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This article is a rough translation of an article in German. It may have been generated by a computer or by a translator with limited proficiency in English or German. Feel free to enhance the translation. For reference, the original article may appear under "German" in the "languages" list. |
A Helvetism (new lat. Helvetia = Switzerland and -ism) is any distinctive characteristic of Swiss Standard German that is not found in other varieties of Standard German. The most typical helvetisms appear characteristically in vocabulary and pronunciation, but their certain helvetisms also appear in syntax and orthography.
While Swiss citizens habitually use their native vocabularies, that does not qualify as real errata. The Duden sanctions a number of helvetisms as correct Standard German - characteristic of Switzerland. They are part of the "Swiss standard language"/"Swiss standard German", but only if they aren't too seldom - If their use is limited to a certain dialect, they are rated as typically dialect ("mundartlich"). In orthography, the most visible difference from Standard German usage outside Switzerland is the absence of ß (officially abolished in the Canton of Zürich in 1935, the sign fell gradually out of use; it was dropped by the NZZ in 1974).
Helvetisms may either be employed consciously or unconsciously by a Swiss German speaker. There are Swiss authors, that often use helvetisms knowingly within Standard German, notably Jeremias Gotthelf in his novels set in the Emmental, and more recently Tim Krohn in his Quatemberkinder, whilst others (e.g. Peter Stamm, whose books are read throughout the German speech area) try to keep helvetisms out of their works. Some seem to like helvetism and play with it, to express a popular feeling: Peter Bichsel, who writes "Beiz" instead of "Kneipe" and uses the demotic "Kasten" instead of "Schrank" ("Armoire") in his short story "San Salvador".) Helvetisms sometimes aren't easy to notice, it can only be an article, that differs: Markus Werner in "Zündels Abgang" uses "Tram" ("streetcar"), that in Germany has the female article "die", with the neuter article "das", like the Swiss do.
A helvetism may also be a word, that stems from Swiss language region, but is now known worldwide (e.g.: Müsli, Putsch). In this case, the term "helvetism" is used parallel to terms like "Anglicism" (see: Loanword).
Similar to "helvetisms", there are Austriacisms and Teutonisms (Also wrongly called "Germanisms"), which coin the national variety.
[edit] Abbreviations used in following word list
- inf. used in informal situations
- dial. dialect
- aust. Austrian
- TM. trademark
After the helvetism, you see the German word followed by the English translation.
[edit] Vocabulary
Some vocables are used instead of or besides a Standard German vocable. In some parts of the German language area, those vocables are known, too - but used seldom.
[edit] Kitchen, Dining and Restaurant
- der/das Apéro or Apero (Umtrunk=Taking appetizers and drinks - standing - before a feast)
- das Aromat (TM., special Swiss condiment)
- das Bahnhofbuffet (Bahnhofrestaurant=railway restaurant)
- der Ballon/das Ballönli dial./inf. (Glas Wein=a glass of wine)
- die Baumnuss (Walnuss=walnut)
- die Beiz inf. (Kneipe=drinking hole, compare with: Beis(e) l, aust.)
- der Bierteller (Bierdeckel=table mat for glasses of beer)
- der/das Café Mélange (Kaffee mit Schlagsahne=coffee with cream)
- der/die Coupe (Eisbecher=sundae)
- das Cüpli (Glas Champagner/Sekt=glass of champagne)
- durchzogen (mittelmässig=middle-rate, aust., "durchwachsen")
- der Gipfel, das Gipfeli (Hörnchen=Croissant)
- die Glace/das Glacé (Speiseeis=ice cream)
- grillieren (grillen=making a barbecue)
- das Gue(t)zli/Güe(t)zi dial./inf. (Plätzchen, Keks=cookie, biscuit)
- der/das Kaffee crème oftmals auch Café crème (Kaffee mit Sahne=coffee with cream)
- der Kartoffelstock (Kartoffelpüree=potato mash)
- der Kirsch (Kirschwasser=kirsch)
- die Metzgete (Schlachtplatte=meat platter)
- der Milken (Kalbsbries, Kalbsmilch=calf milk)
- das Morgenessen (Frühstück=breakfast)
- das Nachtessen (Abendessen=evening meal)
- der Nüsslisalat bzw. (in Bern) Nüssler (field salad, lambs' lettuce)
- das Panaché (Radler=shandy)
- die Peperoni (Paprika=red pepper, but yellow and green ones, too)
- die Pinte (Restaurant)
- der Pflümli (schnaps made of plums)
- das Poulet (poultry)
- das Praliné ("Praline", but accentuated on the "a"=praline)
