the range of the mth point in the sequence in the domain (am), for all m > M for some value of M.

Or, stated entirely in set notation,

\forall a^m \rarr a (a, a^m \in A), \forall b \in \Gamma(a) : \exists M, \exists b^m \rarr b such that b^m \in \Gamma(a^m) (m>M)

[edit] Implications for continuity

If a correspondence is both upper hemicontinuous and lower hemicontinuous, it is said to be continuous. A continuous function is in all cases both upper and lower hemicontinuous.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • Mas-Colell, Whinston, and Green. Microeconomic Analysis. Oxford University Press, 1995, pp 949-951.
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