Heirs of Eternity

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Heirs of Eternity is a four-part manga series written by Jose L. Torres with illustrations by Jae Tsai and Jim Royal, set in a world ruled by the Music of the Spheres: a harmonious combination of arts and science reconciled by music. However, forces unknown are tampering with the musical equilibrium and distorting reality for the people, leaving them unable to determine good from evil. A group is formed to restore the order and to learn more about the attacks on the Music of the Spheres.

Generally combining a standard graphic novel drama with a morality play, and citing Paradise Lost as an influence, Heirs of Eternity concerns everyday issues of trust and conflict, in a supernatural setting. Pyrus, an arch-demon, wants nothing more from his existence than love and redeemption, and comes to Earth in order to meet these goals and find his father, the Devil. Along the way he joins up with Wayne, a police officer, and a misguided angel, and soon, Pyrus realises that the scope of his quest far exceed his own personal wants and needs.