- die Rande;seldom in sing. (rote Bete=beetroot)
- rezent ;related to cheese: scharf, salzig=peppery and salty)
- das Rüebli dial./inf. (Möhre, Karotte=carrot)
- der Sauerrahm" (Creme fraiche)
- die Schale oder Schale gold (heller Milchkaffee=blonde white coffee)
- die Schoggi dial./inf. (Schokolade=chocolate)
- die Serviertochter; antiquated (Kellnerin=waitress)
- das Supplément (zusätzliche Portion, Nachschlag=additional dish)
- der Süssmost (Apfelsaft=apple juice)
- das Tearoom oder Tea Room; antiquated (Café=café)
- der Thon (Thunfisch=tuna, tunny fish)
- tischen (den Tisch decken=cover the table)
- das Voressen (Gulasch, Ragout=goulash)
- währschaft (deftig, solide, urwüchsig=solid, ethnic)
- die Weindegustation (also aust., Weinprobe=degustation of wine)
- der/das Zmorge dial./inf. (Frühstück=breakfast)
- der/das Znüni dial./inf. (Zwischenmahlzeit am Vormittag=snack before midday)
- der/das Zmittag dial./inf. (Mittagessen=lunch)
- der/das Zvieri dial./inf. (Zwischenmahlzeit am Nachmittag=snack after midday)
- der/das Znacht dial./inf. (Abendessen=dinner)
- die Zucchetti (Zucchini=zucchini)
[edit] Home and Household
- der Abwart (Hausmeister, Hauswart=caretaker)
- die Alterssiedlung (Altenwohnheim=home for the aged)
- die Attikawohnung (Penthouse=attic flat)
- die Aufrichte (Richtfest, aust: Firstfeier=topping-out ceremony)
- der Estrich (Dachboden=screed)
- die Finken (Hausschuhe, Pantoffeln=finches, slippers)
- der Harass/die Harasse (Getränkekiste=a solid box, bottles come in)
- der Kehricht (look under Güsel / Ghüder)
- die (Lamellen-)Store (Jalousie=jalousie)
- der Mietzins (aust., too; Miete=rent)
- die Pfanne (Topf=pot)
- posten (einkaufen gehen=go shopping (rather for daily shopping than for luxury))
- das Riegelhaus (Fachwerkhaus=(half-)timbered house)
- ringhörig (hellhörig=clairaudient)
- der Schüttstein (Ausguss in Küche=sink in kitchen)
- das Lavabo (Ausguss im Badezimmer=washbasin in bathroom)
- das Sackmesser (south-German, too; Taschenmesser=pocket knife)
- der Spannteppich (Teppichboden=room carpet, fitted carpet)
- das Spital (aust., too;Krankenhaus=hospital)
- das Stöckli (Altenteil, Ausgedinge=cottage of estate reserved for use by parents.(That's the informal synonym for the Swiss Ständerat, too))
- der Tumbler ((Kleider-) Trockner=dryer for clothes)
- versorgen (wegräumen=to put sth. away)
- wischen (kehren, fegen=sweeping)
- zügeln (umziehen=relocating)
[edit] Trading
- der Abriss (Nepp=gyp)
- die Lehre (auch aust., Anlernzeit=apprenticeship)
- die Betreibung (Zwangsvollstreckung=prosecution)
- das Bierdepot (Bierverlag, nicht Bierpfand=beer distributor)
- das Brockenhaus (Gebrauchtwarenladen, v.a. für Möbel=secondhand store orig. merely for furniture, but some have e.g. books and clothes, too)
- der Coiffeur (Friseur=hairdresser)
- das Depot (Pfand bei Mehrwegverpackungen=deposit (e.g. on bottles))
- der Detailhandel (Einzelhandel=retailing)
- der Einzahlungsschein (Überweisung,Zahlkarte, Erlagschein=credit slip)
- der Gesamtarbeitsvertrag, Abbrev. GAV (Tarifvertrag, Kollektivvertrag=collective labor agreement)
- die Lehrtochter (die Auszubildende=girl in an apprenticeship)
- der Lehrsohn (der Auszubildende=boy in apprenticeship)
- die Offerte (das Angebot=the offer)
- die Papeterie (Schreibwarenhandlung=stationery shop)
- der Redaktor;accentuated on second syllable (Redakteur=editor)
- das Sackgeld (Taschengeld=pocket money)
- der Zeitungsverträger (Zeitungsausträger=paperboy)
[edit] Traffic
- die Ausfahrt (aust., too Abfahrt=slip road for leaving motorway)
- die Abzweigung (aust., too Abzweiger=branch of the street to turn to)
- der Autobus short Bus (Omnibus=omnibus)
- der Autocar short Car (Reisebus=motor-coach)
- der Automobilist (Autofahrer=car driver)
- das Autopermis short Permis (Führerschein=driving license)
- der Autoverlad (aust., too PW-Huckepackverkehr=car pickaback on train)
- das Billet (Fahrkarte, inf. also Führerschein=entry ticket for e.g. a concert, inf. for driving license, too)
- der Camionneur (Fuhrunternehmer=carter)
- der Dolendeckel/Senklochdeckel;Dolendeckel is South-German, too (Kanaldeckel, Gully=gully cover)
- der Fahrausweis (Führerschein=driving license)
- der Führerausweis (Führerschein=driving license)
- die Garage (KFZ-Werkstatt= auto (car)repair shop)
- der "Garagist" (Werkstatteigentümer=owner of auto /(car) repair shop)
- der Kondukteur (Schaffner, Zugbegleiter=conductor)
- die Kondukteuse;Made-up word, doesn't even exist in French (Schaffnerin, Zugbegleiterin=female conductor.)
