Helmut Tollmann

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Helmut G. Tollmann, born 1945 in Cologne, is a visual artist, whose work includes paintings, graphics, sculptures, photographs, performance and installations. He is the creator of "Soul of chip", multi-layered artworks dealing with human and technical intelligence. He lives and works in Cologne.

He has created light- and music-performances in collaboration with companies in Cologne, Hannover and Munich(electronica). He is represented in the collections by Daimler, Acer, Dielektra Siemens, as well as in other institutional and private collections, e.g., in Athens, Hong Kong, Singapore, New York.

His exhibition "Verbindungen" (connections) in Neuerburg was organized by the City of Cologne and Artexpert. He painted "The eye of Trude Herr". In Bonn the Federal Press Club invited Tollmann to participate in the "Beethoven Superstar" exhibition. He has painted portraits. In 2004 he got an award at the art festival in Ravenna as a significant foreign artist.


[edit] Life

  • 1961-64 graphics education
  • 1964-68 Study of graphics and design at the Cologne work-schools
  • 1968 Activity as a graphics designer and independent artist
  • 1970 Activity on natural painting and landscapes under the impression of the pictures of Max Ernst. Leverage of Jawlensky, learning the meditative apprenticeship of the Zen Buddhism.
  • 1975 Dealing with engineering processes and basic structures of electronics as elements of linked up communication.

Multi vision-performance. Exhibitions in Germany, the Netherlands, France.

  • 1980 Big events, exhibitions world-wide.
  • 1990 Developing the multi-level-technic. Experiments with new materials and technologies parallel to the development in the industrial technology.
  • 1996 Multimedia projects oriented to general public in collaboration with

Artexpert, Cologne

  • 2000 Concepts and working on linked up art projects.
  • 2001 Starting collaboration with Artforum Culture Foundation, Thessaloniki, dept. Germany -"Personal Individual" -graphics at ArtForum Editions, Thessaloniki-Cologne.
  • 2001 "Verbindungen" (Connections), exhibition-project by the City of Cologne and ArtExpert. More than 35.000 visitors.
  • 2002 "Verbindungen" (Connections), Mega-art-event on the exhibition site Munich.
  • 2002 Invitation of the Federal Press Club Germany for a one man show in case of the reopening of their new space in Bonn.
  • 2002 Soul of chip, Mega art event on the exhibition site Munich.
  • 2003 Retrospective one man show at art association Aurich; exhibitions Antwerp, at t-system, toll Collect ( one man shows).
  • 2003 Marina di Ravenna art festival.
  • 2004 Art event and one man show in the fair halls of Cologne.
  • 2004 End of the year he start the work process on the portrait of Karol Wojtyla, pope John Paul II. within the Sancto Subito project.
  • 2004 Exhibitions in Germany, Belgium, Slovenia, Italy, Spain.
  • 2005 "Obviously invisible" - art performance as a part of the art project Sancto Subito by Artforum Culture Foundation: water, earth, air- performance, including the materials of drawings and edition, in Rome, Philippi (GR) - and, on the occasion of the visit of pope Benedict XVI, in Cologne.
  • 2006 Exhibitions at Galerie Roubrocks and Partner, Cologne; Museum Wehrturm, Cologne; Gymnich Palace.
  • 2006 Working on the light and sound-performance COSMIC ELEMENTS
  • 2007 Exhibition at Planet One Gallery, Düsseldorf
  • 2007 Exhibition-project at Tsatsis Projects|Artforum, Thessaloniki
  • 2007 DUBAI Projects, Emirates
  • 2007 Exhibition and art-event "Electronica", Munich

[edit] Collections

Portrait orders of significant international economic leaders. Numerous artworks in private collections and public possession.

[edit] Publications (selection)

Helmut G. Tollmann, Art-performance at the CeBIT ’94,catalogue, cologne 1994 Helmut G. Tollmann, Soul of Chip, ed. Dieter Weiss, with a text by Uli Seegers, Cologne Helmut G. Tollmann, Arbeiten auf Papier (works on paper) 1996-97, ed. by Acer and Safiriou art-consulting, texts by G.O. Safiriou Verbindungen, exhibition catalogue, ed. by The City of Cologne in co-operation with ArtExpert, texts by G.O. Safiriou, Cologne 2001 Helmut G. Tollmann - Beethoven Superstar, text by G.O. Safiriou, Cologne-Bonn 2002 COSMIC ELEMENTS, catalogues, texts by G.O. Safiriou, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Thessaloniki 2007 Helmut G. Tollmann, monograph, ed. G.O. Safiriou, in preparation

[edit] Artists friends

Artist's friendship among others with Max Ernst, Hans Hartung, Andy Warhol, Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Charles Wilp, Michael (Mike) Jansen, Heinz Zolper.

[edit] Sources

  • www.helmut-tollmann.de

[edit] External Weblinks:

  • [1]/ Artbooks about the artist
  • [2]/ Artist project participation
  • [3]/ Pictures