Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research

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The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ was established in 1991 and has about 800 employees. They study the complex interactions between humans and the environment in cultivated and damaged landscapes. The scientists develop concepts and processes to help secure the natural foundations of human life for future generations.

The main locations are in Leipzig, Halle and Magdeburg.


[edit] Divisions and their Departments

[edit] Division: Biodiversity and Terrestrial Ecosystem

Conservation biology - Community Ecology - Soil Ecology

[edit] Division: Inland Water Resources and Ecosystems

Lake Research - River Ecology - Aquatic Ecosystem Analysis - Isotope Hydrology - Soil Physics

[edit] Division: Computational Environmental Systems

Computational Landscape Ecology - Computational Hydro Systems - Environmental Informatics - Ecological Modelling

[edit] Division: Biogeochemistry / Technology

Environmental Microbiology - Bioremediation - Isotope Biogeochemistry - Environmental Technology - Groundwater Remediation - Environmental Biotechnology - Hydrogeology - Monitoring and Exploration Technologies

[edit] Division: Analytics and Ecotoxicology

Analytical Chemistry - Effect-Directed Analysis - Ecological Chemistry - BioanalyticalEcotoxicology - System Ecotoxicology

[edit] Division: Health Research

Human Exposure Research / Epidemiology - Environmental Immunology - cellToxicology - Proteomics

[edit] Division: Social Science

Economics - Urban and Environmental Sociology - Environmental and Planning Law - Urban Ecology, Environmental Planning and Transport

[edit] Research Themes

Developing cities sustainable - Managing contaminated Soils and groundwater - Sustainable remediation and use of mining lakes - Using microbiological diversity for the environment and health - Preserving Biodiversity - Managing water resources in river basins - Governance and institutions - Integrated assessment of environmental conflicts and development of decision support tools - Identifying environment-related adverse health impacts - Making synthesis and catalysis sustainable - Comparing climate change over space and time

[edit] Funding

The UFZ is funded by the Federal Government of Germany to 90% and by the German States Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt to 5% respectively.

[edit] External links

  • www.ufz.de - Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