- der Lenker (Fahrer=driver)
- das Lichtsignal (Verkehrsampel=traffic lights)
- das Motorfahrzeug (Kraftfahrzeug=motor vehicle)
- die Occasion accentuated on first syllable (Ware aus zweiter Hand, especially: Der Gebrauchtwagen=second-hand car)
- der ÖV, öffentlicher Verkehr (öffentlicher Verkehr=public transport)
- parkieren (parken=to park)
- die Passerelle (Fussgängerbrücke=bridge for pedestrians)
- das/der Perron (Bahnsteig=railway station platform)
- der Pneu (Autoreifen=tires)
- der PW (PKW, Personenkraftwagen=passenger car, private car)
- der Rank dial./inf. (Kurve=curve)
- das Retourbillet (Rückfahrkarte=return ticket)
- das Rotlicht (Ampelanlage=traffic lights)
- das/der Töff inf. (Motorrad=motorbike)
- das Tram (also Aust. and South-German, Straßenbahn=streetcar, tram)
- das Trassee (Trasse, Bahnkörper=railroad roadbed)
- das Trottinet (Tretroller=scooter)
- das Trottoiraccentuated on first syllable (also Aust. and South-German; Bürgersteig, Gehweg=sidewalk, pavement)
- das Velo (von Veloziped; Fahrrad=bicycle)
- der Zwischenhalt (Zwischenstation=intermediate station)
[edit] Military
- das Abgeben (Entlassung aus der Dienstpflicht=discharge from service duty)
- der Auditor (Ankläger bei Militärgericht=prosecutor at military court)
- der Dienstverweigerer (Wehrdienstverweigerer=person who refuses to carry out military service)
- der Endalarm (Entwarnung=all-clear)
- der Feldweibel (Feldwebel=sarge)
- das Kantonnement (Truppenunterkunft=troup quarters)
- der Kommandant (Kommandeur=commander)
- die Rekrutenschule Abk.: RS (militärische Grundausbildung=military basic education)
- die Wacht (Wache="watch" or guard)
- der Wiederholungskurs Abk.: WK (akin "Reservistenübung"=reservist's drill)
[edit] Education
- das Gymi (ausgesprochen: ['gimi]) spec. Gymer (only canton of Bern) inf. (Gymnasium=grammar school)
- der Hauptlehrer (verbeamteter Lehrer=functionary teacher)
- die Kantonsschule inf. Kanti (Gymnasium=grammar school)
- die Legitimationskarte, abgekürzt inf. Legi (Studentenausweis=student's pass)
- der Maibummel (Maiwanderung=hike in May)
- die Matur, Matura (Matura also Aust.; Abitur=university-entrance diploma)
- der Maturand (Abiturient; aust.: Maturant=student achieving university-entrance diploma)
- die Mittelschule (also aust., höhere Schule=high school)
- der Mittelschullehrer (Gymnasiallehrer; Studienrat; aust.: high school professor)
- die Promotion (also aust., Versetzung=displacement)
- die Schulreise (Klassenfahrt=school trip)
- der Schulthek/Thek (Schulranzen, Tornister=school satchel)
- der Sporttag (Schulsportfest=school sports' day)
[edit] Politics, State and Law
- der Aktivbürger (volljähriger Staatsbürger=adult citizen with right to vote)
- die Absenz (das Fernbleiben, and its annotation= absence, and its annotation)
- ausmehren (bei einer Landsgemeinde die Mehrheit ermitteln=finding the majority at a voting event)
- ausschaffen (abschieben=deportation (of refugees, criminals))
- bedingt (also Aust., mit Bewährungsfrist=on probation)
- der Bezüger (Bezieher=recipient (of e.g. unemployment benefit))
- die Busse, (Bussgeld), auch: gebüsst werden=monetary fine)
- die Classe politique (die Politiker=the politicians (often pejorative))
- der Courant normal (normale Tagesgeschäfte=daily business)
- das Departement (Ministerium, Fakultät, Abteilung=department)
- auf etwas eintreten (auf etwas eingehen=agree to a proposal)
- die Einwohnerkontrolle (Einwohnermeldeamt=residents' registration office)
- der Entscheid (amtliche Entscheidung, Beschluss=the official decision)
- fehlbar (schuldig=guilty)
- der Fürsprecher mainly in region Bern, also Fürsprech (Anwalt=advocate)
- das Gegenmehr (Gegenstimmen=opposing votes)
- der Gemeindeammann (in some cantons: Bürgermeister=governor)
- der Gemeindepräsident (in some cantons: Bürgermeister=governor, mayor)
- grossmehrheitlich (mit grosser Mehrheit=with large majority)
- die Identitätskarte (kurz ID) (Personalausweis=ID)
- der Landammann (in some cantons: Ministerpräsident=Prime Minister)
- der Personalausweis; compare with ID (Mitarbeiterausweis=employee's pass)
- der Regierungsrat (in most cantons: Regierung=government)
- die Schriften (Ausweispapiere, Heimatschein=identity papers and certificate of residence)
- die Schwellentelle (Grundsteuer=main tax, basic tax)
- der Secondo, die Seconda (Einwandererssohn, Einwandererstochter=son/daughter of immigrant)
- das Signalement (spoken German) (Personenbeschreibung=Description of a person's look)
- der Souverän (das Volk, Inhaber der Staatsgewalt=the people, holder of state power)
- der Staatsrat (Regierung; Minister=government, minister)
- der Stadtammann (in some cantons Oberbürgermeister=chief governor)
- der Stadtpräsident'; bzw. inf.: Stapi (Oberbürgermeister=chief governor)
- die Standeskommission (Appenzell Innerrhoden: Regierung=government)
- das Steueramt (Finanzamt=finance office, tax office)
- der Stimmbürger (Wahlberechtigter=adult inhabitant with right to vote)
- der Teilstaat (Bundesstaat, especially USA=country)
- die Traktandenliste (Tagesordnung=agenda of a congress)
- das Traktandum (Tagesordnungspunkt=point in the agenda)
- unbedingt (ohne Bewährungsfrist=without probation)
- die Vernehmlassung (Umfrage bei Parteien und Verbänden über ein Gesetzesprojekt=making a poll among parties and club regarding a planned law)
- verzeigen (jemanden anzeigen=to make a report)
[edit] Society and Local Culture
- der Alpaufzug (Almauftrieb=bringing the cattle on the alps each year)
- die Auffahrt (Christi Himmelfahrt=Ascension of Christ)
- der Ausgang (verb:ausgehen=to date)
- die Badi dial./inf. (Freibad=open air bath)
- die Besammlung (Sich-Versammeln=gathering)
- die Cervelatprominenz; a cervelat is a sausage (Lokalprominenz=local celebrities)
- die Chilbi/Kilbi (Kirchweih; Kirmes=parish fair)
- der Familiengarten (besides Schrebergarten=allotment garden)
- die Fasnacht (Fastnacht, Karneval, Fasching=carnival)
- das Grosskind (Enkelkind=grandson)
- der Hinschied (Hinscheiden=dying)
- der Kronfavorit (Spitzenkandidat, Topfavorit=top favorite)
- das Leidmahl (Leichenmahl=funereal meal)
- der Mesmer (in north-east of Switzerland: Küster=sexton)
- die Pfadi (Pfadfinder=Boy Scout movement)
- der Redaktor (Redakteur=editor)
- der Schmutzli (Knecht Rupprecht=assistant of Santa Claus (Samichlaus))
- der Sigrist (Küster=sexton)
- urchig dial./inf. (urig=very old-fashioned (used on Swiss ethnical topics))
[edit] Nature
- die Alp (Alm=Alps)
- einnachten (Nacht werden=getting dusk)
- die Bise (kalter, trockender Nordostwind=cold dry wind from north-east)
- der Erdschlipf (Erdrutsch=landslide)
- der Föhn (Wind über die Alpen=a wind that goes through the alps)
- das Gitzi dial.inf. (Zicklein=little goat)
- der Muni dial./inf. (Stier=male bull)
- der Pflotsch (Matsch=mud (also used for melting snow))
- die Rüfe (Erdlawine=kind of avalanche consisting of dirt)
- das Tobel (Schlucht=canyon)
- die Trute (Pute, Truthenne=turkey)
[edit] Sports
(Football features a lot of Anglicisms)
- der Ausstich (Stechen=play-off)
- der Corner (Eckball=corner)
- der Final (das Finale=final)
- der Flanke or Flangge (der Querpass=cross)
- das Goal (Tor=goal)
- der Goalie (also aust., Torhüter=goal keeper)
- die Nati; spoken "Natzi", pronunciation on 1st syllable short (Nationalmannschaft=national team)
- das Offside (Abseits=offside)
- das Hands (Handspiel=handball, hands)
- der Penalty pronunciation on first syllable short (Elfmeter=penalty)
- crawlen for kraulen (Kraulschwimmen=crawling)
- schlitteln (Schlitten fahren=riding on a bobsledge)
- skifahren (also Aust., schilaufen=skiing)
- snöben inf. (Snowboard fahren=snowboarding)
[edit] Human Attitudes
- angriffig (angriffslustig, draufgängerisch=aggressive)
- antönen (andeuten=denoting)
- sich auffangen; Aust.:sich erfangen (sein seelisches Gleichgewicht wiederfinden=calming down, finding balance in soul)
- aufgestellt (gut drauf; gut gelaunt=happy)
- Aufsteller (gute Nachricht=good news)
- "Entenklemmer" (geiziger Mensch=stingy person)
- eindrücklich (eindrucksvoll=impressive)
- fuhrwerken (herummachen, hantieren=to handle, to tamper), and verfuhrwerken (verpfuschen=botching)
- herzig (liebenswürdig, "süss"=sweet)
- krampfen (angestrengt arbeiten=working hard)
- (ab)serbeln (dahinsiechen=being seriously sick, going towards death (used for plants, too))
- speditiv (rasch, zügig=swiftly)
- der Rappenspalter (stingy person)
- zwängeln (quengeln=whining, grouching)
- die Zwängerei (Drängerei; unnachgiebiges Beharren=whining, grouching)
[edit] Others
- allfällig (etwaig=case, that are possible. e.g. "allfällige Unfällig"="possible accidents")
- das Argumentarium (Liste von Argumenten=list of arguments)
- der Beschrieb (Beschreibung=description)
- die Wegleitung (Beschreibung, Leitfaden=description, vade-mecum)
- die/der Jupe;spoken French or German (Joppe, Rock=skirt)
- der Leerschlag (Leerzeichen=space character)
- das Nastuch inf. (Taschentuch=kleenex, paper hanky)
- das Natel from NATionales AutoTELefon; TM. (Mobiltelefon, Handy=cell phone)
- die Notfallstation (Unfallstation=med station)
- rezyklieren (wiederverwerten, recyceln=to recycle)
- die Sanität (Sanitätsdienst, Rettung=medical emergency service)
- der Sauglattismus (modischer Schwachsinn=modern and disproportional Stupidity)
- schlussendlich (Aust., too letzten Endes, letztendlich=finally)
- die Spitex (ambulante Krankenpflege=out-patient nursing)
- strub (verworren, wild, schwierig=diffuse, wild, difficult, gross)
- der Unterbruch (Unterbrechung=interruption)
- die Zigi inf. (Zigarette=cigarette)
[edit] Other/Additional Meaning
- die Abdankung (Trauerfeier=funeral)
- der Ableger (Filiale=subsidiary)
- die Aktion (also aust., Sonderangebot=special offer)
- aufgestellt (umgänglich, fröhlich, spontan=sympathetic, spontaneous)
- der Ausläufer (Bote, Laufbursche=delivery boy)
- der Estrich (Dachboden, Speicher=attic)
- das Gipfeli or der Gipfel (Hörnchen, Aust. Kipferl=croissant)
- harzig (zäh, langsam=slowly, not swiftly)
- kehren (umdrehen=turning e.g. a piece of paper)
- der Kommissär (Kriminal-Kommissar=commissar)
- der Kübel (Glas Bier von 5 dl=glass of beer containing 5 dezilitres)
- die Laube (Arkade, Bogengang; Balkon eines Bauernhauses=archway, terrace of a farmer house)
- die Legislatur (Legislaturperiode, Gesetzgebungsperiode=election period)
- die Mutation (Änderung, z. B. Adressänderung=changes e.g. in addresses)
- der Nationalrat (Abgeordneter der Volkskammer des Parlamentes=delegate of the people's congress of the parliament)
- der Notfall (Unfallstation=medical emergency station)
- das Paprika (Gewürz aus der Chilischote=spice from the vegetable chili)
- die Peperoncini (die Chilischote; vom Italienischen il peperoncino=the vegetable chili)
- die Peperoni; from the Italian (Paprika=red peppers, but also yellow and green ones)
- der Plausch inf. (Vergnügen=fun)
- das Puff inf. (Unordnung, Durcheinander, Bordell=chaos, confusion - but may also mean brothel)
- das Quartier (Stadtviertel=the neighborhood)
- schmecken (riechen=to smell)
- der Sack (Tüte, Tasche=bag)
- senkrecht (aufrichtig, brav, patriotisch=spotless, patriotic)
- sprechen (Gelder, Kredite bewilligen=allow e.g. credits)
- die Stange (Glas Bier von 3 dl=glass of beer containing 3 dezilitres)
- stimmen (seine Stimme abgeben=to vote)
- stossen (drücken (an Türen), schieben (Fahrrad)=pushing e.g. doors open, pushing a bicycle)
- die Streifung (leichter Schlaganfall=light apoplexia)
- der Trainer (Trainingsanzug=a sweat suit)
- tönen (klingen=sounding)
- der Umschwung (Hofstatt um das Haus herum=land around the and belonging to the house)
- verdanken (in formeller Weise für etwas danken=writing a letter to thank someone)
- der Verwaltungsrat (Aufsichtsrat, only in private industry=governing body)
- der Vortritt (Vorfahrt=right of way)
- wischen (kehren, fegen=sweep)
[edit] Antiquated in Other Language Areas (or Parts of Them)
- der Advokat (Rechtsanwalt=advocate)
- amten (ein Amt ausüben=administering an office)
- ennet (jenseits=on the other side)
- innert (binnen/innerhalb=within)
- der Knabe (Junge=boy)
- minim (geringfügig, minimal=minimal)
- obschon (obwohl=although, despite)
- rekognoszieren, not only used in combination with military or medicine (erkunden=explore)
[edit] Figures of Speech
- mit abgesägten Hosen dastehen (den kürzeren gezogen haben=being in an unlucky and hopeless situation)
- aus Abschied und Traktanden (fallen) (ausser Betracht fallen=when a thing doesn't matter anymore)
- es macht den Anschein (es hat den Anschein=it seems)
- in den Ausgang gehen (ausgehen=to date)
- von Auge (mit blossem Auge=by naked eye)
- ausjassen (aushandeln=bargaining something)
- von Beginn weg (von Beginn an=from the beginnings)
- ab Blatt (spielen) (vom Blatt spielen, ohne Übung=not playing by heart, not having practised)
- Bach ab schicken (etw. verwerfen=refusing something, e.g. a project)
- Einsitz nehmen (Mitglied in einem Gremium werden=becoming a member of a gremium)
- dastehen wie der Esel am Berg (dastehen wie der Ochse vorm Berg=getting stuck and perplexed by an unexpected situation)
- die Faust im Sack machen (die Faust in der Tasche ballen=holding back/hiding aggression)
- innert nützlicher Frist (angemessen schnell=in a quick way)
- das Fuder überladen (des Guten zuviel tun=doing too much)
- handkehrum (andererseits=on the other hand)
- Hans was Heiri (Jacke wie Hose=when two things result in the same or are the same)
- es hat (es gibt=there are)
- sein Heu nicht auf derselben Bühne haben mit (nicht dieselben Ansichten haben wie=don't like someone, having other interests)
- jemandem geht der Knopf auf (jemandem geht ein Licht auf=suddenly getting an idea to solve a problem)
- den Rank finden (eine Lösung finden=finding a solution)
- zu reden geben (für Gesprächsstoff sorgen=a thing being controversial, being much discussed)
- kein Schleck (kein Honigschlecken=no picnic)
- neben den Schuhen stehen (falsch liegen; sich nicht wohl fühlen in seiner Haut=don't feeling well in a situation)
- es streng haben (viel zu tun haben=having a lot of work)
- in Tat und Wahrheit (in Wirklichkeit=the truth is that...)
- einen Tolggen im Reinheft haben (einen (Schönheits-) Fehler haben=having one single flashy mistake)
- gut tönen (gut klingen, vielsprechend sein=sounding well/interesting)
- keinen Wank tun/machen (sich nicht rühren=being still, don't moving)
- es wird sich weisen (es wird sich zeigen=future will show it)
- werweissen (hin und her raten=thinking about sth., more like guessing)
- Jetzt ist genug Heu unten (Jetzt reicht es!=enough!)
[edit] Swiss Specifics
In the areas kitchen, local culture and politics, there are numerous peculiarities, that are not well known outside of Switzerland and which are missing a German expression.
- Kitchen: Älplermagronen (Meal with cut potatoes, Hörnli (Pippete Rigate), cream and melte cheese, Basler Läckerli, Gnagi, Kaffee fertig (Coffee with Schnaps), Quorn
- Local Culture: Hornussen (a native throwing game, esp. in Kanton Bern), der/das Nouss ("Dish" used in Hornussen), Jass (a card game), Schwingen (a kind of ring fight), Schwinget (tournament for said ring fight)
- State: Gemeindeversammlung (Gathering of the voting community), Halbkanton (Half canton), Initiative, Landsgemeinde, Ständerat, Ständemehr, Vernehmlassung
[edit] Pronunciation
Because of their characteristic of helvetisms in pronunciation, speakers of Swiss Standard German will be instantly recognized by other German speakers in most cases.
In general, the pronunciation of Swiss Standard German is influenced by the respective Swiss German dialect of every speaker. The degree of that influence may vary according to the education.
[edit] Differing Pronunciation
In Switzerland, some words are stressed on other syllables than in the rest of the German-speaking area (Here marked with an accent):
- Family names that have a preposition are always accentuated on the preposition, even when those names are written with a space (blank character) between preposition and the rest of the name. E.g. in Michael vón Grünigen
- Acronyms like CD, WC, FDP etc. are not accentuated on the last, but on the first letter. (like this: CéDe, WéZe, 'éffdeepee)
- A lot of foreign words from different languages are accentuated on the first syllable, e.g. Ásphalt, Ápostroph, Bíllet, Búdget, Fílet, Gárage, Lábor, Pápagei, Pénalty, Pórtemonnaie.
[edit] Consonants
- /b d g z/ are voiceless lenes [b̥ d̥ ɡ̊ z̥]
- There is no final obstruent devoicing.
- /v/ is pronounced as an approximant [ʋ]; in some words, it is replaced by a voiceless lenis [v̥], z. B. in Möve oder Advent.
- Double consonants are often geminated, e.g. immer as [ˈɪmːər].
- Initial <ch> is pronounced as a [x], for instance in local names like Chur and Cham or in foreign words like China or Chemie, Chirurgie usw.
- The ending <-ig> is pronounced as [-ɪɡ̊], not [-ɪç], e.g. König [køːnɪɡ̊] 'king'
- <chs> is pronounced [xs] or [çs], not [ks], e.g. Dachs as [daxs] or sechs as [z̥ɛçs] 'six'.
- The <r> is not vocalized. In Switzerland, Vater 'father' is pronounced [ˈfaːtər] and not [ˈfaːtɐ].
- In Switzerland (expect the eastern part and Basel-Stadt) the alveolar [r] is more usual than the uvular [ʀ].
- There is often no glottal stop.
- Sometimes, /x/ is always pronounced as [x], and not differentiated into [x] and [ç], e.g. in nicht [nɪxt] instead of [nɪçt] 'not'.
- Sometimes, /k/ is pronounced as velar affricate [k͡x], e.g. Kunst [k͡xʊnst].
- Seldom /st sp/ are pronounced as [ʃt ʃp] instead of [st sp] in all positions, not only at the beginning of a word stem, e.g. Ast as [aʃt] 'branch'.
[edit] Vowels
- Unstressed /ɛ/ is often not pronounced as schwa, but as [e] or [ɛ], e.g. Gedanke [ɡ̊ɛˈd̥aŋkɛ] or [ɡ̊eˈd̥aŋke] 'thought'.
- Depending on the dialect, /a/ may be pronounced as a back [ɑ]).
- Depending on the dialect, short vowels may be pronounced more closed, e.g. Bett [b̥et] instead of [b̥ɛt] 'bed', offen [ˈofən] instead of [ˈɔfən] 'open', Hölle [hølːe] instead of [ˈhœlːe] 'hell'.
- Depending on the dialect, long vowels may be pronounced more open, e.g. See [z̥ɛː] instead of [ˈz̥eː] 'lake', schon [ʃɔːn] instead of [ʃoːn] 'already', schön [ʃœːn] instead of [ʃøːn] 'beautiful'.
[edit] Prosody
A special feature of the Swiss standard German, is a somewhat "singing" cadence. That means: Each word's accentuated syllable isn't only marked through the higher voice volume, but even through a hearable modification of the voice's sound. In general, the pitch of the accentuated syllable sinks.
- On the word Merci ("thanks!"), the first syllable is spoken louder and deeper than the second.
- On the calling Profitieren Sie! (Benefit!) in the shopping malls' transmissions, the pitch sinks from pro- to -fi-, until it has reached the deepest point at -tie-; at -ren and Sie the voice approx. reaches its original pitch again.
[edit] Orthography
In orthography, the most visible difference from Standard German usage outside Switzerland is the absence of ß (officially abolished in the Canton of Zürich in 1935, the sign fell gradually out use; it was dropped by the NZZ in 1974).
French and Italian Loanwords are written in their original forms - despite the reformation of German language's spelling rules. Majonäse stays Mayonnaise, and Spagetti stays Spaghetti. The newspaper NZZ has even chosen the word placieren, to not have to write platzieren.
Geographic names, like streets, are mostly written together: Baslerstrasse, Genfersee, Zugerberg usw., but also Schweizergrenze, Schweizervolk (very often)
Umlauts at Swiss proper names's beginning are written as <Ae>, <Oe> and <Ue>: Aebi, Oerlikon, Uetliberg (= Üetliberg, not Ütliberg!).
Finally, there are specialities like e.g.
- Bretzel instead of Brezel
Some of the above mentionned specialities are due to the general introduction of the typewriter in economy and administration. Because a Swiss typewriter must be able not to write only German texts, but also French and Italian texts, the limited number of characters wasn't enough for all those languages' special characters. So, the "Eszett" and the high-case Umlauts (Ä, Ö and Ü), but also the high-case accentuated vocals (e.g. À or É) were skipped.
[edit] Syntax
The Swiss German differs from Standard German in e.g. the gender (das E-Mail, das Tram und das SMS statt die) or in verbs' valence -the preposition they require- (jemanden anfragen instead of bei jmdm. anfragen).
In general, more often than in Germany or Austria, the Swiss use female descriptions of professions instead of using a generic masculine (e.g. Bundesrätin Ruth Metzler, Frieda U. wurde zur Primarschullehrerin gewählt). The "Binnen-I" isn't only used by the "politically correct" people.
Relative pronouns: The relative pronoun "welche(r)", that is clumsy and antiquated in Standard German is used without hesitation, e.g. in Damit wurde in der Schweiz ein Kompetenzzentrum für Klimafragen geschaffen, welches verstärkt die Bedürfnisse der Bevölkerung in den Mittelpunkt ihrer Forschung stellt. (from Jahresbericht 2001, Annual report of the ETH Zürich).
[edit] Differing Cases
Rabatt is used in Dative; in Standard German in Accusative. Example: "20% Rabatt auf allen Artikeln"
[edit] Sentence structure
The syntax has a lot of construction with shorted main clause and following subordinate clause, that only is marked through the beginning position of a verb, e.g.
- Gut, gibt es Schweizer Bauern. statt Es ist gut, dass es Schweizer Bauern gibt.
- Schön, haben Sie heute Zeit. statt (Es ist) schön, dass Sie heute Zeit haben.
- Schade, bist du gestern nicht hier gewesen. statt (Es ist) schade, dass du gestern nicht hier gewesen bist.
[edit] Swiss Expressions That Were Imported Into Standard German
Of course, they mostly describe Swiss speciality in fauna, flora, kitchen and politics, that became known right together with the till now unknown thing.
- Nature:
- Gletscher (in Western Alpen; in East Alps, they say Ferner or Kees=glacier)
- Gülle (=liquid manure)
- Lärche (=larch)
- Lawine (=avalanche)
- Murmeltier(=marmott)
- Senn(=Swiss alps farmer)
- Politics:
- Putsch (=the putsch)
- Reichsdeutsche (=Germans of the Reich;this term was coined 1871 by the Swiss-German-speaking people)
- Überfremdung (=over-alienation of the country)
- conventions and customs:
- Heimweh (=homesickness; first described on Swiss soldiers that missed the alps)
- Vignette (=Sticker, that you having to buy before using Swiss freeways)
- kitchen:
- Müsli (=Müsli)
- Cordon bleu (=cordon bleu)
- Fondue (=fondue - a melted cheese dish)
- Raclette (=raclette - a melted cheese dish)
- Bündnerfleisch (=cold meat from the canton of Graubünden)
- other:
- unentwegt (=steadfast)
[edit] Look Also
[edit] External links
- Helvetismen in the German "Universalwörterbuch": "Der schweizerische Wortschatz des Deutschen" von Maria Grazia Chiaro.
- Dictionary project about Helvetisms and other variants of German language: "Wörterbuch der nationalen und regionalen Varianten der deutschen Standardsprache"
- François de Capitani: Helvetismus in German, French and Italian in the online Historical Dictionary of Switzerland.
- Blog about it: blogwiese.ch